He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1500 Bogaman chooses to lie down

Chapter 1500 Bogaman chooses to lie down
The airflow began to blow violently. Although the coverage of the strong wind this time was not as wide as the natural airflow of the previous valley, it covered the entire valley.

But concentrating on one area also makes the wind stronger and more persistent.


And the blessing of the strange phantom light in the bronze mirror also makes this "downwind channel" very firm and stable.

"Is this your new partner? He looks quite reliable."

Looking at Xiaogang and the Bronze Mirror Monster who came over, Xiaozhi said with a smile.

Immediately, he looked down at the Scorpio who was sticking out his tongue. Seeing that the latter was stunned, he had to remind:

"Hurry up and call your companions. Using this wind channel to leave Muke bird won't last long."

Although the latter is confused, he can still understand the meaning at the critical moment, and his eyes are immediately condensed.

At the beginning, they had the first wild scorpion accidentally fell into this valley, and then the former released ultrasonic detection, trying to leave this place.

As a result, the ultrasonic waves of the same family spread out, attracting new Scorpios to fall here.
In the end, even the leader Scorpion King fell here together.

"An unreliable leader."

The Scorpio thought to himself, but at this moment it was a rare opportunity, it immediately opened its mouth wide and released its own ultrasonic waves around the sky.

Normal human ears are difficult to catch at all, but the naked eye can barely see the translucent sound waves, which are gradually spreading.

"Gera~!" "Gera~!" "Gera~!"

Feeling the call of this scorpion, the scorpions hidden in the maze of the stone road also flew up and approached Xiaozhi together.


The Scorpio with its tongue sticking out was not the first to take off with the artificial airflow, but guarded beside the passage like a traffic policeman.

Tightening his little face, he waved his double pliers to command.

call out.!

After the first scorpion spread its gliding wings and took off in the strong wind of the muke bird and the queen bee, the other scorpions followed the gourd, spread their wings, and plunged into the airflow.

The durability of the Muke bird and the queen bee is not very good, but for the sake of this group of scorpions, they are still working hard to maintain the release of the strong wind, and sweat falls on their foreheads.

Riding the wind, these more than ten Scorpions flew into the sky nearly [-] meters high in a short while.

At this altitude, they can fly freely even without significant airflow assistance.

"It's your turn, Scorpio!"

Seeing that the Scorpio was still looking at it stupidly, Xiao Zhi could only raise his arms and hug the former's waist, sending it into the air track of the strong wind.


It's just that the latter looked at Xiao Zhi with a little more reluctance.

But its nerves were a beat slower, and by the time it reacted, the person was already in the airflow channel.

call out.!

The violent airflow still forcibly blew its glider wings, and in the blink of an eye, it was sent to an altitude of tens of meters away, gradually receding, and merged into the group of wild scorpions.

"Gera~!" "Gera~!" "Gera~!"

Seeing the Scorpio who made great achievements return to the team, the other Scorpios came over one after another, surrounded them, and kept shouting something in high support.

The former boss has already been killed. It's better to replace it with a new one on the spot.

And the former leader was too stretched, he took them to shock for a few days, but he didn't leave this ghost place.

This Scorpio stuck out its tongue and looked at the figure below with a bit of nostalgia.

But in the end, his eyes narrowed, and he waved his pair of pliers and flew out of the valley with the scorpions.
After waiting for a while, he didn't see the Scorpio go and return. Seeing Xiao Zhi's rather disappointed expression, Xiao Gang seemed to have guessed something and patted the latter's shoulder.

"Let's go, Xiaozhi, then we have to go to Curtain City quickly."

Ash took one last look at the sky and nodded.

"Well, let's go."

With the Muke bird guiding the way in the air, even though they were in the intricate maze, they still found the exit very accurately.

After passing through the cave tunnel ahead, you can officially leave this strange labyrinth valley.


However, originally looking downcast, following Bogaman next to the crowd, a chill suddenly appeared in his heart, and then he suddenly raised his head.

However, in the sky, a pink-brown figure fell like a meteor, and was rapidly approaching the position of the crowd.

"It's Scorpio!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up and he was surprised.

This also made Pogaman scream and cover his face, and his entire body turned pale as if it had faded.

The first reaction is to dodge and escape in a hurry
But it was before that it forcibly mastered the water jet, and at the speed of the first move, it still could not escape the ending of being precisely guided.


This time, Pogaman became calm and his eyes sank.

And lie down on the spot, choosing a comfortable position to lie down first.


The Scorpio in the sky was also as expected, it really seemed to be firmly attracted by a magnet, and fell straight in the direction of Bogaman.

Just when Scorpio was about to fall completely, Bogaman closed his eyes, and even prepared to enjoy this collision.

However, he closed his eyes and waited for a long time, but this time he did not experience any strange pain.


Pogaman touched his body curiously before opening his eyes.

Into the eye, the Scorpio is hovering over its head in an upside down posture.

The two were head to head, eyes to eyes, and the difference between them was barely more than a few centimeters.


The Scorpio stuck out its tongue and greeted Bogaman below with a look of joy.

Xiaoguang also quickly picked up Bogaman, who was lying on the ground and looked a little demented.
Why did it suddenly become rotten and wait to die, which belongs to Pogaman's pride?
As for why Scorpio suddenly hovered
"Scorpio, next time you can't just hit someone else."

Xiao Zhi reminded softly that at this moment, his hands were just hugging Scorpio's waist.

The latter fell like a meteor before, hitting Bogaman with precision.

Xiao Zhi used his insight to the extreme, took the lead, and suddenly stretched out his hands before the two heads were about to touch.

Immediately, using his powerful physical strength, he caught the Scorpio abruptly, fully endured the momentum, and braked in time.

Such a sudden stop of the body, and switching to other Pokémon, may be seriously injured.

But Scorpio is a ground-type Pokémon, and its body is very solid, but it doesn't feel anything.

Just feel dizzy, as if the fluid in the brain is completely mixed with other things
(End of this chapter)

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