He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1999 Vulcan Moth Appears!

Chapter 1999 Vulcan Moth Appears!

"Wait a moment."

Xiaozhi suddenly raised his hand to stop Akromar's movement, and then pointed to the floor of one of the rooms.

The sandy soil there is the softest, and the interference effect on the power of the waveguide is the weakest...

Most importantly, there is an area with its own quicksand hell effect.

Akroma instantly understood Xiaozhi's meaning, and with a smile on his lips, he immediately operated the machine in his hand and changed the instructions.


This made Mingyi, who was behind the crowd, look dumbfounded.

Can the two of you talk directly? Why do you always look at each other and smile inexplicably, as if you can understand each other just by looking at each other? !

But this time, Genesect didn't use the digging move, but jumped directly into a quicksand hell area.

call out.!
Feeling the weight, the sand began to stir and spin, entangled Genesect's lower limbs, and dragged the latter's body continuously sinking.

After a while, half of Genesek's body sank into the sand.

The quicksand hell move, the general limit is just like this, it's just a move that restricts movement.

But the natural quicksand in front of him was still dragging Genesect's body sinking continuously. After half a minute, he was completely immersed in it and lost all traces.

The ground also became flat again, as if nothing had happened.

Akromar quickly looked at the screen of the machine in his hand. Genesect was equipped with a special transmitter.

"Sure enough, there is another layer below!"

He exclaimed, at this moment, Genesect is not covered with sand and sealed, but is in a strange open area?

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and the flame of exploring the unknown was blazing!
It seems that the bottom is the most mysterious place of this ancient castle.

"Let's go, Pikachu!"

With Genesect at the bottom, there was nothing to worry about. Xiao Zhi held Pikachu with one arm, pulled towards Rotom with the other, and jumped directly into the quicksand.


The quicksand stirred up again, dragging Xiaozhi's figure down continuously.

When the sand was close to his mouth, Xiaozhi closed his eyes and held his breath.


Pikachu frowned and covered his mouth, which was equivalent to his most annoying ground-type move, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

After a while, Xiaozhi and Pikachu completely disappeared.

"Hey, Xiaozhi."

Seeing this scene, Ming Yi felt a little terrified.

Then he looked at Akromar, who was also looking at him with a smile at this moment, which was an encouraging look.


Mingyi had no choice but to swallow, and walked to the edge of quicksand.

In the end, with a solemn expression, he gritted his teeth, as if there was a cliff ahead, and walked up.

Although this process was outrageous, she also wanted to meet the legendary sun god.


It was not until the quicksand had covered her chest that Mingyi reacted abruptly.

By the way, how will they come back later?
Although the process of falling was a bit scary, after holding his breath for half a minute, Mingyi suddenly felt his surroundings loosen, his feet were hanging in the air, and he fell directly from midair.

This is still a huge space with a height of ten meters. If you fall directly to the ground, your bones may crack.


But when he was about to fall to the ground, Xiaozhi was already below, and he caught Mingyi firmly.

"Are you okay, Mingyi?"

Seeing that Mingyi's face turned red in his arms, Xiaozhi thought something was wrong.

"It's okay. Thank you, Xiaozhi."

Mingyi hurriedly struggled to get up, because Xiaozhi caught her in the posture of a princess hugging her, it was somewhat weird to be hugging her waist and thighs at this moment.

The moment he landed, a burst of quicksand fell from the ceiling above, and Akromar's figure also fell down.

But this time, Xiaozhi didn't need to help, the Genesect was programmed to protect Akromar as the highest authority instruction.

It immediately flew up, and also caught the latter carefully in the posture of a princess.

The three of them looked around.

It is a completely closed environment, but there is natural light around it, it is not too dark, and there is no need to use flash.

But I saw that it was a huge room with a wide area.
Or, a square?
There are yellowish-brown cubic rocks standing on the edge, and some unknown symbols are carved on the rock walls on both sides.

At the end of this square, there is a high platform with several steps, and a huge stone chair stands above it.

Just looking at the current ruins, Xiaozhi can already imagine that in ancient times, the so-called sun god should be enshrined on the steps.

And the square under the stage should be a group of ancient people who worshiped and worshiped, right?

"So, what about the sun god?"

Xiaozhi stepped forward curiously, the whole square was very empty, with a clear view, it was almost impossible to hide anything.

If there is still a hidden place
That is behind that huge stone chair, what might be hidden?
"Is that the Sun God?"

Akromar was at the back, and his eyes fell on the rock wall behind the stone chair, which had a mural.

The above is an abstract painting of a group of human beings kneeling below, and the existence in the position of holding the moon
The insect with six wings radiates light all over its body, floating in mid-air like the sun.

"This mural is the evidence that proves that the Sun God is Vulcan Moth!"

Akromar let out an exclamation.

Although he is a fanatical scientist, he has the same goal through different routes. Ordinary scientists will also have a strong interest in the history of theology!
And the moment Xiaozhi officially stepped on the steps.


In an instant, in the closed square, a gust of hot wind blew out of nowhere, making the faces and skins of the three of them hot.


Immediately afterwards, there was a hissing sound, the sound was quite sharp and piercing, which made people's complexion turn black, and they just wanted to block their ears.

The last dazzling sun suddenly rose from behind the stone chair and flew to a position of five or six meters, releasing light and heat to the entire space of the sacrificial square!
Everyone had to cover their eyes first, and waited for the light to weaken a little before they could look directly at the existence that suddenly appeared.

The overall height is about three meters. The main body is a fat moth with a black and blue striped abdomen, and the neck is covered with thick white hair.

Blue eyes, a pair of red tentacles around the cheeks.

Behind him are three petal-like orange-red wings with black spots on them, and six of them are fully opened, like a glowing red sun.

There is no expression, but with a high majesty!
It was in the ancient Hezhong area that it was believed to be the incarnation of the sun, and was described by the ancients as the god of fire, and its status was not inferior to the legendary Pokémon——

Vulcan Moth!
(End of this chapter)

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