He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1478 Double evolution!

Chapter 1478 Double evolution!

"Hey! Where is the referee, it's a foul meow!! There's no reason to eat someone else's trick meow!!"

On the edge of the stand, Miaomiao, disguised as a small old man, immediately shouted angrily.

This time, the Rockets participated in the doubles conference. One was to relax a little and experience the leisure style of the locals in the Shenno area.

The second purpose is the winning prize of this doubles conference.

In previous years, the winning prizes were two soothing bells. If this item is carried by Pokémon, it can increase the intimacy between part of the trainer and the trainer.

The metaphysical attribute of intimacy, although it is difficult to describe in detail, has certain magical effects if it is put into battle.

But this year's winning prize is different, a very rare yellow-green feather.

The curved shape is like a waning moon, an extremely beautiful crescent moon feather!

This is the legendary Pokémon - Dream God, Cresselia's feather, which is extremely rare.

The mayor of Jiayuan City got this feather by chance, and simply released it as a prize for the conference. This also made the contestants of this year's competition stronger and more eager to win or lose.


On the field, swallowing twice the energy of the energy ball, the grass seedling turtle let out a low voice, and the whole body was full of emerald green light.

This kind of change changed the expressions of Musashi and Kojiro. Is this herbivorous? !
"Right now, Bogaman, use Freezing Light!!"

Xiaoguang was the first to come back to his senses and hurriedly commanded.

There were too many strange things that happened to Xiao Zhi, but in comparison, it didn't surprise her much.

Sizzle! !

Unpredictable, the strong ice light burst on Fang Fang's body, and the burst of ice chips also caused the latter's figure to fly upside down immediately.

The effect is outstanding!

When Kojiro came back to his senses, he found that his fang cage had completely lost its fighting ability.

"Hey, hey, little girl, you're fouling!! Now everyone is surprised, it's forbidden to shoot!!"

Kojiro immediately rebuked, which turned the field into a two-on-one situation.

"Hmph, no matter how many people, my Weng will never lose!!"

Musashi is a Kojiro who pulled back the riot, and said proudly.

"Swallow the energy ball?"

Xiao Zhi's expression was not too surprised, he had encountered such tactics before.

The battle was still going on. Seeing that the opponent's Weng was on his hips, looking like "hit me quickly", Xiao Zhi raised his hand and pointed:
"Grass seedling turtle, use parasitic seeds!!"

The tortoise understood, a brown seed flew from the top of its head and landed in front of Guen Weng.

Wow wow wow.!
In the blink of an eye, tough and thick vines grew, wrapping Guen Weng tightly from the bottom.

Although this Weng was able to rebound the attack without injury, the area where he could rebound was only the front of his body, and his feet were completely vulnerable.

Even Parasitic Seed is not an attacking move in the traditional sense, and cannot be rebounded at all.

"Sure enough, Weng, hurry up and break free!!"

Seeing that his own general, Ong, was directly lifted into the air by the rising vines, and even fell over without his center of gravity, unable to maintain the mirror reflection or the double return action, Musashi hurriedly shouted.

Although he devoured the energy ball, the grass seedling turtle temporarily gained a "prosperous" effect and greatly improved the grass attribute attack, but Xiao Zhi still chose an evil attribute move with attribute restraint.

"Now, use the bite trick!!"

The grass seedling turtle swooped on immediately and bit Guen Weng fiercely, causing a high amount of damage.

"Bogaman, use the tidal spin!!"

Watching his companion jump away, Bogaman flew out a large mass of torrents, completely engulfing Weng, and eating away at the opponent's stamina little by little.

"Hey, the outcome is already divided."

Seeing this scene, Shinji, who was watching, just turned his head away, his cold eyes not paying attention to the battlefield.

Sure enough, this Weng is very special, but the shortcomings are also obvious.

If there is a strong trainer, there is still a point. But this trainer has no command, and completely blinded a good Pokémon.

However, Xiao Zhiming is an old-fashioned trainer, and he still uses low-level grass seedling turtles.

"Is this guy starting over like me?"

The true director glanced at the peculiar appearance of the grass seedling tortoise. In terms of the energy momentum of the grass attribute, it is far more powerful than that of his earth turtle in the grass seedling tortoise stage.

It appears to be a rare mutation.

"Wow, is Xiao Zhi so powerful? It's flowing like a cloud!"

Ah Hun was calling something from the side, pulling Shinji's sleeve from time to time, not caring at all about the latter's desire to kill.

After a stalemate in this battle for five or six minutes, Sure enough, Weng was finally swept out by Cao Miaogui and Bogaman.

The bloodskin is too thick, even if the two of them are beaten by Bai, they will fight for a while before the winner can be completely determined.



And with the end of the battle, defeating such a high-level opponent also made the Grass Turtle and Bogaman take a big mouthful of experience points. At this moment, their bodies were both flickering with dazzling white light!

In the white light, the figure continues to expand and grow.

"This is evolution?!"

The two Pokémon evolved together at the same time, but it attracted the attention of many people, making the entire arena quiet, quietly waiting for the changes of the two Pokémon.

And as the light of evolution completely dissipated, the tortoise also revealed a new attitude.

The originally small body swelled several times at this moment, and it was more than one meter high.

The terrestrial turtle-shaped body is still dark green as if covered with moss, while the thick and thick limbs and soles, and the back of the turtle shell connected to the head are brownish-yellow, and there are two lush bushes and grasses.

"This is.?!"

Xiao Zhi was surprised and took out the picture book.

"Di Di. Forest tortoise, grass attribute, the evolution of the grass seedling tortoise, likes to bask in the sun, will roll on the ground or in the mud, let the tortoise shell absorb minerals to become more hard, the grass on the back can sometimes grow oak Real nuts. Loto~!"

The picture book introduced.

Absorbing the minerals of the earth makes the turtle shell harder, and when it reaches maturity, it will officially gain ground properties.


It's just that Xiaoguang showed a puzzled look compared to Xiaozhi's enthusiasm.

Although Bogaman was also covered with evolutionary white light, he bowed his body and seemed to be trying to suppress something.

"Boga, Boga!"

In the end, the white light dissipated, and Bogaman did not complete the evolution, but was panting in place, as if he had experienced a high-intensity battle before.

(End of this chapter)

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