He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1970 King of Team Plasma

Chapter 1970 King of Team Plasma
Xiaozhi's curiosity grew, and he pretended to ask Acromacha to check if there were any other interesting Pokémon around.

"Why don't you try to see if there is a wild Riolu?"

At this time, Ming Yi stood up and suddenly said.

She has temporarily cured Little York. Like the Four Seasons Deer, she is also a docile Pokémon, and she quickly recognized her as a new trainer.

"Leo Lu?"

Xiaozhi turned his eyes curiously and looked at Mingyi, he was very familiar with this kind of Pokémon.

Immediately, he looked around. Could it be that there are still wild Riolu living here?

"It is said that Suanmu Ranch did have wild Riolu in the past."

Mingyi spoke slowly.

Pokémon that can use waveguides like Riolu are very rare. When it was found that there were wild individuals living nearby, the area around Suanmu Ranch gathered a lot of trainers.

I just don't know if it's because I was caught, or for some other reason.
In the past few years, I haven't heard anyone say that Leo Road was found here.

Hearing that Xiaozhi was also interested, he quickly signaled Akromar to give it a try.

"Okay, Riolu, leave it to me~!"

Akromar pushed his glasses, and immediately began to operate them with great interest.

Although it was said that Riolu had disappeared, after a while, the detector responded, proving that there was indeed Riolu in this area.


But Akromar quickly frowned.

It is clearly confirmed that the target exists, although the number is not many, but there are still five or six.

When investigating Little York before, the coordinates were also clearly given, and a few people walked over and met them.

But this time, no clear coordinates were given on the detector, only a vague area of ​​several kilometers was given.

As if the signal was disturbed by something else, the machine malfunctioned.

"What the hell?"

Akromar's face straightened, and he shook the machine in his hand a little annoyed. He couldn't see that he still had such a half-baked machine in his hand!


Xiaozhi blinked his eyes and soon understood.

If it was disturbed by something, it would be the "waveguide" innately mastered by the Riolu family, right?

"Then try my human flesh detection!"

So Xiaozhi closed his eyes, put one hand on his chest, and opened the other palm, in front of him.

In an instant, an invisible light blue energy circle spread to the outside world and flew out all the way.

Waveguide power!

Compared with when he was still traveling in the Sinnoh area, Xiaozhi's waveguide power level has improved to a higher level at this moment, and the detection distance has also increased a lot.

"This is.?!"

The two people next to them were slightly stunned. Although they didn't know what they were doing, they vaguely felt the light blue energy ripples flowing outward like water ripples.

Ming Yi stared blankly, and realized instantly.

This is how Xiaozhi discovered Nuannuanzhu's super power through the door last time, right?
"Yes, superpowers...?"

Akromar stared at Xiaozhi closely, with undisguised amazement in his eyes.

After a while, Xiaozhi felt a few wave guides as a response.

But obviously his own waveguide is much stronger than them, he has completely locked the specific orientation of these waveguides, scattered in several hidden positions in the ranch.

But soon, Xiaozhi opened his eyes, and did not lead the two to find the local wild Riolu.

"It seems that Riolu here doesn't welcome humans, and just wants to live a hidden life by himself."

He couldn't help sighing with emotion, the other party's waveguide obviously had a bit of resistance.

It seems that after a large number of trainers flooded in and subdued the same race, the remaining Riolus now have a certain resistance to humans?

"Ah, I was just talking casually. If you don't welcome us, then don't go."

Mingyi exclaimed and quickly explained.

It was just that when she was in the Hinoki City next door, she often heard rumors about Riolu, so she couldn't help but say it.

"By the way, is this your superpower, Xiaozhi, named Bird?"

But Mingyi is more curious about Xiaozhi's power at the moment.

Xiaozhi mentioned the name of this ability last time.

"Well, the power of waveguide. This is a skill I learned from an ancient Lucario senior."

Xiaozhi nodded and replied.

Mingyi nodded half-understood. He was obviously the same age, but he felt that Xiaozhi had already experienced many things.

"The power of the waveguide. I have only heard of it before. I never thought that there are actually waveguide messengers in this world. It's incredible!"

Akromar was obviously more knowledgeable, even the envoy of Bird knew it. He was amazed again and again, while looking up and down Xiaozhi's body.

This time it's not just the Rotom Pokédex, even Xiaozhi, he wants to strip clean his clothes and study it carefully.

This weird feeling made Xiaozhi tremble, so is this how Rotom felt before?
"Beep! Looks like, Loto~!"

Rotom issued a cheerful reminder to God, telling you not to whistle with me before!

However, several people couldn't understand the words, and they didn't know why Rotom suddenly said "good things".

"Hehe, Mr. Akromar, I am more interested in your scientific equipment~ On the way to Lichong City, please introduce some interesting props to me?"

Xiaozhi quickly changed the topic.

Suanmu Ranch has come to an end, and then they will continue on the road.

As for the ranch, they almost all walked around the periphery, and they were not very interested in the interior. After packing their luggage, they were ready to go straight to the road.

"Hey~ I still have a lot of amazing props~!"

As soon as he mentioned his invention, Akromar's face flushed instantly, and his tone became very confident, but he temporarily dispelled the idea of ​​dissecting the human body, dismantling the machine, etc.
At night, on the way to Lichong City.

Thanks to Akromar's invention, the three of them even lived in a luxury tent in the wild. At this moment, Xiaozhi and Mingyi were sleeping soundly in their respective beds.

In the moonlight, Akromar walked outside alone, as if communicating with someone.

"Master Akromar, don't forget your mission! The new plasma team still needs you to revive!"

From the other end of the communicator, a hoarse voice sounded like an old man.

However, the voice is extremely provocative and brainwashing.

Akromar pushed his glasses and replied with a light smile:
"Don't worry~ Since I promised to be the new king of the Plasma team, I will naturally let your Plasma team go back to glory~!"

But now.
Akromar suddenly turned his head and glanced at the tent behind him.

Well, now, he seems to have found something more interesting than rebuilding the plasma team!

(End of this chapter)

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