He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1477 Swallow the energy ball

Chapter 1477 Swallow the energy ball

"What a strange combination"

This made the three of Xiaozhi open their mouths in unison.

On one side is the cold and arrogant iceberg, and on the other side is the fiery sun, the two opposite people form a team together, the situation is extremely curious.


Even Shinji looks like he is about to erupt a volcano. He talks as soon as he talks, can he stop his saliva!

"Shinji heard that you are a strong trainer? Let's quickly specify tactics and try to win the championship!"

Ah Tung didn't notice the other party's anger at all, and was still chattering.

Shinji, who couldn't bear it, turned his head, and saw the three of Xiaozhi looking in his direction in the distance, and their expressions were all snickering.

This made his eyelids jump wildly.

"Xiaozhi~! This time, Shinji and I will definitely defeat you~!"

On the other hand, the carefree Ah Hun shouted loudly and loudly declared war, which attracted the attention of many contestants around.


In the end, Shinji could only helplessly step aside and quietly wait for the start of the game.

As for Ah Thun's constant chattering about matching tactics, Shinji didn't listen at all.

It's over after each fight, he has no interest in doubles.

Soon, the doubles conference officially began.

The first round opponents of Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang are a pair of adult men and women, one side has short blue hair, and the other side has long red ponytail hair.

They were all wearing big sunglasses, completely covering their faces.

"Come out, my baby!"

"Kill them completely for me!!"

Disguised as ordinary contestants, Musashi and Kojiro sent their own Pokémon first.

The Rockets, which are well-funded at this moment, no longer need to work everywhere, and can enjoy life at will.

It seemed like fate, with nearly a hundred numbers, the two of them were able to draw just one group.

The red light flashed, but he saw a cage of fangs on Kojiro's side. As soon as he came out, he turned his direction, and his open mouth contained half of Kojiro's head.

"Idiot, your opponent is on the side!!"

Kojiro shoved the latter's head away violently, which made the fangcage put its target in front of him.

Its figure is suspended in mid-air, and its movements are ethereal. Although Fangcage is a grass-type Pokémon, its characteristic is very strange floating.

On Musashi's side, he sent Guen Ong.


The latter squinted his eyes, making it impossible to see the depth at all.

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang also looked at each other and threw their own Pokeballs at the same time. Although the other's Pokemon looked so familiar?

The red light flashed, and the Turtles and Bogaman, who belonged to one of the three imperial families in the Shenao area, appeared at the same time, standing side by side.

The rules of the Doubles Tournament are extremely simple. Only two Pokémon can be used on one side. When both lose their fighting ability, the winner will be determined.

"Hmph, aim at Bogaman and use the seed machine gun!!"

As soon as he came up, Kojiro attacked Bogaman's position with restraint.

"Sure enough, Weng, you can also play by yourself!"

Musashi directly chooses hosting.


Sure enough, Weng narrowed his eyes and waited, the blue body surface was sometimes covered with red light, and sometimes covered with colorful purple light.
It's a double-return and mirror-reflection move that switches back and forth, making it perfectly resistant to any move that comes from the attack.

"Pogaman, use the foam light!!"

In the face of the incoming dense and seed machine guns, Bogaman also spit out countless energy bubbles, bombarding frantically in the center of the arena.

"Grass seedling turtle, use the ultimate absorption!!"

Xiao Zhi suddenly inserted into the battlefield and commanded the road.

The tortoise understood, two green vines quickly extended out of the turtle shell on the back, meandering and extending away, directly tying the fang cage.

He is quite familiar with Guen Weng, and no matter what move he plays, he will bounce back.

But the flaw is that Weng can only passively endure, and can never take the initiative to attack.

Then just don't fight, focus the target on the Fang Cage!
"Right now, Bogaman, use Freezing Light!!"

Xiaoguang also commanded tacitly beside him.

Taking advantage of the grass seedling tortoise tied to the target, the frozen electric snake shot out of Bogaman's mouth, bombarded the Fangcage head-on, and the ice light exploded!

The effect is outstanding!

"Damn, then just play my reasoning, then try this trick, use the energy ball!"

Kojiro gritted his teeth and attacked again.

The Rockets are temporarily rich, and he also took the time to spend a high price to buy an energy ball move skill machine, so that Fang Fang can master it.


The next moment, a green energy bomb quickly condensed in Fang Fangcage's open mouth.

"Give me an attack as expected!!"

However, Kojiro suddenly turned around and commanded.

Since you don't attack as expected, then let me attack!

Fang Fang understood, and hit the energy ball in his mouth straight at Guen Weng.


Seeing that someone finally attacked him, Weng was also in high spirits. When he was about to switch his defensive move to mirror launch, he could perfectly withstand this energy ball.

Boom boom boom! !

In the next moment, it turned into a terrifying green laser, which suddenly bombarded and flew out, piercing the air, and the power was terrifying!

This made Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang's expressions change slightly, and they quickly directed their two elves to dodge in embarrassment.

"Haha, as expected, Weng is always so trustworthy!"

Musashi immediately laughed, as if the commander was himself.

"Humph, Fangcage, get ready to continue using the energy ball!"

Kojiro also showed his covetous eyes and commanded.

Unlike other Pokémon, Musashi's mirror launch is different from other Pokémon. He doesn't need to take damage and can directly bounce back attacks.

This allows him to attack without distractions.


Seeing that the next green light energy is about to rush, this time the grass seedling turtle suddenly has a heart, and takes the initiative to rush towards the double energy ball.

In the end, he suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the energy of that bunch of grass attributes into his stomach.

This really Weng's mirror reflection is different from other Pokémon, the latter converts all energy into super power attribute energy and releases it.

But sure enough, Weng returned the energy of the same attribute the same way.

It can be said that this group of green energy lasers bounced out is completely a large-sized energy ball!


And swallowing this surging grass attribute energy completely, the grass seedling tortoise on the ground frowned tightly, and his body trembled a little.

However, the surface of the body, which was originally covered with dark green moss, began to flash with a bright green light.

As if the previous double energy ball was charging it instead.

"Energy ball, is there such a way to use it?"

On the edge of the stand, Shinji narrowed his eyes thoughtfully after watching this magical scene.

(End of this chapter)

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