He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1997 Big Nuan Man, Abandoned Monkey!

Chapter 1997 Big Nuan Man, Abandoned Monkey!
"Beep beep! Success. Ah alert alert Loto~!"

After the death, Rotom's CPU temperature dropped rapidly, and he dodged in a hurry.

It has no combat capability at all!
"Maybe I can equip you with a cannon barrel as a weapon in the future, just like Genesect~?"

Facing the dangerous Bodhidharma baboon, what Akromar thought about was how to transform this illustrated book.

And this Bodhidharma baboon, who had been sleeping for an unknown amount of time, was very irritable, and immediately smashed it with a huge fist.


On the fist, there is still burning flames, it is a flame fist!

Rotom quickly raised his figure and flew to a height that Dharma baboons could not reach, only then did he escape.

Xiaozhi doesn't bother to talk about Rotom's death behavior, the most important thing right now is to subdue the flame baboon.
"Play ha!!"

Since the latter couldn't attack Rotom, he had turned his target to Xiaozhi and his party.

"That's right, it's up to you!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he suddenly took out a poke ball.

When the red light fell, a brown-yellow flame piglet appeared, which was Xiaozhi's Nuannuan pig.

"Nuannuanzhu, this is a good opponent! Defeat it, use the energy storage flame attack!!"

In the desert field, opponents with flame attributes will naturally use flames to defeat flames!
Although I don't know what happened, Nuan Nuan Pig still spewed out gunpowder smoke, and his whole body rushed into the gunpowder smoke and turned into a fireball. Under the sunshine of the natural sunny day, the power of the moves was even better, and he rushed towards the target.

It's just that this Bodhidharma baboon swung a powerful flame fist, which was also boosted by the sunny day, and its strength was much stronger.

Bang bang! !
Directly scattered the flames around Nuan Nuan Zhu, smashing the latter upside down and flying into the nearby desert.

However, it was also a flame move, and the damage was not high. Nuan Nuan Zhu quickly stood up from the sand.


It's just that the hot sand under his feet made Nuannuan pig a little uncomfortable, and he was about to jump back to the brick road in the safe zone.

"Nuannuan pig, use the sand to hone your strength!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly spoke up.

Pokémon with fire attributes can withstand even magma, not to mention these sandy soils.
And stepping on it, maybe Nuannuanzhu can understand the new move of Resha Land!

Hot Sand Land, also known as "surfing with ground attributes", is a very practical and powerful move!


Hearing Xiaozhi's voice, Nuannuanzhu nodded, and puffed out a puff of smoke from his nostrils to cheer himself up.

It seems that it is indeed a psychological effect to persevere a little, and the sand under the feet is not so uncomfortable?


On the other side, the Dharma baboon had rushed up again, waving its fiery iron fist, and smashed at Nuannuan pig.

Completely at a disadvantage in terms of strength, Nuan Nuan Zhu hurriedly jumped sideways to dodge, using the speed-up effect of gunpowder charge to play a roundabout tactic.

"This seems like a protracted battle."

After several rounds of fighting, there was no winner, Xiaozhi frowned slightly.

This newly awakened Dharma baboon is not very high level. Although its strength is much stronger than that of Nuannuan pig, it is not invincible.

But it will take a certain amount of time to completely defeat it.
In such a hot weather, Mingyi and Akroma felt a little embarrassed as they stood by and watched blankly.

After all, the ancient castle is right in front of us, so the focus now should be on that.

"Let Pikachu kill this Dharma baboon directly?"

Xiaozhi sighed, and could only let Nuannuanzhu exercise next time.

But at this moment, an elf ball at his waist opened automatically, and the Abandoned Monkey appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

"Give up drinking~!"

Seemingly understanding the trainer's troubles, the Abandoned Monkey patted Xiaozhi's shoulder, raised the corner of his mouth, and gave Xiaozhi a confident look.

You do what you want to do, and leave this little piggy to me!
"Abandoned Monkey!"

Xiaozhi was immediately moved, and wanted to step forward to give Abandoned Monkey a hug!
How do you feel that after the Abandoned Monkey evolved, it became a kind and warm man!

It's just your behavior, I'm completely sorry for your name!
"Then I'm counting on you! Also, this is the reward~!"

Xiaozhi heaved a sigh of relief. With the level of the Abandoned Monkey, he could take care of it alone. He took the angry steamed buns from Rotom's hand and handed them all to the Abandoned Monkey.

Then he looked at the other two partners.

"Let's go, Mr. Akromar, Mingyi, let's go to the ancient castle first!"

"Actually, I'm not in a hurry~!"

"I can watch it for a while"

The two smiled, but it was fine.

A Dharma baboon who is not very high-level, it is interesting to transform into Dharma mode at the beginning.

So the three came to the end of this incomplete road.

The flat-roofed stone building in front of it was wrapped in thickly packed silt, sealing off what should have been the passageway to the balcony.

So Akromar operated the machine in his hand, and the Genesect beside him started.

It stepped forward, with a fierce and dangerous red light attached to its claws, and slashed forward fiercely!
Tear Claws! !

puff! !
Immediately, it had been compressed for an unknown number of years, and the texture had begun to transform into hard rocky brown-black sand, which was completely smashed and scattered, revealing a small cracked door leading to the interior.

Such an attack made Xiaozhi swallow his saliva.

It seems that if he really receives a Genesect in the future, he must be careful of the latter's claws!
"Let's go~!"

Akromar operated the machine again, and Genesect took the lead and entered it.

Xiaozhi waved his hand to the Abandoned Monkey at the back, and the latter also gave Xiaozhi a thumbs up, and then he followed the two into it.

The outside of the ancient castle.

Abandoned Monkey stood on the brick road, like an iron-blooded instructor, watching the battle between Bodhidharma Baboon and Nuannuan Pig with cold eyes.


From time to time, he grabbed an angry head, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it.

The scent wafting from between the teeth made the Dharma baboon's eyes turn red and his mouth water.

Immediately, he gave up the nimble Nuannuan pig in front of him, and swung his big fist at the Abandoned Monkey, intending to take the angry head from the latter's hand.

However, the Abandoned Monkey just turned slightly sideways, and easily dodged the opponent's moves.


Then turned over with a whip leg, and kicked the Dharma baboon back in front of Nuannuan pig, the action was extremely rough.

Hmph, how dare you eat my uncle's food?

Give me a good training partner for Nuannuanzhu!
By the way, a Dharma baboon seems to be a little less. Without a little pressure, this little piggy can't improve faster at all.
He glanced at the angry steamed bun in his hand, and then glanced at the rock statues of five Dharma baboons around him.

Abandoned Monkey suddenly had a good idea.

(End of this chapter)

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