He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1471 A neat battle

Chapter 1471 A neat battle

Sizzle! !

The frozen light exploded, and the biting ice and snow energy made the Fang Shark miserable.

The effect is remarkable, four times the restraint!
This blow even blew the sharp-toothed shark out, and fell heavily on the stage.

When the host approached to check, it was discovered that the eyes of this fangtooth land shark were already spinning, and it had lost its fighting ability on the spot.

And at this moment, there is still 1/3 of the health bar on the Ulala electronic screen.

"The fangtooth land shark has lost its ability to fight, so in this game, Xiaoguang from Futaba Town will advance!"

The host Vivian immediately shouted loudly, causing the audience to applaud.

"Good job Xiaoguang!"

Xiao Zhi in the audience also nodded.

Generally speaking, in gorgeous competitions, coordinating the battle of trainers is more based on the gorgeous health bar of the electronic screen.

At this moment, Xiaoguang, who was both cultivating in the Alliance Gym and the Gorgeous Tournament, was even more aggressive and seemed a bit aggressive. He was directly aiming to make the opponent's Pokémon unable to fight and get out of the game.

In other words, the level of Xiaoguang's Bogaman should have evolved a long time ago.

I don't know why it has not evolved yet?

On the stage, the girl with pink curly hair was exasperated, her face flushed red.

After taking back the defeated Fang Lu Shark, he glared at Xiao Guang hatefully, and then he scolded and exited the stage.


Xiaoguang, who was successfully promoted, didn't think so much.

I'm really unfamiliar, and now I don't have time to pay attention to other people's thoughts.

The next battle is Xiaowang's battle. She has to hurry up and watch the battle while she is resting.

"Let's go Bogaman!"

Immediately, Xiaoguang picked up Bogaman and left. Although the two were good, she regarded Xiaowang as her first-class enemy this time.

"Interesting, this game."

Under the stands, seeing the players on both sides this time, both Xiaozhi and Xiaogang showed interest.

In the second battle, there were acquaintances on both sides, Xiao Wang on one side, and Mr. Shang Zhi with a harp on the other.

Shang Zhi was originally a trainer of both the alliance gym and the gorgeous competition, and Xiaowang's battle was much more flexible than the general coordination trainer.

The one Xiaowang sent was still her ace capuchin cat, which was extremely agile and agile.


On the other side, what Shang Zhi sent was a huge armored beast with an upright body, covered with the sturdy blue armor unique to insects, and its claws were extremely sharp hooked claws.

"It turned out to be the ancient armor."

Ash was secretly surprised that this Pokémon was a rare fossilized Pokémon in the Fangyuan area, and I didn't expect to see it in the Shenno area.

It can only be said that he is also a gymnast, and he looks aggressive.

The battle begins!
"The ancient armor, use the original power!!"

From the very beginning, the ancient armor will use the moves that Fossil Pokémon are good at.

"Capricorn cat, use the high-five surprise attack!"

But the curly-tailed cat moved a step faster, and the figure turned into an afterimage and rushed out quickly, and then slapped it in front of the Taikoo armor.

The crisp slap interrupted the opponent's actions abruptly, and even lowered a part of Shang Zhi's health bar.

"Hoohoo!!" But the action of the ancient armor did not end. After a little stalemate, several rocks were condensed again, and they were thrown out.

"Capricorn cat, use the opponent's original power to bounce up!"

Under Xiao Wang's command, the capuchin cat leaped in the upper air, with its toes lightly stepping between the speeding rocks, beating back and forth flexibly.

Stepping on them while dodging moves, it can be said that this action maximizes the agility of the capuchin cat.

Shang Zhi began to deduct blood again.

"And then there's the wave of water!!"

After jumping through many primitive powers, the curly-tailed cat jumped up suddenly, and the rapidly condensed water bullets in the palms of the palms smashed directly to the target below.

"Prime armor, use protection!"

Shang Zhi quickly commanded, although his face was elegant, a drop of sweat had already fallen on his forehead.

The attack of the little girl in front of him gave him an unbearable pressure.


The wave of water exploded around the protective barrier of the ancient armor, but it did not cause any damage.

"Once again, use the wave of water!!"

However, Xiaowang's offensive was not over yet, the Capricorn cat jumped up, and a stream bomb was thrown out again.

However, the wave of water this time was not aimed at the ancient armor, but at the ground between the two, which was too late to defend.

Boom! !
The waves of the water burst, and the water splashed, and the entire stage of the arena became wet in an instant, with messy water flowing.

"Is this imitating Xiaoguang's tactics?"

Under the stage, Xiao Zhi saw something in an instant.

In the last game, Xiaoguang turned the tide of the battle by changing the terrain, but this tactical backhand was stolen by Xiaowang.

At this moment, the immemorial armor, which is cumbersome and bulky, is completely difficult to move on this wet and muddy ground.

But the curly-tailed cat with a soft and light body can still jump and run smoothly.

The gap between the two postures and movements once again deducted Shang Zhi's gorgeous score.

"Capricorn cat, use a shadow clone!"

With the shadow clone cast by the capuchin cat at the end, it confuses its own body position.

And the cross scissors of the ancient armor could not accurately hit the target, and the attack action of wide opening and closing gave the curly-tailed cat an opportunity.

"It's over, use the steel tail!!"

The curly tail of the curly-tailed cat turned into metal steel, and instantly spread out, turning into a dazzling long whip.

As the body rotated in the air, the steel tail fell heavily and slapped the chest of the ancient armor.
Bang Bang! !
The effect is outstanding!

The latter's huge body suddenly fell, and the winner was completely divided.

"In this game, Xiaowang from Xuefeng City will advance!"

The host quickly gave a verdict, which is undoubtedly a wonderful duel.

"As expected of Xiaowang, the battle is still so simple and neat, and he has seized all the advantages that can be used."

"Even now Xiaoguang may not be able to beat her."

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang nodded and praised each other repeatedly. It seems that the next semi-finals and finals are the real climax!
After the battle between Xiaoguang and Xiaowang, the third person to appear is Xiaoguang's kindergarten classmate, Jianwu.

"Hey, has Jianwu also advanced?"

Ash blinked, puzzled.

"I'm not impressed. I've never paid much attention to men."

Xiaogang shook his head, his eyes quickly fell on the red-haired big sister named "Musashi Rina" opposite Jianwu, and then he also showed a confused look.

Strange, although this eldest sister wears big glasses, her face is pretty good, but why doesn't she have the slightest reaction?

(End of this chapter)

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