He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1420 Conquering the swimming circle Itachi!

Chapter 1420 Conquering the swimming circle Itachi!
"This Pokémon is."

Unexpectedly, what I caught was not a fish, but a water weasel, Xiaozhi said in surprise.

It has an orange body, with a yellow airbag like a swimming ring wrapped around its neck, and the tail behind it is forked at the end.

"Di Di. Itachi, a water-type Pokémon, when the buoyant sac on the neck is filled with air, it will expand like a swimming ring, and the tail spinning at high speed will be like a propeller when swimming."

Pokédex automatically broadcasts reports.

As soon as this swimming ring weasel stepped on the shore, he showed a menacing demeanor, and seemed to be a rare militant.

"Booy, Booy!!"

Its cry was short and fast, like the sound of extruding bubbles.

Even hooking his palm, he is about to fight Xiao Zhi.

Before Xiao Zhi could say anything, this swimming ring Itachi was already covered with water, and it turned into a sharp water arrow and flew towards him.

The jet of water hit the nearest Pikachu on the shore, and the strong momentum knocked it back several steps.

Swimming Ring Itachi also took advantage of the reaction force and jumped into the air, puffing out his cheeks.

Whizzing! !
The next moment, a beam of blue water has been sprayed from the mouth, and is flying on Pikachu's face.

"It's not bad, the moves are very smooth"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but admire that this set of punches is a bit similar to his Pikachu's lightning flash + [-] volt combination punch. Basically, it can block the opponents of this set of output, which is enough to make Pikachu a little more serious.


Xiaozhi's tone changed.

Pikachu, who was splashed by the water in front of him, also began to shake his hair frantically, shaking off all the water droplets, and it seemed that there was no big problem.

The level gap is a little bit different, plus there are two low-power water-type moves.
It's like giving Pikachu a bath on a hot day.


This made the wild swimming circle itachi stunned, and the other party didn't respond at all.

"Then now it's our turn, Pikachu, use Lightning Flash!"

As Ash's voice fell, Pikachu's eyes narrowed, the corners of his mouth evoked a funny arc, and he stepped out on the ground with a "whoosh" sound.

The speed was as fast as lightning, and before the swim ring Itachi could react, he was hit hard in the abdomen, and his body could not help but retreat for a few meters.

Pikachu, on the other hand, jumped into the air by the reaction force, and at the same time as he adjusted his body, the electric current on his cheeks also began to accumulate and flow.

"Right now, one hundred thousand volts!!"

In a very similar combo boxing process, Pikachu's lightning burst out in the air, turning into a dazzling and thick electric snake.

Boom! !

A solid bombardment hit the body of this swimming ring itachi, and the lightning exploded!

"Good chance, it's up to you!!"

Seeing this, Ash didn't miss this opportunity, and immediately threw an empty Poké Ball.

It hit the swim ring Itachi's forehead with precision and sucked it in.

After a few shakes, the Poké Ball stopped moving.

"Did you successfully subdue it?!"

Xiao Zhi was overjoyed and hurried forward to pick up the Poke Ball.

The process was surprisingly smooth!
This time, he has a water-type Pokémon in the Shenno area.

"Come out, Swimming Ring Itachi!!"

After a while, Xiao Zhi released the swimming ring Itachi that he had just captured.

After coming out, this swimming ring itachi still had injuries from the previous shock of [-] volts, and there were traces of scorch on the surface of the body.
Obviously, the attack just now caused huge damage to it.


However, he regained consciousness and did not just fall down.

At this moment, he is half sitting on the bank, with his hands clasped to his chest.

Xiao Zhi could only sit next to Itachi in the swimming circle and asked softly:
"Itachi, you should really like fighting, right?"

Seeing that the latter did not respond, Xiao Zhi continued:

"Not only did he rush to challenge Pikachu as soon as he came up, but also looked in that direction from time to time during the battle."

With that said, Xiao Zhi raised his palm and pointed to a certain direction behind him. This action made the rebellious swim ring Itachi turn his head.

But it quickly turned back, as if to refute.

In that direction at the moment, Mu Keer was practicing Yanhui's move in midair.

Sapling turtles are trying to communicate with the grass under their feet and feel the energy of grass attributes
Now at the bottom of its turtle shell, two finger-long green vines have been faintly extended, and it seems that the "absorb" move has some signs.


Leo Lu, on the other hand, jumped up from time to time on the spot, spinning his body, accompanied by an excited low voice, trying to perform the sword dance move.

The three of them were all practicing hard, and they were not affected by what happened on the shore.

There is no doubt about the strength of Pikachu in the team.
This made the three new recruits feel a lot of pressure, so they could only practice hard, and try to press the electric mouse down one day earlier.

"You also want to be like them, trying to become stronger, right?"

Xiaozhi's palm fell on the head of the swimming circle Itachi, and said softly.

This time, the latter didn't obviously resist Ash's touch.

The swimming ring Itachi's skin seems to be covered with a layer of light water, without any stickiness, but very silky and cool.

"If you believe me, then travel with me, and I will make you the strongest swimmer itachi!"

Listening to Ash's encouraging words, the aggressive swimmer Itachi finally turned his head again.

The same belligerent gaze, and Ash stared closely.


In the end, the swimming ring itachi nodded solemnly, agreeing with Xiaozhi's statement.

It's not one of those stupid fish. It will bite the bait knowing that someone is fishing on it.
Not to mention that the one holding the fishing rod is an ordinary-looking electric mouse.

It was the swimming circle Itachi who sneaked out of the water and saw the special training of several people on the shore that he deliberately jumped out of the bait and forcibly "touched the porcelain".

"Great, we will be partners in the future!!"

"Booy, Booy!!"

After the hostility of this swimming ring itachi was completely put down, he became more courageous. He raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Leo Lu, as if to express something.

This is to let Xiao Zhi quickly arrange the same special training for him.

"Don't worry, you're seriously injured right now."

Xiaozhi pressed down his restless arm, took out a bottle of wound medicine with his backhand, and carefully sprayed it on the scar on the surface of Itachi's body.

After such a long trip, he still learned this temporary treatment from Xiaogang.
Of course, only the most basic treatment.

With a little more difficult treatment, Xiao Zhi will just put all the medicine into the target's mouth, even the medicine for external application.

It's not a big problem, it's all good medicine anyway.


Seeing the human being in front of him carefully examining his scars, the belligerent expression of the swimming ring Itachi gradually calmed down, and something gradually appeared in Xiao Zhi's eyes.

As if traveling with humans, there is nothing wrong with it?

(End of this chapter)

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