He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1982 Feiyun Park Special Training

Chapter 1982 Feiyun Park Special Training
A day later, Xiaozhi picked up the deceased monkey and was discharged from the hospital.

After gaining the ghost attribute, the Abandoned Monkey's resilience is amazing, and it has become fierce again at this moment.

Even Mr. Fan Dou came to say goodbye. Before leaving, he saw that the waist of the Abandoned Monkey was empty, and he tied a big golden belt on the latter.

"Give up drinking."

Although Abandoned Monkey didn't have a good attitude towards himself, a cheap fighter, he didn't do anything to stop him, allowing the latter to hang up the belt.

Speaking of which, the two have also traveled together for several years, and the time they spend together is even longer than Xiaozhi.

Although this tool is useless
But it did allow him to win several world fighting championships.

"Give up drinking.!"

Just thinking of this, Abandoned Monkey couldn't help but think of the scene of his defeat at Christmas that day, his blood pressure soared again, and his veins popped.

But it's not a big problem.

After completing the evolution at this moment, the Abandoned Monkey has completely controlled its anger, and will not go berserk again.

Before parting, Fan Dou patted Abandoned Monkey on the shoulder, and blessed him sincerely:

"You have finished the path of fighting and boxing. Next, move on to the path of the strongest Pokémon."

When speaking, the eyes of this rough middle-aged uncle began to get wet.

There is no Fire Monkey. No, it is the Abandoned Monkey now.

Without this Abandoned Monkey with unlimited potential, I might not be able to climb to the pinnacle of fighting champion in my whole life.

He knew that Xiao Zhi was now an amazing trainer.

The next thing to do is to lead the Abandoned Monkey to another peak, right?
"Leave the Abandoned Monkey to me, Mr. Fan Dou, if you want to see it in the future, you can also come to our Zhenxin Town~"

Seeing that the middle-aged uncle seemed about to burst into tears, Xiaozhi quickly comforted him with a dry smile.

The latter just wiped the corners of his eyes, stood at the door of the elf center, waved his hand, and sent everyone away.

On the streets of Feiyun City.

The pace of life in this modern city is extremely fast. Today should be a leisurely weekend, and there are endless streams of office workers on the streets, walking in a hurry.

At this moment, Xiaozhi and Mingyi are walking behind side by side, and Abandoned Monkey is leading the way.

"Give up drinking ~ give up drinking ~!"

While walking, the Abandoned Monkey was still humming something, raised a fleshy fist, and Zoroya was lying on its fist.

Now it can be regarded as officially retired from the position of fighter, and it is in a good mood.

The combination of Abandoned Monkey and Xicui Zoroya frequently caused many passers-by to cast curious glances, and even leaned over to ask.

"What a cute little fox, is this the shining Zoroya~?!"

"Fire Monkey? No, why does it look so strange. Kill Matt?"

"May I touch the monkey?"

Facing several passers-by who planned to touch directly, the timid Sorolla immediately shrank into a ball.

However, on the contrary, the fur on the top of the Abandoned Monkey's head was raised on the spot, and the whole body was covered with smoldering blue will-o'-the-wisps. It looked like a ferocious ghost, and immediately scared away several passers-by who approached.

"The state of the Abandoned Monkey is recovering well~!"

Following behind, Mingyi stuck his head forward with his hands behind his back and said.

But its name is the Forsaken Monkey
It sounds like a very depressing emo name, but the character of Abandoned Monkey in front of him is quite active and excited, like a big brother, and he walks in a hurry.

"That's pretty good."

Xiaozhi held the back of his head and said with a smile.

If he really abandons the world like his name says, maybe he will have to hire a psychiatrist for the Abandoned Monkey every week to clear his mind
After a while, the two came to a natural park in the center of the city.

Feiyun Park, this is one of the few green environments in the big city of Feiyun City, the air is much fresher than the city streets.

"Beep! Feiyun Park, this is the 'place where everything started' in Feiyun City. It is said that wild Ibrahimovic can be found here! Luoto~!"

Rotom automatically reminded that this function made Mingyi envious again.

She shook her picture book annoyed, why don't you learn to broadcast automatically!

"Let me see, where is the wild Ibrahimovic Loto~!"

However, Rotom was more interested in Wild Ibrahimovic. Once he entered Feiyun Park, he took out a magnifying glass from somewhere.

As if turning into a detective, he flew all over the place excitedly, looking for it.

"Lotto here~?!"

Rotom sometimes rummaged through the trash can, and sometimes inserted himself between couples who were sitting on chairs and talking about love.

In the end, because a passer-by orange-crested lizard flipped over its cloth bag pants, it was chased by the latter and flew around Feiyun Park, almost dismantling the machine.

For this, Xiaozhi only said that he could not help, and instead came to an empty flat training ground.

Taking a deep breath, Xiaozhi threw several elf balls at the same time.

"Everyone come out~!"

Following a series of crisp sounds, several Pokémon appeared in front of Xiaozhi, but they were all very small in size, looking like a team of babies.

Rattan Snake, Nuannuan Pig, Progenitor Bird

Zoroya also jumped from the top of the Abandoned Monkey's head and landed in front of the baby brigade, moving lightly.

Count Pikachu and Forsaken Monkey.
These are all the Pokémon that Xiaozhi brought to the Hezhong area so far, but he didn't bring others.

"There are already six Pokémon~!"

Mingyi stood behind, curious about what Xiaozhi was going to do.

Xiaozhi raised his hand and glanced at the sun hanging in the sky, his expression straightened.

It's rare to have such good weather, so it's natural to have a special training!
"Everyone, let me introduce you first. This is the Abandoned Monkey, your senior~!"

Xiaozhi first introduced the Abandoned Monkey to his own Pokémon.

The latter's size entered the team, like a group of kindergarten babies, suddenly mixed in with a huge monster, very abrupt.


The terrifying appearance of the Abandoned Monkey startled Nuan Nuan Zhu and took a step back.

The rattan snake glanced at the Abandoned Monkey fearfully, but did not back away in fear.

"Guwu! Guwu~!"

The Progenitor Bird flapped its wings even more, with an excited expression, and dropped a few gorgeous feathers.

Its former quality was weakness, a purely negative quality.

It's just that after a period of training with the fossil pterosaurs, the proto-bird is now completely courageous.

Even the characteristics, as the old brother Chi imagined at the time, have changed.
Features, guts!

This feature allows the ancestor bird to be free from fear effects such as intimidation, and even its own general attribute moves can also work against ghost attribute Pokémon, turning it into a pretty good feature!
(End of this chapter)

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