He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1995 How about I give you a Genesect?

Chapter 1995 How about I give you a Genesect?

Soon, Akromar took out a metal disc about one meter long.

The circular mechanical arm behind him grasped the disk and raised it above Akromar's head, as if presenting a treasure.

"This is my new invention, the Acroma scooter!"

As he spoke, he placed the metal disc in the desert and motioned Xiaozhi to step on it.

With the protection of the metal disc, there is no need to touch the hot sand, and there are automatic identification parts on the disc.

When Xiaozhi steps forward, the device at the bottom of the metal disc activates, and it can slide forward smoothly and freely even in soft sandy soil.
Within a few seconds, Xiao Zhi had already slid tens of meters, as if stepping on a racing skateboard.

"The power of technology is really great!!"

Xiaozhi had a great time playing, shuttled left and right in the desert, shouting again and again, and didn't even forget to give Akromar a thumbs up at the rear.

Then he slid back, picked up Mingyi, Pikachu and Otter, and slid in the desert together.


But this time, just after sliding a few meters, Xiaozhi suddenly stopped and looked at Akromar in embarrassment.

Because the area of ​​this scooter is a bit narrow, after Mingyi got up, he could only hold onto his shoulders, with his chest attached to his back.
Some can't get on the third person.

"This is something I invented before, so I only reserved it for me alone, I don't know if it will come in handy here~"

Akromar shrugged, not paying attention.

But this time, he took out a poke ball.

When the red light fell, it turned out to be a purple-brown steel-armored insect. On the flat head, the eyes covered with shields were shining with red light, and the cannon barrel on the back was particularly eye-catching.

It's Akromar's man-made Pokémon, Genesect!

"What is this Pokémon...?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, a little puzzled.

At first he thought it was some kind of robot bug invented by Acromar, but it was released from the poke ball
So it should be a steel-type bug Pokémon, right?

It’s just that the cannon barrel at the back is a bit outrageous. Is this still a Pokémon?
No, the water arrow turtle in my hometown also has two cannon barrels. Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem to be a big problem.

"Beep beep! Huh? There is no such Pokémon Loto~!"

Rotom flew up, and the camera shot at Genesect repeatedly, but no data was obtained in the end.

Seeing this, Akromar smiled, which could deflate Rotom and make him seem to have won the battle.

"This is an artificial Pokémon I invented~"

As he spoke, he manipulated the button device in his hand, and this Genesect seemed to be starting a machine, and its body made a "sizzling" sound.

The eyes flashed red, and then the steel body floated up, turned parallel to the ground, and the limbs gathered at the sides of the body.
After a while, Genesect turned into a metal floating plate!
Akromar strode directly onto Genesect.


In the following scene, it was as if Akromar stepped on a skateboard that completely ignored gravity and could travel freely in mid-air, full of sense of technology.


This made Xiaozhi and Mingyi both exclaim in amazement, the sense of technology completely killed the desert scooter under their feet!
With their own means of transportation, Xiaozhi and his party officially entered the desert.

And Akromar drove the Genesect, flying ahead to lead the way, looking down at the detector in his hand from time to time, as if he had already had a direction.

On the surface of the desert, it is obviously very difficult to find that ancient city.
But the mysterious cave he discovered in the sewer of Feiyun City before, after entering it is a long, narrow, winding and twisted ancient secret passage
Walking all the way to the end, you can directly reach the underground floor of the ancient castle.

I can only lament the wisdom of the ancients. Even with such a simple technology, they were able to build such a great and magnificent project underground in the Hezhong area.

So Akromar, with the help of the detection map, prepared to take Xiaozhi and the two into the ancient castle from the surface entrance, and explore the inside of the castle to see what secrets there are.

"Speaking of Mr. Akromar, you Pokémon, Gaeno, Genesect, are you going to use a machine to control it?"

There is still some distance on the road, so Xiaozhi couldn't help asking along the way.

He had just seen that Akromar manipulated Genesect not with words, but with a machine on his wrist.

"That's right, Genesect was an extremely ferocious Pokémon in ancient times. After I created it, I couldn't make it obey the command by normal means, so I could only use the machine I invented."

Akromar didn't hide anything, raised his wrist, and said with a smile:

"I call him the Acroma Controller, which can completely suppress and control Pokémon's mind. If you put the target on your Pikachu, I can also make Pikachu completely obey my orders~!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and Mingyi shuddered.

What kind of villain prop is this? !

Sounds like something very evil and dangerous!

However, Mr. Akromar doesn't seem to have any dislike for this, and instead enjoys using it.

So Xiaozhi could only bite the bullet and say:
"Um, Mr. Akromar, I think the best way for the trainer to contact Pokémon is to communicate with the Pokémon. Machine control is not correct."

Mingyi behind her also nodded repeatedly, she couldn't accept the control of the machine.

Hearing this, Akromar shook his head noncommittally.

"In nature, there are too many Pokémon that humans will never be able to tame. Genesect is one of them. They were brutal and murderous Pokémon in ancient times. Even if they are revived in modern times, they will absolutely Will not be partners with humans."

Compared with any fetters, trust
Akromar trusts his machine more!

Didn't you see how obedient the current Genesect is?

"I want to refute this!"

However, Xiaozhi still expressed his point of view seriously:
"No matter what kind of Pokémon, they can communicate with humans and become partners. The bond between humans and Pokémon does exist!"


Akromar glanced at Xiaozhi, a little surprised.

Usually Xiaozhi is a very easy-going person, but this is the first time he has seen Xiaozhi say something so seriously.

He suddenly had an interesting idea, so he smiled and said:

"Since you are so persistent, if there is a chance in the future, I will give you a Genesect."

"Xiaozhi, I'll give you one of the most ferocious and brutal Genesects. When the time comes, you can show me your so-called bond, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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