He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1499 Artificial Airflow

Chapter 1499 Artificial Airflow

"Damn, is that Shinji?!"

Looking at the flame tornado that suddenly rose, although Xiao Zhi, who was in the low-lying part of the maze, couldn't see the source of the attack, he could guess that it was the good thing that Shinji's duck-billed fire dragon did.

He has no objection to subduing Pokémon, but the surrounding Scorpios should at least think about it first.

In the chaotic airflow, more than ten wild Scorpios fell from the air like dumplings.

At this height, although the hardness of the Scorpio's body is not enough to fall down. But the pain of the flesh is unavoidable.

"Boga, Boga!!"

And Pogaman seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly raised his head, only to feel that his hall was darkened.

He raised his head subconsciously, and sure enough he could see a Scorpio with its tongue sticking out, quickly falling in disorder in his direction.


Bogaman was shocked, and immediately spread his feet and ran in one direction, trying to completely avoid the opponent's falling blow.

Boom! !

Even at a critical juncture, Bogaman's whole body was covered with a layer of water, and the whole body turned into a fierce water arrow, which suddenly shot in one direction with extremely fast speed.

Water jet!

"Wow, Bogaman, have you mastered the water jet!"

Xiaoguang was pleasantly surprised that this preemptive move with the water attribute was difficult for Bogaman to use before.


In the jet of water, Bogaman was also secretly proud in his heart, but he didn't expect that he would be able to comprehend new moves.

Then he turned his head slightly in the water and looked into the air.

You're so far away, you shouldn't be able to hit yourself this time, right?


However, in mid-air, the Scorpio with its tongue sticking out also thought so.

After accidentally hitting Pogaman last time, it doesn't intend to repeat the same mistakes this time. Although it fell out of power, it still forced its wings and gliding to a distant direction at an extremely fast speed.

Just when it was satisfied and relieved, it was far enough away now that it was impossible to bump into the grumpy penguin.

One dashed below, and the other swooped down in the air.

The two elves looked at each other.

Scorpio: "?"

Pogaman: "?"

Unconsciously, the trajectory of the two together formed two perfect sides of a triangle, and they were getting closer and closer, and an angle was about to be formed.


This scene also silenced Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang in the back, and closed their eyes at the same time, unable to bear to look directly.

Bang Bang! !
Then there was a crisp, muffled collision sound, and the diving Scorpio landed on Bogaman again.

The hard head of the ground attribute instantly broke the protection of the water jet, and hit Bogaman's head without hindrance.

Still very precise guidance.


With Bogaman's wailing, the move was interrupted, and both of them fell on the spot.


When the collision was over, Xiaoguang hurried over and carefully supported Bogaman. As for the latter, his eyes were dizzy again, and his eyes were full of stars.


This wild scorpion is rubbing its head, not knowing it.
Although, this time, he was not injured again?

As all the surrounding Scorpion groups fell, only the leader Scorpion King remained in the sky.

"Majula, use Freezing Light!!"

As the power of the flame vortex gradually weakened, Shinji attacked again.

In field battles, he is not opposed to a two-on-one subduing method.

Squeak! !
Unable to dodge, this Scorpion King was hit by the freezing light head on, causing huge damage!

You must know that ice attribute moves are four times restrained for Scorpio King.

"The last trick, use big characters to explode flame!!"

Taking advantage of the fact that the Scorpion King was completely frozen into an ice sculpture, Shinji commanded again.

The duck-billed fire dragon beside him took a deep breath, and then spewed out a huge flaming character, hitting the ice cube Scorpio King with precision!

Boom boom boom! !

The flame suddenly burst in the air, and the sudden change in temperature also caused the wild Scorpion King to fall directly from the explosion, losing its ability to fight on the spot.

Shinji raised the corner of his mouth, sneered, and then threw a Pokeball.

The whole process was completed in one go, and it was extremely smooth. Obviously, Shinji is also a master of subduing.

Scorpio King, successfully subdued!

"Go get it!"

Next, Shinji dispatched the Dark Crow, took back the Poké Ball that contained the Scorpion King in the distance, and skillfully took out the picture book with the other hand, and lowered his head to check the individual qualifications of the Scorpion King.

Xiaozhi usually uses the illustrated book to scan and explore after he has captured the Pokémon.

However, Shinji is different. The first time the subjugation is completed, an investigation will be carried out.

If the individual fails, it will be released on the spot. If you save it, you will have to take it to the Spirit Center, wasting extra time.


Just after reading the data scanned from the illustrated book, Shinji's face darkened.

It's not that aptitude is not good. This wild Scorpion King has just reached the threshold of aptitude he expected.

If the qualifications are high, of course, they will happily accept it.

Low qualifications, let it go on the spot.

But this Scorpion King with neither high nor low aptitude, it would be a pity to let it go. If you keep it, you will feel that something is missing.

Not to mention that this Scorpion King is the result of his 2 days of guarding.

No wonder it went so smoothly, but in terms of combat effectiveness, it doesn't seem to work.
"Tsk! Take it with you for the time being."

In the end, Shinji could only sigh and temporarily included it in the team.

Or why don't you go down below to take in a few Scorpios and compare them?

Just thinking that the three people who almost broke his defense this time are all in this maze, Shinji's face darkened again.


Thinking of this, Shinji decisively took back the duck-billed fire dragon, Marula and the dark crow, and released a large brown-gray goshawk with his backhand.

Sharp eagle eyes, with a pair of cool undercut red feathers on his head.

The evolution of Muke bird. Muke Eagle!
Immediately, Shinji turned directly to the back of the Muke Eagle, flapped his wings and took off, leaving the valley maze.

"Damn, this guy!"

Seeing that Shinji had conquered his goal, he walked away on the spot, and Xiao Zhi couldn't help but scolded.

Then he looked at the nearby Scorpio.

This group of wild scorpions should have been trapped in this valley by accident, and they need to rely on natural airflow to get out.

Now that even the leader is gone, it is estimated that it will be more difficult to get out.

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang looked at each other, and immediately had an idea in their hearts.

Xiaoguang released the queen bee with his backhand, and Xiaozhi's Muke bird also fell to the ground from the air and lined up together.

"Muke bird (queen bee), use strong wind against the sky!!"

They plan to create updrafts to send this group of Scorpios out of the valley.

As the muke bird and the bee queen fanned and fanned, the violent airflow also rushed into the sky.

"Bronze Mirror Monster, use phantom light!!"

But there was a low voice coming from the side.

Next is a bronze mirror monster levitating and approaching, the phantom light that spreads out, and the chaotic strong wind that combines the muke bird and the bee queen to synthesize a smooth and stable overall airflow.

Xiaogang walked over from the side.

After understanding the meaning of his companion, he naturally offered his own assist for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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