He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1994 Arrival, wilderness scenic spot!

Chapter 1994 Arrival, wilderness scenic spot!

To the north of Feiyun City, on No. [-] road.

This is a longitudinal asphalt road, both sides seem to be still under construction, there are construction material iron cars and temporary workshops everywhere, and some workers pass by Xiaozhi and his party from time to time.

However, the view on both sides of the road is open, and it is a vast desert.

The air is dry, there is no shelter, and under the hot sun, the ground is quite hot to step on.


A gust of wind blows from time to time, and it will roll up the yellow sand on the No. [-] road, which is a bit confusing to the eyes.

"Is this the wilderness scenic spot?"

Mingyi slightly lowered her sun hat to block the sunlight.

"Rice wine, rice wine"

Beside him, Mijiu was sticking out his tongue, walking staggeringly, looking weak and dehydrated.

After seeing Xiaozhi's Pikachu accompanying him all the time, the aggressive otter followed suit and followed outside all the time
However, it is a kind of torture for a Pokémon with a very high body water content to come to this desert environment.

Mingyi looked left and right, and began to look for the local check-in point.

Although this is a desert area, the rare terrain is also a very famous tourist destination in the Hezhong area. Every year, many tourists come to experience the desert culture.

As for the collaboration with Yati in the coffee shop before.
Unable to withstand repeated requests from the other party, and even proposed a high remuneration, Mingyi finally agreed and authorized her own comic image.

The reward is not important, the main thing is that she also wants to see what she will be like in the comics.

It was the words of "devotion to art" and "great works are eclectic" that Yadi said at that time, which always made Mingyi a little worried.

But the other party is the owner of Feiyun Gym, so he shouldn't do anything out of line, so let the other party do it.

"Ah! Found it!!"

Soon, Mingyi found a place to check in at the tourist spot, which was located in the middle of the No. [-] road and covered with a small house.

In addition to giving tourists a check-in guide, they also sell drinks and food, and even clothing and equipment for entering the desert.

After all, under the sun all year round, the temperature of the sand in the desert is extremely high. If you step on ordinary shoes, the soles of the shoes will melt and the soles of your feet will be burned.

"Guess~ the desert in the east is free to enter, there is no danger, you can play freely~"

The administrator of the tourist spot introduced Xiaozhi and the others with a smile:
"But the desert in the west is still an uninhabited desert area. There may be dangerous wild Pokémon inhabited, or there is a risk of the desert collapsing. If you are not a professional, don't take risks casually, so it is recommended to go to the desert in the east~!"

Of course, this place has not been blocked by any organization.

The uninhabited desert area in the west is also free to enter. Every year, many explorers or archaeologists enter it.

After all, the legendary ancient castle is buried under the desert in the west. Countless people are attached to it, hoping to be the first to discover it.

However, due to the vast area, even if the traces of the ancient city were found by chance
But with the wind and sand blowing, the sand covered everything, and there was no definite trail to guide.

"Let's go, Xiaozhi, let's go to the desert in the west~!"

Akromar took the lead and walked in front.

"Oh, Mr. Akromar is very adventurous today~!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was a little surprised. It seems that this scientist is also very interested in that ancient castle?

Naturally, he would not refuse. Exploring unknown areas is much more interesting than following established routes.


Seeing that the two companions had chosen the direction, Mingyi looked distressed, but still gritted his teeth and followed.

She just wanted to check in, she didn't want to go into any wild desert!

Next they should go straight across Route 4, to Raven City.
It is a fashion city with a highly developed entertainment industry, and Mingyi has been there for a long time.

Going all the way to the border of the desert in the west, the protruding asphalt road leads to yellow sand land, and the sand on the surface flows slowly with the airflow.

The desert in front was even more endless, with no end in sight, only undulating sand dunes and valleys.

Occasionally, one or two ferocious-looking vultures circled past, looking down and scanning the desert with their sharp eyes, as if they were looking for carrion corpses to eat.

Pikachu didn't think too much, and walked up directly, his hind legs sank into the sand.

"Pickup, pickup!!!"

After a few seconds of delay, Pikachu suddenly changed his face and jumped up in the desert.

He was still hugging his feet in the air, and only a few seconds after touching the sand, they were already red and swollen from the heat.

It's just that Pikachu can't fly, and soon after jumping up, he fell naturally. This time, his butt touched the sand.


There was a sound of grilling meat on the iron plate, and Pikachu jumped up again, holding his red-hot buttocks and screaming in a panic.


Even Pikachu's body burst into flames for no reason.

"Uh, is this in a burn state?"

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth crooked, can this cause burns?
He hurriedly stood on the edge of the desert, stretched out his hands, caught Pikachu and hugged him back.

After feeding Pikachu a tree fruit, Xiaozhi squatted down and tried to insert his fingers into the hot sand in front of him.

really hot
But it's not as exaggerated as Pikachu, is it acting again?

But it can’t be, the burnt state can also be played, right?

Mingyi and Water Otter next to him saw that Xiaozhi had inserted half of his hand into the sand, so they also tried to touch the desert with their fingers.

The instant burning sensation of high temperature almost brought tears to the two of them, and they quickly withdrew their fingers and kept blowing on their mouths.

Outrageous, is Xiaozhi's arm made of iron, and the whole hand is inserted into it? !
Soon, Xiaozhi still stood up, anyway, it should be impossible to enter this desert on foot.

At the door just now, I didn’t buy a special desert spaceship——

It is a person standing on a small wooden boat, and then let the heat-resistant Pokémon or flying Pokémon pull it forward. This is a very common mode of transportation in this desert area.

But it's not a big problem, the next moment, Xiaozhi and Mingyi looked at Akromar.

"Mr. Akromar, it's your turn!"

"Let's see the power of technology!"

It's been a while since several people have traveled together. Whenever they encounter any difficulties, Akromar's machine inventions are always trustworthy!
"Hmph~ Leave it to me~!"

Hearing this, Akromar hummed and chuckled triumphantly.

He pushed his glasses, manipulated the mechanical arm, and rummaged through the four-dimensional bag of the accompanying robot
(End of this chapter)

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