He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1986 Steel Worm God, Artificial Pokémon!

Chapter 1986 Steel Worm God, Artificial Pokémon!

The cannon barrel behind Genesect raised up, and it actually fired a beam of flame laser!
Boom! !
The terrifying power exploded above the narrow sewer, hitting the crying mask and the rolling bat at the same time, and even the bricks and stones of the ceiling above were affected, sparking a violent flame explosion.

The two Pokémon immediately fell obliquely back from the air, and even hit Meow Meow just in time, and flew upside down in front of Musashi and Kojiro together.

One hit kill!

The crying mask and the rolling bat's eyes were already rolling, and their figures were so horrific that even Meow was dizzy from the impact.

"Awesome power"

"What kind of Pokémon is that?"

Both Musashi and Kojiro gasped, staring at Genesect blankly.

At this moment, this weird purple-brown steel-armored insect was staring at the two with unfriendly eyes. It had a flat head and the corners of its mouth were grinning, revealing a row of piercing teeth.

"A member of the Rockets? I remember it was an organization in the Kanto area, but they even went to our Hezhong area."

However, Akromar quickly shrugged and said dangerous words in a relaxed tone:
"It doesn't matter, kill these guys for me~!"

Genesect in front of him moved, and the cannon barrel behind him was raised again, aiming at Team Rocket's trio, and the center of the barrel condensed terrifying energy
Da da!
At this moment, a grenade suddenly rolled into the middle of the two groups of people and made a crisp sound when it made contact with the ground.

Then the grenade was opened, and there was no big explosion. Instead, a thick white mist was instantly formed, completely blocking the field of vision.

Fu Linduo, who was hiding in the dark, saw that the three of Musashi were about to be killed, so he immediately intervened to seal the smoke.

With the cover of smoke, Musashi and Kojiro quickly set up the Pokémon in front of them and ran away.

This time it hit the steel plate!

What the hell is that Pokémon, it can't be defeated at all!

In short, withdraw first, the head of the satellite may be the high-level team of the plasma team.

Escaping is definitely one of the crafts that the Rockets trio do best.

Fleeing quickly in the Feiyun sewer, turning left and right, and after a while, opened a long distance, and hid in a very hidden alley.

This also made Musashi and Kojiro breathe a sigh of relief, and Meow in front of them also woke up leisurely.

As for Fulinduo, a senior cadre of the Rockets, his skills were much better, and he had excellent endurance. He followed and ran all the way without much breathing.

After stopping, he took out his notebook and wrote down a bad review for the trio:
"The three of you failed, your adaptability is too poor!"

The initial sneak attack was pretty good.
But it seems that whenever a special event occurs, the three of them will immediately become wooden people who can only stand still in place, giving each other a chance in vain.

I haven't been to the top for so many years, it seems that because of this, I am often counter-killed, resulting in the failure of the mission!


Fu Linduo's evaluation made Kojiro and the others look at each other in dismay.

Seems to be true?

Like before, when they set their sights on Pikachu with the little devil's head, they had already succeeded.

But always at the end, he was killed somehow! ?

"But that Pokémon is really too dangerous, meow, the Plasma team has such a Pokémon to help me, meows can't compete at all, meow!"

Meow Meow couldn't help but complain.

A high-tech light cannon from Genesect is coming, it can't stop it at all!

At least with the two Pokémon supported by the Rockets headquarters this time-the crying mask and the rolling bat, it is impossible to do it at all, the strength is too weak!
"Hmph, since you're weak, train hard. These two Pokémon are capable of evolving and gaining stronger power!"

Fu Linduo snorted coldly, and while guiding, wrote down a bad review for Miao Miaoduo.

This Meow Meow's claws are not hard, but its mouth is quite hard.

Rolling Bat has almighty superpower attribute, and it is definitely a powerful helper to complete the task.

The crying mask is a rare ghost attribute, and it is also an excellent partner when used properly.

The two Pokémon supported by the headquarters this time were specially selected by him, and he dared to dislike them? !

However, the shadow of Genesect just now flashed in his mind.

"A Pokémon I've never seen before. And that armor, could it be a man-made Pokémon?"

Team Rocket also has a research project on man-made Pokémon, so Fulindo immediately thought of Genesect.

And the man with the head of the satellite, I have never heard of such a character in the plasma team.
But just now he has been sneaking in the dark to observe, but found an interesting phenomenon.

This satellite-headed man, on the surface, is using words to command Genesect, just like a normal Pokémon battle.

But at the same time, he raised his palm and pressed something on the smart device on his wrist.

Even Genesect's red pupils flickered like a machine responding
"Could it be that the Pokémon hasn't been completely tamed yet, can it only be controlled by a machine?"

If that's the case, is it possible to simply avoid fighting this dangerous Pokémon and instead seize command of Genesect?

If you can capture this man-made Pokémon, it will definitely be a great achievement for the Rockets!
Just looking at the three lazy people in front of him, Fu Linduo couldn't help frowning, completely unreliable!

So he cursed in a low voice:

"Now, go back and write a reflection report each! And train your Pokémon hard!"

This mission was a failure.

This mysterious sewer cave, although I don't know where it leads to, can only be given up to the plasma team.

Saying that, the three of Kojiro prepared to leave the sewer dejectedly.

"Also, your debut line, from now on, I don't want to see it again!"


"Others are acceptable, but I absolutely cannot accept this!"

In the sewer, there was a burst of complaints, howling ghosts and howling wolves.
the other side.


Genesect criss-crossed his sharp claws and flicked forward, which actually brought out a gust of wind, which showed that his physical strength was also very strong.

After a while, the smoke was blown away, but the rocket trio also retreated.

"Are there any reinforcements, what a pity~"

Seeing this, Akromar could only hold his forehead in regret, then lowered his head to operate the wrist mechanism, controlled Genesect, and stood by his side for orders.

This is really an artificial Pokémon developed by the plasma team!

And Fulindo's guess was right, Akroma could not directly command Genesect to fight, but could only be controlled by the limiting machine he invented.

This kind of Pokémon is an ultra-ancient Pokémon that existed [-] million years ago.

Although the prototype is only an insect, at that time, it was an unrivaled top predator!
(End of this chapter)

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