He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1472 Ancient Giant Fly

Chapter 1472 Ancient Giant Fly
Musashi disguised as "Musashi Lina" appeared on stage.

Of course, it's not a disguise, it's more like a stage name used by stars.

"Come out, Prince Bo!!"

Musashi's opponent is Kengo, and his ace Bo Prince is still sent.

"My baby, kill it for me~!"

Musashi sent a Pokémon in the shape of a dragonfly.

"This is.?"

This is the first time I've seen this Pokémon, Ash, and it looks a bit similar to the dragonfly in the Chengdu area, but it's much bigger, and it's covered in a black-green hard shell.

The position of the eyes is also like a red armor covered with a layer of metallic texture, which is quite ferocious.

"DiDi. Ancient giant flies, with insect and flight attributes, are the evolutionary form of dragonflies after comprehending the original power. The shock waves generated when flapping their wings can cause fatal injuries to the inside of the opponent's body. Loto~!"

The picture book introduced.

"Do you understand the original power?"

Xiaogang carefully pondered this sentence, and it looked like a giant vine. After mastering the "primitive power" move, he could complete the evolution.

No one knows about the special evolutionary method in the Chengdu area.

On the stage, Musashi naturally did not understand the evolutionary method of primitive power.

This dragonfly was a Pokémon she casually captured on the side of the road, and it evolved on its own before it took a while.

Anyway, it's a good thing, I just stayed by my side for the time being and didn't send it back to the Rockets headquarters.

"Hmph, Prince Bo, use the wave of water!!"

The battle began, and Kengo, dressed as a European-style noble boy, took the lead in attacking.

Prince Bo opened his mouth, and a blue water bomb was thrown out!

"Ancient giant fly, use shadow clone~!"

Musashi snapped his fingers and responded unhurriedly.

As this ancient giant fly fluttered its wings with high frequency, more than a dozen strange-looking ancient dragonflies appeared on the stage in an instant.

The fluctuations of water naturally fail and pass through.

"Right now, use the silver whirlwind!"

Next, the ancient giant fly flapped the wings of the insect, and the bright gray storm with crystal clear and beautiful powder spread to the audience!

The silver whirlwind is an AOE move. At this moment, with the cover of the shadow clone, it is completely impossible to judge where the attack is coming from.

This allows Prince Bo to keep his body in place and defend himself.

It's just that the silver whirlwind is a beautiful and gorgeous move, and it's still making Jian Wu's blood bar keep deducting blood "Prince Bo, use the water ring!!"

Jian Wu gritted his teeth and said.

He originally planned to use this move later, but now it must be used directly in this situation.

Gurgling babble.!

In the next moment, a circle of water flowed around Prince Bo's body, forming a beautiful water flow barrier.

This move not only can continuously restore Prince Bo's physical strength, but also has a very high display effect in terms of gorgeousness.

This also made Musashi's side start to deduct blood.

"Hmph, do you think I'll let you use it so smoothly? Ancient giant fly, use ultrasonic waves!!"

Musashi's expression was ruthless, and he immediately attacked.

I saw the high-frequency sound wave vibrating from the mouth of this ancient dragonfly, which directly ignored the water flow ring around Prince Bo's body and landed on Prince Bo in the center without any obstacle.


This also made the latter's mind spin for a while, his feet staggered, and he looked like he was stumbling on the stage.

"Quickly wake up!!"

Unexpectedly, the other party is still hiding such a move, Jian Wu hurriedly shouted loudly, trying to wake up his Prince Po.

Unfortunately, the bond value of the two may not be enough, and Prince Bo is still in chaos.

"It's over, use Air Slash!!"

This also gave Musashi an opportunity to attack immediately.

The blue-white air slashed by the ancient giant fly fanned out, and the frenzied and intensive bombardment hit Prince Bo who had no sense of defense at all.

Whoosh bang! !

The air slash exploded, directly blasting Prince Bo out.

At this moment, he has not evolved into a mature emperor, Nabo, and has not yet acquired the "steel attribute", so Prince Bo's own defense is not so outstanding.


When the smoke dissipated, he saw that this Prince Bo had fallen to the ground and completely lost his ability to fight.

"Ahaha~! Boy, you are still too tender~!"

Victory at the flag, which made Musashi immediately put his arms on his hips and laughed, mocking mercilessly.


The defeat is set, which makes Jianwu unable to refute anything.

In the end, he could only give Musashi a rather annoyed look, took back Prince Po, and left the stage angrily.

"Is this how the ancient giants fight?"

Under the stands, Xiao Zhi was also paying attention to this battle, or rather, he was learning about the way the ancient giants fought.

The first fight may be a bit troublesome, but after knowing the opponent's battle information, this Pokémon is not difficult to deal with.

In the final round of review, the previous big sister who had brought Minas to coordinate the trainer confronted a handsome man who was also tall and slender.

The opponent was using a pink sea hare beast, the back and the top of the head were covered with a gray-brown mud shell, and the whole body was soft.

"Minas, use the water cannon!!"

However, this sea hare still has the characteristics of water diversion. The powerful water cannon impacted on the latter, not only did no damage, but completely absorbed the water flow, improving the sea hare's special attack.

Xiao Zhi became interested, and hurriedly took out the picture book.

"Di Di. Sea hare, with water and ground attributes, is an evolution of the shellless sea hare, and its soft body has no bones. Due to the long-term geographical isolation, the sea hare beasts distributed in the east of Tianguan Mountain are blue. color, and pink to the west. Loto~!"

The map suggests.

Ash nodded secretly, it seemed that this was just the sea hare beast from the west.

It's just the same combination of water and ground attributes as the Swamp King and the Giant Swamp Monster. Among the 18 attributes, there is only one weakness of grass attribute. It can be said that if there is no grass attribute move, it will be quite difficult.

On the other side, Minas is also a famous durable Pokémon, and moves such as the water ring and self-recovery can be learned and mastered.

No one could do anything to get the other, which turned the stage into a tug of war.

It was not until the 3-minute countdown of the gorgeous contest was over that the two were forced to decide the winner.

However, depending on the health status of the two, it is estimated that they can fight for another 10 minutes.

As for the ending
Since both sides are scraping each other, there is no good effect.

In the end, it was Minas, who was outstanding and gorgeous in appearance, who prevailed, allowing the coordinator of the sea rabbit to deduct more health bars and successfully advance to the semi-finals.

This also confirmed the list of the four players who were promoted.

(End of this chapter)

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