He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1981 Abandoned monkey, rejoin the team!

Chapter 1981 Abandoned monkey, rejoin the team!

Boom!Boom! !

When the number of punches of Firestorm Monkey reached twenty times, it finally stopped.

Even with Xiaozhi's physique, at this moment his arm was almost numb from the shock, trembling constantly.

The profuse sweat falling from the top of his head could not control his arms to wipe it off.


But looking forward, Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth, and after a sigh of relief, he took a few steps back slowly and leaned against a ring stake.

Seeing this, Mingyi hurriedly came behind Xiaozhi, and wiped off his sweat, massaged and fed water.

However, at this moment, the eyes of all the people in the martial arts hall fell on another position above the ring.

Twenty punches in a row
"Beep! Record a new move, Fist of Wrath!"

Rotom made a warning sound, and he didn't know if this move really existed, or its original name.

"The Fist of Wrath, a ghost attribute, transforms anger into strength and punches powerfully. The power will increase as the number of attacks you receive increases, but if you attack continuously, the power of the moves seems to be able to increase~! Loto~! "

It sounds like this is a growth move.

But that's not the point.

Following the Fiery Monkey's continuous [-] rounds of angry punches, the fur all over its body completely turned black.

The next moment, the whole body was covered with white light.


After resting for a few seconds, Xiaozhi's physical condition has almost recovered. He stood up with a surprised face, and looked straight ahead.

Fire monkey, can it still evolve?
So the weird appearance before was caused by evolution?

In the white light, the body of the fire monkey continued to expand and deform, but the main structure did not change.


After the light completely dissipated, amidst a burst of furious shouts, the fire monkey showed a brand new posture.

Almost the size of an adult, the fur of the whole body has become jet black, and it has become longer.

The fur and long hair on the head fluttered up, the ends were pale, and there were even drooping bangs on both sides of the forehead?

His eyes were still red and fierce, his appearance was hideous, and his veins were bulging.

The limbs turned completely gray and black, especially the upper limbs became more slender and strong.


Everyone around did not recognize the new form of the fire monkey, and fell into a huge silence.

But this weird aura seems to have acquired ghost attributes?
However, Rotom quickly gave an answer, unexpectedly well-informed.

"Beep! Abandoned Monkey, the evolution of Firestorm Monkey, has fighting and ghost attributes. When the anger breaks through the critical point, it gains the power to get rid of the shackles of the body."

"The Abandoned Monkey is a special evolutionary type that has only been found in the Partia region, but how it evolved, even in the Partia region, there is no clear answer. Loto~!"

Xiaozhi blinked, Padia area.
I seem to have heard of it before, it is a new area that popped up out of nowhere.

Just thinking of the scary movement of the fiery monkey before, it is estimated that ordinary fiery monkeys really can't evolve if they want to.


On the ring stage, the Abandoned Monkey raised his arms and shouted, this time his voice was obviously no longer angry, but more like a happy celebration after the constipation was cleared.

But soon, the fur on the top of the Abandoned Monkey's head drooped, the red light from its eyes also dissipated, and its body leaned over and fell on the ring.

"Abandoned Monkey"

Xiaozhi was worried, and quickly stepped forward, and Miss Joy, who was under the ring, also quickly turned to the ring to check.

Half an hour later, at the Fairy Center of Feiyun City.

The Abandoned Monkey was already lying peacefully on the hospital bed, holding a bottle in his hand.

"There is no problem for the time being. The Forsaken World Monkey just consumed too much and fainted for the time being."

Miss Joy said with a smile.

At the same time, she bowed to Xiaozhi in shame, expressing her apology.

After all, she gave the result of the death notice before, resurrected? !
This is a great damage to the authority of the elf center!
"Uh, it's okay, after all, the situation is too special."

Xiaozhi waved his hand, but didn't blame anything.

It seems that if the Fiery Monkey wants to acquire ghost attributes and evolve into a Forsaken Monkey, maybe it really has to die once?
I will tell Dr. Oki later. After all, the Kanto region is the most common habitat of the fire monkeys. Maybe there are other "dead" fire monkeys waiting to be resurrected?

Pushing open the door of the ward, Xiaozhi walked in.

The condition of the Abandoned Monkey has improved a lot, and he woke up leisurely, and the previous symptoms of violent anger have completely disappeared.

"Hawk ~"

After seeing Xiaozhi coming in, he waved his fist enthusiastically to say hello.

At the beginning, the intimacy between it and Xiaozhi was not low, especially now that Xiaozhi had endured twenty rounds of its angry fists one after another, and it was completely recognized by the Abandoned Monkey.

His trainer is still so powerful!
It's not like the human named Fan Dou outside, who only dared to let other Pokémon be its training partner, and didn't dare to play in person.

Not to mention that he was clearly still alive this time, but in the end, he was directly covered with a white cloth
Just thinking about it, it feels like it's about to go into a rage again!

"The condition is not bad~"

Xiaozhi smiled and rubbed the long hair on the top of the Forsaken Monkey's head, as if he had grown long hair all of a sudden.

Abandoned Monkey. Not to mention, the styling is really a bit cynical?

With that said, he also released his Zoroya from Xicui area.

The latter is also a ghost attribute, and the two may become good friends.

Zoroya fell on the hospital bed. The appearance of the Abandoned Monkey looked quite terrifying, but the breath on his body made it quite friendly.

When it approached cautiously, the Abandoned Monkey directly opened its palm and hugged Zoroya in its arms carelessly.

Sure enough, the two special ghost Pokémon quickly became close.


Zoroya also manipulated his fur of resentment arrogance, and transformed it into various shapes in the air, making the boss of the Forsaken World Monkey watch in a daze.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi also heaved a sigh of relief, it seems that the Forsaken World Monkey didn't have any major problems.

He carefully exited the door of the ward, allowing Sorolla to play with the deceased monkey inside, while he found the middle-aged uncle outside the ward.

Fan Dou was already waiting for Xiao Zhi at the door.

"No matter how you say it, I didn't handle it well this time. I'm no longer worthy of being the trainer of the Firestorm Monkey Abandoned World Monkey."

Fan Dou is full of self-blame.

It was rare that Xiaozhi didn't make a sound to comfort him.
It really is.

If he hadn't happened to be in Feiyun City this time, if Abandoned Monkey was in some other area at the moment, maybe he really could only receive the ashes of Firestorm Monkey.
"Mr. Fan Dou, I've had enough boxing matches, and then you can travel with me, the Forsaken World Monkey."

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi said.

Full of apologies, Fan Dou couldn't force Huo Baohou to stay this time, so he quickly nodded in agreement.

This also made Xiaozhi feel happy when he looked at the abandoned monkey in the ward again through the glass.

Abandoned Monkey has returned to the team!
(End of this chapter)

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