He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1971 Pokémon Hollywood

Chapter 1971 Pokémon Hollywood
"Then you two, see you later~!"

When the three of Xiaozhi entered Lichong City, Akroma smiled and waved his hands, and then walked away alone in a leisurely manner.

He was honest and said directly that he was going to deal with the task assigned by the plasma team.

However, the specific content was not informed to Xiaozhi and the other two.

For this, Xiaozhi and Mingyi could only look at each other, and shrugged helplessly.

Traveling with a member of the plasma team, and it seems that the latter's position is not low, I always feel weird?

Xiaozhi has traveled to many regions and met many people. He can tell that Akromar is not an evil person.

In other words, the latter may not think that their actions are just or evil?
Xiaozhi had secretly made up his mind.

Follow first.

In short, Akromar is by no means a simple person. If something serious happens by the side of such a person, he can help immediately, so that no irreversible destruction will happen.

After putting away their luggage at the Elf Center in Lichong City, Xiaozhi and Mingyi walked out of the gate.

"So where do we go now?"

Xiaozhi supported the railing on the street at the door, looked around and asked.

Lichong City is a typical heavy industrial city. The whole city is gray-black in color and consists of buildings made of reinforced concrete.

Even a few streets away, you can see an operating factory making noises, and the chimneys on the roof are still emitting smoke and waste.

In broad daylight, the entire sky is also gray and the sun cannot be seen clearly.

Outside the gate of the Elf Center is a city's inland river.

Although Lichong City is a port city near the sea, its foreign trade is also very developed, especially with the neighboring Feiyun City.

It's just that the water quality of this inland river looks black and green, with a strange smell. It seems that many factories are secretly throwing industrial wastewater into the river?
"Even the local Liyong Gymnasium is poisonous?"

Listening to Rotom's rough introduction, Xiaozhi frowned.

A city that is not suitable for living. From a distance, he can still hear the piercing heavy metal band.

It seems that people who live in this city like this style of heavy metal rock music.


Looking at the seriously polluted Lichong City in front of him, Mingyi was also a little confused.

According to the introduction in the TV news, the pollution should have been dealt with, and now Lichong City should have a completely new look!
Such a city makes people not want to travel.
“Rice wine rice wine.!”

The otter next to him squeezed his head out of the gap in the railing, but frowned as he looked at the heavily polluted inland river below, without the slightest urge to swim.

Little York shook his head when he saw it!
"Anyway, let's go to the subway station of Battle Subway first!"

Mingyi still bit the bullet and said, she planned to go to all the cities accessible by the battle subway first.

Lichong City happens to be the first city, and the nearest platform is near the Fairy Center.


When they entered the underground platform, the station master here stamped Mingyi's brochure quite enthusiastically.

Although the battle subway advocates fighting, but in the face of trainers who don't like fighting and purely collect, they are also welcome.

"Would you like to try our battle subway, which can lead directly to the central station of Leiwen City~ At this time, Xiaoju'er may be holding a model catwalk right now, hehe, keeping you full for three days~!"

The middle-aged bald stationmaster was still winking at Xiaozhi with an ambiguous expression.

"Little Ju'er?"

Xiaozhi blinked, it sounded very famous.

What kind of rare Pokémon?
But why would you be full?
But Mingyi understood something, her face turned red, and she hurriedly pulled Xiaozhi away from the underground platform.

After returning to the ground, she turned slightly serious and explained:

"Miss Ju'er is a famous model!"

Wen Yan Xiaozhi scratched his head, still puzzled.

"Oh, models, why do models make people full?"

Asking this question made Mingyi's face turn red again, and finally gave Xiaozhi a look. Does this person really not understand, or is he deliberately fishing for her? !
"Anyway, let's go to Pokémon Hollywood now!"

Mingyi once again suggested that although Lichong City is not suitable for tourism, there is a famous tourist check-in place in Hezhong area and even the whole world next to it!

Xiaozhi listened in a daze. He is a foreigner and doesn't know anything about the Hezhong area.

There are still three months before the championship, and now he is indeed here to travel.
Pokémon Hollywood, the full name of Pokémon Hollywood Film Studio, is located in the adjacent facility in the north of Lichong City, and the entire area is dedicated to filming movies.

"The film technology in our Hezhong area is the best in the world. I guess there are only films in the Carlos area. It can be compared with one or two~!"

While walking, Mingyi proudly introduced Xiaozhi with her hands behind her back.

Ms. Carunai, the league champion of the Carlos area, is also an international movie star, and she has greatly improved the film industry level of the entire region by herself.

However, it is said that there has recently emerged a new actor with potential named Ai'er, who is called by many media as the one who is expected to succeed Karunai
Far away.

When the two of Xiaozhi passed through a huge indoor passage and came outside again, they saw a place that was completely different from the heavily polluted Lichong City.

There is a luxurious red cloth carpet under your feet, and various exquisite decorative garlands on both sides, and there are many tourists coming and going.

There are even many handsome men and beautiful women, and there are many fanatical fans around, which is quite lively.

A few meters away, you can see a team of directors and photographers busy shooting something.

A little further away, there are various buildings and houses, each of which has the professional functions of on-site shooting, indoor green screen, and post-production, which can realize one-stop service
Even in the center, there is a huge cinema.

It allows every filmmaker to realize the feat of watching movies on the big screen that night after finishing the work during the day.



Xiaozhi and Mingyi were like two country guys, standing on the street, staring at the scene in front of them with dumbfounded eyes.

But when the two were still in a daze, Xiaozhi suddenly heard an urgent cry:
"Hey, hey, hey!! Those two kids over there, run away quickly!!"

Xiaozhi turned his head subconsciously, but saw a dark green dinosaur monster rushing towards them as if out of control?

Is it such a coincidence? !

(End of this chapter)

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