He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1987 Alice: Maybe there is Long Yibo?

Chapter 1987 Alice: Maybe there is Long Yibo?
Later, with the emergence of batches of powerful dinosaur-type ancient Pokémon, this insect-type Pokémon completely withdrew from the stage of history and disappeared.

The time has come to modern times.

Team Plasma has collected fossils with surviving genes and is preparing to revive them like the original turtles and proto-birds.
It's just that the genetic defect is too large, and it didn't succeed.

The first thing Akromar did after joining the plasma team was to participate in this fossil resurrection project.

And adding the elements of mechanical transformation to the original life form, this was the birth of the steel worm god-Genosect whose strength surpassed that of ancient times!

It's just that this kind of Pokémon still retains the ferocity and tyranny of the ancient times, and it is simply beyond the control of ordinary trainers.
Technology changes everything!
Once again, Akromar harnessed the power of technology and made it his own.

Leaving Team Rocket aside, seeing that no one was bothering him, Akromar looked at the dark cave in front of him.

He was about to go in, but the movement stopped.

If you keep going, you may reach that mysterious and ancient ancient castle, right?
Although it is estimated that there are many places that can be explored, but if you enter now, it may take a week to study.
Time has collided.

Now Akromar is quite enjoying the trip with Xiaozhi.

After thinking about it, Akromar decided to let his subordinates enter the exploration first, but he was not in a hurry.

"Hey, you guys, ask more people to guard this place, and then go in to see where it leads. Remember not to destroy the things inside. I will come to check it myself when the time comes!"

"Yes! Boss!"

"Leave it to us!"

The three soldiers of the plasma team immediately patted their chests and agreed with great sincerity.

This contrasting appearance made Akromar feel a little confused.

These little soldiers glanced at the steel worm god next to them, and their hearts were filled with admiration and ecstasy.

Originally thought it was a related household somewhere, and became the new king of the plasma team by airborne. Although many people didn't say anything, they were dissatisfied in their hearts.

It was only at this moment when they saw Genesect's strong attack that they knew that the new king was indeed a dangerous person
This is the qualification to become the new king of their plasma team, leading them to rule the world and reach the peak!

The three of them hurriedly got busy.

Akromar hummed a ditty and snapped his fingers, signaling Genesect to follow. He was about to leave the Feiyun sewer.

Not to mention, after staying here for a long time, the air in the oxygen tank seems to have a sour smell.

On the other side, the surface of Feiyun City, Feiyun Park.

Bang bang bang! !

Abandoned Monkey is still in the attitude of the head coach, one-on-four, but its strong body is basically unhindered.

But the four babies, including the vine rattan snake, all began to pant and couldn't hold on anymore.

The training ground where Mingyi is next to has also gone through a period of exercise. The water otter, Sijilu and Little York are all lying on the ground exhausted at the moment.

Even Mingyi wiped off his sweat, her chest heaved a little.

But her face was rosy, and there was a contented smile on the corner of her mouth.

It was the first time for her to exercise so seriously, she felt.
Not as bad as imagined?

As for Rotom, it is in the park full of batteries, looking for traces of wild Eevee everywhere.

Not to mention, I really found one for it!
It was in a very hidden corner, surrounded by bushes and grass on both sides, and a brown Eevee was lying there.

"Beep beep! Sure enough, there is Ibrahimovic living in Luoto in Feiyun Park~!"

Rotom showed an excited expression on the screen, and was even very bold. He reached out the bracket of the illustrated book and grabbed the wild Eevee's tail.

Most of the wild Eevee are timid Pokémon, not to mention that because they are rare in number, many humans will flock to them once they are discovered.


A weird-looking picture book suddenly reached out and grabbed its tail, but this Eevee was startled, and immediately fled quickly among the grass.

It was rare for Rotom to find a live Eevee, so naturally he refused to let go, and was dragged and rushed into the bushes.

Fortunately, the screen is protected by a tempered film, otherwise the entire screen would have been scratched and broken in just half a minute.

"Booy, Booy!!"

And Ibrahimovic, who was completely frightened, finally ran out of the hidden grass and fled past the training ground.

"Rotom, Ibrahimovic. Hey, is there really a wild Ibrahimovic?!"

Naruto's eyes widened, Eevee is an absolutely rare Pokémon in the Hezhong area.

It's just that the appearance of Rotom being bumped up and down by Ibrahimovic looks funny and weird.

Seeing that Ibrahimovic had already passed by him, and his Pokémon were exhausted, Mingyi quickly looked at Xiaozhi.

"Xiaozhi, that Rotom."

It's just that in the middle of speaking, Mingyi stopped talking again.

At this moment, Xiaozhi and Pikachu are sitting cross-legged on the ground, closing their eyes and resting their minds, as if they are doing some kind of meditation practice?

Pikachu's tail turned silver-black, flickering, and made a high-frequency trembling sound. It seemed that he was practicing the "beast slash" move mentioned before.

But why is even Xiaozhi meditating with his eyes closed?
Do trainers have to follow suit?

Mingyi showed puzzled eyes, but now it seems that it is not the time to disturb.

Seeing this, she could only close her mouth, and let the Ibrahimovic drag Rotom, running around in Feiyun Park, causing the surrounding tourists to jump around for a while.

Finally, he ran directly to the exit of the park and fled in the direction of the city street
At the same time, a girl with long black and purple hair was about to enter Feiyun Park.

She was wearing a beige wide-sleeved top and cropped pants. She had very thick long hair and dark skin, which made her face look wild.

Iris, a girl who aims to become a dragon master, is currently traveling around the Ushu region.

I came to Feiyun City in the past few days, and Alice just heard that near the training ground of Feiyun Park, there seems to be a powerful trainer and Pokémon who are exercising
So Alice is ready to come to challenge and let herself take a step forward on the road of Dragon Master.


At this moment, a panicked Ibrahimovic suddenly jumped out, with a... a picture book on its tail?
"It's Ibrahimovic!"

Alice's eyes lit up instantly, did not expect that Feiyun City also has wild Ibrahimovic? !

Eevee is an evolutionary Pokémon that can evolve into many forms.
Maybe Ibrahimovic can evolve into Dragon Ibrahimovic after being exposed to the energy of the dragon?
Alice wanted to try it a long time ago, to see if Long Yibo existed!

"Yaya, let's go, let's subdue that Eevee!"

She immediately chased after Wild Ibrahimovic in the direction where the wild Ibrahimovic was escaping, with a cute Fang sticking out of her hair.

As for the powerful trainer in Feiyun Park.
Forget it, he's not a dragon attribute trainer anyway, so there's no need to get to know him!
(End of this chapter)

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