He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2000 Fierce battle, Pikachu vs Vulcan Moth!

Chapter 2000 Fierce battle, Pikachu vs Vulcan Moth!
"There really is a Vulcan Moth.?!"

Xiao Zhi was greatly surprised, not only because of the rarity of Vulcan Moth itself.
You must know that this space is completely closed, which means that this Vulcan moth has lived for at least a thousand years? !

So what have you been eating for so many years?

"Beep! The average size of a Vulcan moth is 2 meters. Wu, this Vulcan moth is close to three meters in size, Luo Tuo!"

Rotom didn't dare to approach, and Fei kept changing angles to take pictures behind him, also exclaiming.

From the looks of it, this is an ancestor-level vulcan moth! ?
Everyone was shocked by the sudden appearance of the Vulcan Moth, and they were at a loss for a while.


The Vulcan moth let out a sharp insect cry again, and with obvious hostility, it aimed its gaze at Genesect.

It is also of the insect attribute, and they are hostile to each other.

Entering this Sun Temple, if you are not your own believers, you will burn them all!

This grotesque bug covered in armor is a pretty good opponent!

"A sun god who wants to fight?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he immediately looked at Akromar.

"Mr. Akromar, leave this guy to me!"

The vulcan moth has survived for thousands of years, although the principle is unknown.
But in terms of strength, it should have already surpassed the legendary Pokémon, right?

Xiaozhi suddenly became interested in fighting.


Akromar made a gesture of invitation, and then controlled Genexet, guarding the rear.

He doesn't like fighting, so he can concentrate on watching the battle from the side.

"Then it's up to you, Pikachu!"

So Xiaozhi pointed with his big hand, and Pikachu beside him jumped up immediately, and was located on the ground under the steps, with bright eyes and electric current bursting from his cheeks.

Seeing the opponent suddenly turned into a little mouse
This Vulcan Moth, the sun god, takes the battle very seriously, and is ready to fight with all his strength even if he faces a tiny electric mouse.


I saw it let out a loud cry in mid-air, its body slowly rotated, and faint scale powder was scattered all over its body.

It's like a dance performance at a gorgeous contest, accompanied by the shining golden light of the sun, it's quite beautiful.

Butterfly dance!

Although this move is beautiful, Vulcan Moth can also use dance moves to increase the strength of the whole body, which is a stronger increase move than Dragon Dance.

"Don't give it a chance, use the speed!!"

It would be dangerous to really dance for the other party, Xiao Zhi hurriedly said loudly.

Pikachu understood, stomped on the ground, and his small figure suddenly turned into a blue light and sprang out.

After coming to the Hezhong area, Pikachu has not been weakened in any way, and his swift movements are difficult to capture.

bang bang! !
In the next moment, even Vulcan Moth didn't react, the abdomen was hit hard, and the body was sunken.

Immediately, the whole body flew backwards and hit the rock wall behind, stirring up a burst of gravel and smoke.

"So fast."

The onlookers Mingyi was very surprised that Pikachu was not only extremely fast, but also extremely powerful.

"Is this Xiaozhi's battle?"

Akromar next to him is also watching with relish. It seems that the sun god today may not be Pikachu's opponent.


However, this blow obviously couldn't tell the winner. The Vulcan Moth let out a loud cry, shook off the dust on its body, and flew into the air above everyone's heads again.

This sacrificial square has a wide area, and even flying Pokémon can freely stretch out to fight.

I saw Vulcan Moth's blue eyes flickering with a faint light, followed by a high-frequency trembling sound, and the blue wave of thought power had landed on Pikachu.

Spiritual strength!

The previous blow was so fast, Vulcan Moth already knew that the electric mouse in front of him was not simple!
Full attack!

Before waiting for Pikachu to do anything, the mental force broke out in an instant, and Pikachu was controlled and grabbed.

Boom! !
As if being hit by a heavy hammer, Pikachu flew out instantly and hit the nearby rock wall heavily.

After landing, he also had a lot of dust on his body, which made him quite embarrassed.

"Sure enough, so strong"

Xiaozhi was startled and said, the red light attached to Vulcan Moth's body at this moment is constantly changing and flickering like breathing, full of power.

And Vulcan Moth moved again, its figure spinning in the air.

But this time it wasn't the Butterfly Dance move, but the six wings and the tentacles on both sides of the head, all spewing out flames.

Whoosh! !Whoosh! !
The released flames formed bundles of slender flame whips, centered on the Vulcan Moth, irregularly, sweeping and twitching around like a group of demons dancing wildly!

"Beep beep! Dance of Fire, Vulcan Moth's exclusive move, covering the whole body with flames, flapping its wings to attack the opponent. Sometimes it even improves its special attack Loto~!"

Rotom offers assistance from a distance.

And the dance of fire released by Vulcan Moth, at the same time, seven or eight powerful fire whips swept randomly, making it difficult for people to get close.

Crack! ! !Crack! !

Some flame whips even lashed at the surrounding rock walls, and with a light sweep, the rock walls were cracked to form a black-stained gully, which shows its great power.

With such an attack, even Xiaozhi dared not approach him, and quickly said:

"Pikachu, use the grid!!"

Pikachu spun, and a lightning net flew out from its tail.

It's just that before the Vulcan Moth of the power grid got close to the source, it was already shattered by the Fire Dance's long whip.

"Use Electric Ball!!"

Pikachu didn't believe in evil, flicked his tail, and threw a lightning energy ball again.

snort! !
It's just a repetition of the picture, and the dance of fire quickly swept the electric ball and exploded it easily.

Even several Fire Dance long whips were already aggressively sweeping towards Pikachu, either vertically or horizontally, attacking from several angles at the same time, making it difficult to dodge.

And the Vulcan Moth at the source of the flames was still flapping its wings, apparently using the flapping of its wings to control the attack direction of the flames.

"Use super speed, dodge all!!"

Although the situation is dangerous, once Pikachu enters the state of super speed, his agility has completely stepped up to a terrifying new level.

call out.!

With a movement that could no longer be traced by the naked eye, Pikachu dodged all the flame whips, and then landed firmly on the open space in the other direction of the Vulcan Moth.

"Right now, use Thunder!!"

Xiaozhi said loudly, if he wants to break through the opponent's Fire Dance, he must directly use his big move!
Seeing that the electric mouse's cheek is filled with lightning, and this time the attack is extremely dangerous

The Vulcan Moth let out a loud cry, and instantly changed its moves. Although the wings were still flapping, the flame whip was disconnected at the root and dissipated in the air by itself.

And the fluttering wings, this time blowing away a fierce and powerful hurricane
storm! !
(End of this chapter)

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