He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2001 Exhausted lifespan, natural death?

Chapter 2001 Exhausted lifespan, natural death?
The thunder move exploded at full force, and the dazzling lightning burst out from Pikachu's body, turning into a thick and winding electric snake, blasting towards the target!
At the same moment, Vulcan Moth also blew a vortex hurricane, also attacking against the lightning!

The big moves of the electric attribute and the flying attribute collided, and the golden lightning and the blue-white cyclone kept colliding with each other, smashing and destroying each other.

In the end, the two moves penetrated each other, and the thunder shot out from the center eye of the hurricane, hitting Vulcan Moth!
And the storm outside also fell on Pikachu!
The next moment, Vulcan Moth and Pikachu flew upside down at the same time, hitting the rock walls on both sides heavily, and falling a lot of gravel.

"Compared to!"

As soon as Mingyi spoke, Akromar shook his head beside him.

In terms of strength, Pikachu should be stronger. After all, the Vulcan Moth has quietly increased a part of its strength after performing the Dance of Fire before.

This vulcan moth, which has survived for thousands of years, has already surpassed ordinary Pokémon in power.

Even if it is placed in the legendary Pokémon, it is an existence with outstanding strength.
Akromar straightened his face, revealing a look of surprise.

But it is because of this that it shows the strength of Xiaozhi and Pikachu.

How can an ordinary electric mouse be trained to such an extent?
"Pikachu, are you okay?"

Seeing Pikachu quickly crawl out of the pile of rubble, although his head was a little dizzy from the wind blowing, but the problem is not serious, Xiao Zhi heaved a sigh of relief.

Then his eyes fell on Vulcan Moth, who was also hovering back into the air on the opposite side.

I always feel that there is something wrong?

Xiaozhi's face gradually became dignified. This opponent is obviously very strong, but he always feels that the opponent is a little out of breath, unable to display his own strength?

Without waiting for him to think about it, the Vulcan moth attacked again, its six wings shook, and in an instant, a ball of fire flew up from each of them.

call out.!

Six fireballs were thrown in the direction of Pikachu at the same time.

Classic will-o'-the-wisp moves!
"Pikachu, jump up and get out of the way!"

Pikachu nodded, and immediately jumped, easily dodging the six fireballs.

It's just this kind of movement, which also made the Vulcan Moth's eyes brighten, and it couldn't dodge in the air!
Its eyes flashed, and it used its mental force to control the six fireballs, turned around, and attacked Pikachu again!

However, to its surprise, Pikachu was clearly in mid-air, but it seemed that there was an air wall in the air.


Accompanied by the sound of electric current rushing, Pikachu's figure was like a spring, and he stepped on the void to borrow force, and then bounced down!

It is Pikachu's signature stunt, Thunder Cloud Line!

The previous thunder move has successfully flowed a lot of fine electric current in the surrounding air.

"Oh~ Interesting~!"

Akromar pushed his glasses, and it was unbelievable that he still had such a fighting style.
So much fun! !
Compared with the Vulcan moth, his greater interest now is to observe Xiaozhi fighting!
And Pikachu bounced back with the thundercloud line, and his figure has already rushed straight to the Vulcan Moth's position!
This made the latter suddenly panic, and the mental confusion in his eyes dissipated.

This is the disadvantage of Pokémon with non-superpower attributes and using superpower moves.

It is true that the power of the move is still strong.
However, because the main body does not have enough mental power, it can only focus on its own mentally strong target, but cannot look around the entire space, and it is easy to be caught by the opponent.

"Then try that move, Pikachu, behemoth slash!!"

Xiaozhi immediately roared loudly.

Pikachu understood, and had been waiting there for a long time. The tail instantly turned silver-black, and the shape of the stepped tail instantly swelled a little.

Then the body turned several times in the air, and finally pressed down on the tail, as if holding a sharp steel sword, and slammed down heavily.

bang bang! !
The giant beast slashed head-on on Vulcan Moth's body. The powerful force made the latter's body feel like a cannonball, and it fell straight to the ground, causing a huge explosion.

Even the entire sacrificial square was shaking, and a lot of quicksand fell, as if it was about to collapse at any time!
Although there is still a certain distance from maturity for this giant beast slash
But at this moment, in terms of strength, it has already surpassed Iron Tail, as if it has cast a steel-type big trick.


When it landed, Pikachu's lower body softened, and he almost fell.

As for Xiaozhi, he exchanged glances with Akromar, who was watching the battle. The latter didn't speak, but nodded slightly with a smile.

Mingyi: "?"

Xiaozhi was overjoyed instantly, quickly took out a blank poke ball, and ran towards the ruins.


In the smoke and dust, although the specific appearance of Vulcan Moth could not be seen, there was a sound of the poke ball hitting the target.

Inhaling the Vulcan Moth, the Poké Ball fell to the ground and began to struggle and shake.

Faced with a Vulcan Moth of the legendary Pokémon level, even the well-informed Xiaozhi couldn't help being moved.

Akromar was also generous, and he didn't make a sound to fight, directing Gaeno Scott to move forward.

Compared with using the poke ball to subdue it, he prefers to use the machine he invented to directly control the mind.
Gaeno Scott swung his arm suddenly, and all the dust in front of him was blown away in an instant.

And when it appeared in the eyes of everyone, the spirit ball had completely stopped shaking among the ruins and rubble.

"I have successfully subdued the Sun God!!"

Xiaozhi was overjoyed, and after slapping Pikachu, he ran up in a hurry.

In this closed place, it has survived for thousands of years. Next, follow yourself and go see the outside world!

Picking up the poke ball, Xiaozhi opened it with his backhand.

Akromar and Mingyi also approached, wanting to observe closely the differences of the Vulcan Moth, an old monster that has survived for thousands of years.


When it came out again, the Vulcan Moth was naturally on the verge of a candle in the wind, lying on the ground, and let out a low cry weakly.

A thunderstorm that ate Pikachu one after another, plus a giant beast slash, this is a high amount of damage.

Xiaozhi quickly took out the wound medicine from the bag and gave emergency treatment.

"Hey, is it useless?"

Generally, after he treats in this way, other Pokémon should at least be able to raise their heads even if they cannot fully recover in a short time.

But after several bottles of wound medicine were poured down, the Vulcan Moth was still lying there powerlessly.

The six original orange-red wings on the back have also turned dark red at this moment, curling inward like dry leaves, and no longer radiate heat outward.

The breath of Vulcan Moth is even more intermittent, as if it will disappear at any time.
Xiaozhi was immediately confused, could it be that Pikachu's hands were too heavy?
No matter, in short, hurry up and send it to the elf center!

"It has nothing to do with the injury."

But at this time, Akromar next to him frowned and said in a serious tone:
"I look more like my lifespan is exhausted, and it's time to die naturally?"

(End of this chapter)

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