He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1972 Mechanical Bankiras

Chapter 1972 Mechanical Bankiras

Xiaozhi took a closer look, but saw that it was a Bankiras charging towards the two of them.

With a green body, ferocious thorns growing all over his body, his fierce face let out bursts of violent roars, and his short sharp claws kept waving in front of his chest.

About three meters tall, Bankiras is taller than the average individual.

However, in Xiaozhi's view, there is always something that violates harmony.
But it was too late to think about it now, this Bankylas had already rushed towards the two of them, waving its sharp claws, as if it wanted to tear them apart.

If you don't stop it, you may rush into the dense crowd next to it, and the consequences will be disastrous.
"Alarm! Alert! Lotor!"

There was a warning sound above Rotom's head, and it floated away immediately.

After merging with the illustrated book, it now has only one mouth and has no fighting power.

"Exactly, Pikachu, try that move!"

But Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth and his eyes shined.


Pikachu understood, and immediately jumped in front of this Bankylas, also showing a confident smile.

Then it jumped up, and the tail behind it instantly turned into a silver-black knife shadow, and its size became slightly larger, with a layer of sharp slashing momentum attached.


Following Pikachu's low cry, the slashing iron tail slashed on the shoulder of this Bankyras, and then slashed down diagonally, all the way to the lower limbs on the other side of Bankyras.

Zizi! !
Another burst of electric sparks burst out!

Pikachu's blow slanted towards the iron tail, and it actually cut a huge crack directly on the body of this "Banjilas", exposing the internal metal parts.

Xiaozhi: "?"


Why is it still a fake Bankera?
The parts were completely exposed, and this mechanical classitras was frozen in place, as if it had stopped.

It's just that electric arcs flowed on his body, and his entire metal body trembled.

Boom! !
In the end, it exploded suddenly, forming a huge explosion, making everyone around subconsciously look in this direction.

"Whoa, today's filming is the explosion of the mechanical class?"

"The explosion effects are quite real."

"Movies sell well."

But most of the passers-by didn't take it seriously, they just thought they were making a movie.

It’s Team Rocket robbing Pokémon Hollywood on the street, probably no one thinks there is any problem, it’s just a matter of course for filming.
No wonder.

After a while, the explosion weakened and the smoke dispersed.

Only the lower body of the mechanical class in front of him was left, and half of the body and head had disappeared.


The exposed wires are still emitting electric arcs, which are obviously completely scrapped.

After a delay, a chubby director-looking man ran out.

"Ahhhh! My Mechanical Classylas!!"

Looking at the scrapped wreckage of Bankiras in front of him, he fell to his knees, weeping for a while.

"You guys actually destroyed a precious actor! Lose money! Lose money!"

There was also a noisy bird flying above his head, pointing directly at Xiaozhi and the two of them, repeating the noise continuously.

"Uh, that, it was your machine that ran over first."

Xiaozhi hastily interrupted.

Don't be embarrassed, both he and Mingyi walked on the main road, and didn't go into any special place.

"Hmm! You parrot, don't put your hat on!"

Mingyi Yemao talked behind Xiaozhi's back, and then poked his head out, curiously looking at this parrot with gorgeous feathers, which can even open its mouth to spit out human words.

It was the first time she had seen the chattering birds in the Sinnoh region.

"Destroyed! Lose money! Lose money Wuga!"

The Noisy Bird wanted to repeat, but the man in the fisherman's hat had already ripped off the Noisy Bird's wings and blocked the latter's mouth.

"It's really none of your business, it's my mechanical class that suddenly failed."

The fat man was fair, although he was still crying, but he bowed to Xiaozhi and the two to express his gratitude.

Fortunately, the malfunctioning machine did not hurt passers-by.

"It's just the next performance, without Bakiras Wu.!"

After finishing speaking, he knelt on the ground and cried again, unable to deal with the wreckage of Bankiras in front of him.

This desolate appearance, for some reason, reminded Xiaozhi of the coal turtle at home, who often cried like this
Although it has nothing to do with the two of them, since they bumped into each other, Mingyi still wanted to see if they could help, so he asked tentatively:
"Hey~ How about we go to Mr. Akromar and see if he can fix it?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, it was a good idea.

With Mr. Akromar's craftsmanship, maybe it was really refurbished on the spot for this mechanical class?

This fat director is also a human being. When he knelt down and cried bitterly, he didn't forget to put up his ears to eavesdrop.

After hearing that there seemed to be a solution, the crying sound became much louder, which made Xiaozhi have to call for help quickly.

"Can't answer, I'm busy saving the world~!"

It's just that Akromar's leisurely voice soon came from the receiver, which sounded like it had been recorded in advance.

Promised to fix Team Plasma well, but after the events of a year ago, the whole organization is now a mess that needs to be sorted out by Akromar.

During this period of time, he was really busy and didn't have time to come and work as an electrician.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and Mingyi could only shrug their shoulders and put down their phones helplessly.

Seeing that many people gradually gathered around, someone obviously realized that this was not a filming, but a real accident, and the two of them were going to run away.


"Jump into the river~! Jump into the river~! Jump into the river~!"

The fat director cried louder, even the noisy bird was hovering above his head, flapping its wings, repeating its momentum.

Helpless, Xiaozhi sighed and turned his face again.

Sure enough, when encountering such a thing, he still couldn't bear to run away.

After thinking about it, he stepped forward, poked the fat director on the shoulder, and asked tentatively:

"Although it's not mechanical, I also have a real Benjilas, so I can lend it to you for filming temporarily."

"Really Bankiras?!"

Sure enough, upon hearing these words, the fat director immediately stood up as if revived, and looked at Xiaozhi with bright eyes.

Bankiras is a quasi-god Pokémon in the Johto area, not to mention the Hezhong area, even the Johto area, and it is also an absolute rare Pokémon.

Not to mention the evolution of a quasi-god to the third level.

(End of this chapter)

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