He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1998 The Sun God in the Ancient Castle

Chapter 1998 The Sun God in the Ancient Castle

Ancient castle interior.

According to the building structure, it is actually more like a stone tower stacked layer by layer, each layer has a spacious area.

Since Xiaozhi and the others came in from the top floor, they did not climb up from the bottom like the traditional way of climbing a tower, but explored from the top floor to the bottom.

"Is there even a staircase?"

Mingyi walked behind, curiously looking at everything in front of him.

Originally thought it would be a stuffy and dark basement, but after entering, it feels surprisingly good?
Compared with the hot desert area outside, the interior of the ancient city is very shady and cool. Each floor is five or six meters high, which does not give people a feeling of depression and closure.

There are even stone stairs going down.


It's just that some fine sand and sand flowed from the ceiling above from time to time, giving people a sense of insecurity as if the roof would collapse at any time.

"Be careful"

When Ming Yi was about to step on a ground, Xiao Zhi pulled it quickly.

Then a stone was thrown in the past, and the seemingly flat ground suddenly began to twist and stir, and the quicksand completely swallowed the stone in a short while.

There are several areas of the ground, all with the effect of quicksand hell.

What makes Xiaozhi curious is that if people step on it directly, they can go straight to the next floor from time to time?

But at this moment, the three of them are not the only ones in the ancient castle, there are also some members of the plasma team in black uniforms, scattered on various floors, conducting investigation work. .

"Lord Akromar!"

"Lord Akromar!"

After seeing Akromar, they leaned over one after another and said hello together.

Then he looked at Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi with a look of surprise, why are there two brats with him?

Akromar smiled and pointed to Xiaozhi and the two:
"These two are distinguished guests of Team Plasma, please don't show any disrespect."

Several soldiers of the plasma team nodded quickly, not daring to disobey.

So many people suddenly appeared, Xiaozhi and Mingyi were a little surprised.

The sand door on the top was just opened by Genesect. Where did this group of people come from?
Could it be that there are other entrances to this ancient castle?

It just seemed that someone had explored it a long time ago, and Xiaozhi suddenly became a little interested.

And this group of soldiers has been exploring here for a few days, and basically explored the ancient castle inside and out.

"Lord Akromar, the rare treasures in the ancient castle have been removed through ancient secret passages. As for the other ruins, we have left them intact without any damage!"

A small soldier asked for credit.

But in fact, the treasures they found were not too many, and this place was not a place of treasures in the traditional sense.

It is more like a simple place of worship, empty and empty.

And after so many years, most of the sacrificial items have been weathered, turning into broken sand when touched.

As the number of floors decreased, Xiaozhi roughly counted them, and they should have arrived at the fifth floor of the basement
And at this level, you can see a stone door on the side of the wall is open, and there is a stone path hole leading to the outside. It seems that the team of the plasma team entered the ancient city from here.

"Is this floor the place where priests live?"

Akromar glanced at his radar detection, and then looked at the well-spaced Shimen room in front of him, which should be the place where ancient people lived.

He touched the weird imprints on the wall. These are the words of the ancient people, and they should record something interesting.

As for the entire ancient castle, it is suitable as a secret base.

Together with No. 4 road and Feiyun sewer at any time, it is very hidden.

But at this moment Akromar is more curious about
What about the legendary sun god?

He had heard before that the legendary sun god was enshrined in the ancient castle.

But this group of subordinates has already explored this ancient castle, and there is nothing special to discover.

Is it just a vain legend...?
"Mr. Akromar, do you have any questions?"

Seeing Akromar's frowning, Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

The former raised his eyebrows and told Xiaozhi and his doubts.

"The sun god in the depths? Is it a legendary Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi became interested and couldn't help poking Rotom who was still taking pictures everywhere.

"Beep! Sun God, the information is unknown, there was a record of Loto in the Alola region~!"

Rotom was a little perfunctory, and said casually.Then continue to record and explore the surroundings.

Hearing this, Akromar shook his head. He had heard about the Sun God in the Alola region, but it had nothing to do with the Hezhong region.

"As far as I know, this legendary sun god should be a Vulcan moth."

"Vulcan Moth?"

Xiaozhi and Mingyi looked at each other, they heard it from Fan Shilang when they were still in Suanmu Town.

After his burning worm evolves, it will be a Vulcan moth, right?
At that time, it seemed that I had indeed heard the words of the sun god.

However, this ancient castle has existed for thousands of years, so it is impossible that there is still a thousand-year-old vulcan moth inside, right?
Xiaozhi became interested and began to look around.

In the depths of the castle...

The position they were in at the moment seemed to be the bottom of the castle, and there were no downward stairs. The surrounding stone gates were all open, and there was no hidden room.

Xiaozhi stepped on the ground with his feet, as if it was a completely solid ground.

It's not a big problem, he closed his eyes and began to release his waveguide power.

In the depths of the castle. Maybe there is a mysterious floor below the deepest part?

But soon, Xiaozhi opened his eyes again and asked a question.

The power of my own waveguide should be able to penetrate tens of meters into the ground...

It's just that the ground under your feet is only a few meters deep, and the waveguide disappears without a trace as if stuck in a quagmire.

"Oh, isn't even Xiaozhi's waveguide power useless?"

Akromar noticed Xiaozhi's abnormality, and turned his head to ask.

He has seen Xiaozhi's super power before, and he also knows that it is a rare power called the power of waveguide, and there are many ways to use it.

Then he turned his gaze to the ground under his feet.

"Sure enough, the crux of the problem is here."

He has also checked it with his own radar detector, and the feedback is not a solid floor but a missing signal.

The extremely thick sandy ground seemed to have a strange power and shielding ability.

The eyes of Xiaozhi and Akromar lit up at the same time.

Maybe there is really a sun god that has survived for thousands of years hidden under the ground—maybe Vulcan Moth?

"Genesect, use digging!"

Akromar manipulated the machine on his wrist, and made a gesture to command the Iron Worm God to dig.

The senior tool bug Genesekt is about to dig directly through the ground as soon as he makes a move.

(End of this chapter)

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