He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1421 Female 3 bees!

Chapter 1421 Three female bees!
At dusk, Ash returned to the spirit center with Pikachu.

The special training of several Pokémon is still going on, and the moves have not yet been fully mastered.

It's not a big problem, after all, they still have to stay in this comfortable Huayuan Town for three days, waiting for the end of the flower garden competition the day after tomorrow before leaving.

As for the Swimming Ring Itachi that he just conquered, it seems to be the characteristic of "you can swim freely". Xiaozhi is going to let him try to master the move of "begging for rain" first.

In rainy weather, not only will the power of water-type moves be increased, but even the speed of Pokémon with the free-roaming feature will skyrocket.

This should be a very suitable fighting style for Swimming Ring Itachi.

But just as he walked into the door of the elf center, Ash saw Xiaoguang and Bogaman also staggering in.

Her hair was covered with weeds and petals, and she looked tired. She found a nearby seat and sat down before taking a breather.

It looks like he has been searching in the surrounding garden all day.
"Eh Xiaoguang, don't be so anxious, the three female bees will always appear~!"

Xiaozhi walked up to comfort and said, while reaching out to help Xiaoguang take off the grass leaves and petals hanging on his hair hat.

While picking the blades of grass, Xiao Zhi's head subconsciously looked around the center of the elf.

I don't know if it was an illusion, he always felt as if someone was watching him?


Pikachu also jumped to Pogaman's side, and the latter had some small ball spikes on his body, and every time he pulled one out, Pogaman shivered.

"Hmph, Xiaozhi, you underestimate me!!"


After a rest, one person and one penguin quickly became radiant again, patted his chest and said proudly.

I just can't find anyone to show off.

"Come out, three bees!!"

Thinking of this, Xiaoguang threw a Pokeball with his backhand.

The red light flashed, and a Pokémon made of three hexagonal honeycombs sticking together suddenly appeared in front of Ash's eyes.

On each side of the beehive, there is a lively expression, the structure is similar to the three gophers and the three-in-one magnet monster.


The translucent wings on both sides of the honeycomb are flapping at high frequency and seem to be very fast.

"Have you conquered the three bees?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he tried to reach out and poke the face of the three bees' hive, like a jelly, it could sag in an arc.

There is also a slight honey sweet smell.

Pokémon like the Three Bees have a good speed before they evolve.

But once the female three bees complete the evolution, the speed will drop sharply.

It seems that after the evolution of the queen bee, she no longer needs to work, and becomes a queen who only needs to move her mouth to command. Speed ​​or something is not important?
"So this one is the female three bees?"

Ash looked up and down, trying to see what was going on.

"Hehe, the key point is here~!"

Xiaoguang smiled proudly and pointed to the forehead of the bottom hive among the three bees and the three hives as if offering a treasure.

There, this red spotted pattern was born.

"Among the three bees, only the female individual is in this position, and there will be red spots, while the male three bees, there is nothing here!"

The evolved queen bee, with a red crystal-like organ on her forehead, may have evolved from this red spot.

"As expected of the eldest lady, you know everything!"

This made Xiao Zhi couldn't help but praise Plantina.


This made Xiaoguang's pretty face droop, a little discouraged.

Well, though indeed.

If it wasn't for Sister Plantina's off-site assistance, she would naturally not have known the secrets that even the academic world didn't know.

Even after knowing the differences between males and females of the three bees, Xiaoguang found more than 500 wild three bees around Huayuan Town, and only then did he find a female individual.

The sex ratio is outrageous!
"Next, it only needs a good workout, and it will soon evolve!"

Xiaoguang smiled and rubbed the head of the three bees. At this moment, the latter's personality was still like a naive child, circling and flying around Xiaoguang intimately.

According to Plantina, the evolution level of the queen bee is not high.

But the day after tomorrow's flower garden gorgeous competition, it must be too late.

After that, the EMI Gym in EMI City still has the possibility of making the Queen Bee debut.
The next day, Xiao Zhi continued his special training.

A new Swimming Ring Weasel was added to the team, and the training position was naturally chosen on the same shore as yesterday. With the breath of natural water, the Swimming Ring Weasel was able to train his moves.

With the perfect harvest, Xiaoguang's heart sank completely, and he concentrated on preparing for tomorrow's gorgeous garden competition.

Xiaogang didn't go back to the elf center at all for one night. It seemed that he had been living directly with Xiaolei these days, and he didn't know what he was doing.

But with the bad frogs around, they shouldn't be able to do anything.

"Itachi, try to get the water to linger around your tail, then slap the water!!"


Swimming Ring Itachi jumped out of the water, reflexively pressed his forked tail under him, and hit the water heavily.

Whoa! !
However, there was only a violent splash of water, and nothing special happened.

After conquering the swimming ring Itachi, Xiao Zhi naturally observed the latter's skills.

Itachi's moves are water guns, water jets, and sonic booms.

The sonic boom is the swimming ring Itachi swings his tail and flies out a slash of air energy for a long-range attack.

This move seems to be very powerful despite its name, but it is one of the few moves with the lowest power.

Even lower than the power of the impact!
That pair of flexible tails can only be used to cast sonic booms, which is somewhat underpowered. Because of this, Ash is going to let Swimming Ring Itachi master the "water tail" move first and replace the sonic boom.

But the effect doesn't seem to be ideal.
"By the way, I remember that the illustration mentioned it."

Ash's eyes blinked, he remembered that the pictorial book said that when itachi swims, the swimming ring will turn his tail at a high speed, like a propeller.

"That's it. Swimming ring ferret, lying on the shore, let the tail stick into the water and spin at high speed!"


The swim ring Itachi, who worked hard to become stronger, was naturally obedient. When he was about to lie on the shore with his upper body, his butt fell into the water.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

The next moment, the tail began to spin at a high speed, stirring the water frantically. The movement was so loud that it really looked like a propeller with an engine running at a high speed.

"Remember this power and use it even when you are out of the water!"


It seems that Swimming Ring Itachi has found the trick and is secretly familiar with the feeling.

This allowed Xiao Zhi to rest for a while, but his eyes looked around the shore with a puzzled expression.

Well, it seems that someone has been spying on you?

(End of this chapter)

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