He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1996 Angry Mantou, Dharma Baboon!

Chapter 1996 Angry Mantou, Dharma Baboon!

"Any other Genesects?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was startled, and looked at Akromar with a surprised face.

By the way, can this artificial Pokémon be mass-produced?

Akromar nodded, and a burst of embarrassment naturally spread out.

Genesect, of course he didn't just make one.

Although the cost of each one is extremely expensive, it doesn't matter if it can be described as a sky-high price, anyway, the funds of the plasma team are used.

And among them there is the most special existence, whose power is greater than other Genesects, but mentally, it is also the most difficult to control.

Even his proud Akroma machine is prone to failure and fire, causing the latter to go berserk every minute.

Therefore, Akromar didn't bring it with him, but soaked it in the cooling fluid in the private laboratory to keep the latter in a state of sleep.

While talking, Akromar looked at Xiao Zhi, and a dangerous white light flickered on the mirror of his glasses.

"At that time, I won't be responsible if it tears you apart~!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi didn't show any fear on his face, but full of confidence.

"Come on then!"

His gaze fell on the deformed Genesect at Acromar's feet. The gun barrel mounted on the latter's back could obviously launch extremely powerful laser attacks.

But, no problem.

It used to be the red Gyarados that was illegally experimented by the Rockets, resulting in an extremely violent personality.

Still the ancient overlord of the sky, the fossilized pterosaur with half of its body transformed into a mega-evolved posture finally became a partner with himself.

Even the Pluto dragon, Giratina, who was exiled in the reverse world, finally formed a good relationship with him.

Xiaozhi doesn't believe that he can't use the power of the bond to become a partner with a Genesect.

The power of language is still weak
Just in time, I will use the facts to prove it to Akromar!
"Then, I'm looking forward to it~"

Akromar smiled, and then looked at Mingyi behind Xiaozhi.

"Mingyi, how about it, do you want it or not?"

Before he could finish speaking, Ming Yi raised his hand to block it, while shaking his head like a rattle.

Ferocity is a dangerous bug that even kills trainers
Please act as if I don't exist!

In the desert, several people advanced for nearly half an hour.

There is no need to worry about the battery life of the Acroma scooter under your feet. It is driven by pure solar energy. At this moment, there is still a dazzling sun in the sky.

Akromar, who rode Genesect and flew ahead to lead the way, finally stopped in front of a ruined wall.

This is almost the northwestmost edge of this desert, and there is a hard and towering mountain blocking it in front of it, making it impossible to move forward.

"Is this the ancient city?"

Xiaozhi and Mingyi got off the scooters. In the middle of the dilapidated ruins, there was this brick road with potholes.

This road is not covered by sand, and it is only a little hotter when you step on the bricks, so you won't get burned.

Akromar also came down from Genesect, looking around curiously.

Genesect changed his posture, walking upright behind Akromar, like a loyal guard.

In addition to the dilapidated road in the center, there are some strange rock statues standing a few meters away on both sides.

The overall shape is spherical, shaped like a tumbler, with a blue-gray body, and the surface is covered with a layer of sand. It seems that these statues have been standing here for some time.

At the end of the road, you can see a flat-topped stone building with a height of only one meter, which is slightly protruding from the sand and dust, and the surface is covered with thick sand.

It seems that most of the buildings below should be covered by the desert.

Akromar's eyes were fixed. This flat-roofed building should be the legendary ancient castle!

However, most of it has already been covered by wind and sand.
No, the brick road outside was level with the top of the castle.

This means that the castle has collapsed as a whole, right?
Akromar stroked his chin, pondering for a while in his mind.

Rotom, on the other hand, became excited, and the bracket arm kept shooting the screen, shooting and recording the surrounding ruins.

It's all official information!

Until the tumbler statues on both sides of the road were photographed, the illustrated book suddenly recognized and broadcast by itself:

"Beep! Bodhidharma, fire attribute, ignites a 1400-degree flame in the body, can use the power to destroy large trucks with bare hands, and sometimes shrinks his hands and feet without moving, like a rock statue. This state is called Bodhidharma Pattern Loto~!"

Hearing this, several people all looked in the direction of Rotom.

Xiaozhi suddenly became interested, so are these rock statues actually Pokémon?

Rotom's broadcast is not over yet:
"Dharma Baboon's favorite food is Angry Mantou. When he smells the smell of Angry Mantou, even the Bodhidharma Baboon who has been sleeping for many years will wake up immediately~! Wow, interesting Loto~!"

Rotom talked to himself, and even flew directly behind Xiaozhi, reaching into the latter's backpack and groping for a while.

"Hey Rotom, it won't work there"

Xiaozhi didn't know what the latter was going to do, and Rotom had already taken out a box of green-packaged desserts from his bag.

Coincidentally, it is a specialty from the Chengdu area, angry steamed buns!
Xiaozhi bought it in Feiyun City before, because Feiyun Ice Cream, a specialty of Feiyun City, could not be brought into the desert, so he changed it to a snack and prepared it as a dessert for lunch later.

"Wait a minute, Rotom!"

Sensing that Rotom was about to die again, Xiao Zhi quickly stopped him.

However, Rotom had already lifted the box and flew to a rock statue, tore open the package, and grabbed an angry steamed bun from inside.
In fact, it is steamed buns, not the traditional staple food steamed buns, but a soft dessert fruit.

It's rare to encounter something that can test whether your data is correct, Rotom doesn't care if he will release any monsters
In short, do it first!
Sure enough, the moment Angry Mantou approached the statue, the latter began to shake from side to side.


The blue-gray rock statue vibrated more and more.

In the end, the whole body quickly changed from blue-gray to dark red.

The legs and feet that were originally hugged on the chest also spread out, forming slender orangutan arms and stubby hind legs.


The short yellow eyebrows ignited like flames!

Finally, the Dharma baboon completely exited the Dharma state, and changed back to only the torso, the body is like a ball of flame baboon.

"Play ha!!!"

It waved its thick arms, opened its mouth wide, and let out a violent cry.

A pair of eyes were staring brightly, and he showed an offensive posture towards Rotom!
(End of this chapter)

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