He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2015 Gym Master, Xiaojuer

Chapter 2015 Gym Master, Xiaojuer
Not to mention, the number of views and comments below is quite high.

However, most of the comments were asking "Who is Xiaozhi?" or "Begging for specific information about Sister Heisi".

When Rotom finished reading, Xiaozhi also looked at Douzi with a dark face.

Are you a little too fast? !
What happened yesterday afternoon, was posted that evening? !
And it's obviously just a friendly match against the subway, and it's a dark underground tunnel, and it's a double row with girls? !
"Haha, I can explain spicy~!"

Douzi stuck out his tongue and laughed, ready to pass the test.

After all, everyone will not pay attention to a person for no reason, so the best way to start a business is undoubtedly to use headlines to attract attention.

Her account obviously doesn't have many fans, but the number of views of this article is extremely high, which proves that the approach is correct.

"Teacher Xiaozhi, don't worry."

Douzi quickly calmed down. After all, in this information age, hot spots pop up one after another. By the time the next topic comes out, no one has paid attention to the previous hot topic.

So the headline party or something doesn't matter at all.
The Internet has no memory, and after a few days, no one will remember that Xiaozhi once led a sister in a double row, and they will only vaguely remember the name "Xiaozhi".

"Leave it to me, Lotto~!"

Wearing two-color headphones on top of his head, wearing a yellow and blue model jacket, and a fluffy yellow shawl like a lady.

For example, a short video of a flame chicken practicing basketball in the Fangyuan area a few years ago became popular all over the Internet. Until now, the popularity is still extremely high.

As Douzi asked, he curiously touched the latter's long ponytail that almost reached his knees.

Since the door was not closed, the three people in the room subconsciously looked out the door.

As for the contract
"The contract is up to you, Rotom!"

"This one is the owner of the Raven Gym—Miss Xiao Ju'er. She is not only a trainer who is good at electric attributes, but also the most famous beauty model in our Hezhong area~!"

Douzi introduced with a somewhat proud tone.

Why did it suddenly appear here now?

But their Lei Wen company has already established their own brokerage company, and Xiao Ju'er has nothing to do with Dou Zi's bankrupt company.

Xiao Ju'er shrugged, and replied casually, with a slightly capricious tone:
"Well, my hair was not too yellow before, I got tired of seeing it a long time ago, so I simply dyed it all black."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi nodded, looking at Xiaojuer's slender supermodel figure, he couldn't help thinking to himself:

"Happy cooperation, Teacher Xiaozhi~!"

"Ahh! Miss Xiaoju'er! Please sign it for me!!"

Seeing this, Douzi was overjoyed, and immediately greeted him:

Even she, a professional in the entertainment industry, couldn't help being surprised.

The studio was given to Douzi by her, and the relationship between the two was like sisters, so Douzi naturally told Xiaoju'er about her plan.

"Miss Ju'er, why are you here? Hey, have you dyed your hair?"

A basketball flaming chicken stalk, can it be popular until now?

Anyway, the friends he knows are not in the Hezhong area, so no one should be idle to read marketing articles from other places, right?
But this also proves that Douzi is indeed professional enough, especially in terms of efficiency, it is extremely fast.

But now that Xiaozhi was dealt with, Douzi looked at Mingyi again.

Douzi continued to fight for the road.

"Ming Yichan, why don't you think about it too~ You usually post videos to record your travels, and occasionally live broadcast, your fame may be even more popular than that strange tree!"

It stands to reason that Xiaoju'er is Douzi's best partner.

For a girl, although she is not very old, it can be seen that she is a good model seedling.

Either the behind-the-scenes team spends a lot of manpower and material resources to create a celebrity.
Or keep it simple, don't do anything, let nature take its course, but there may be a blockbuster?

Seeing this, Xiao Ju'er grinned at the corner of her mouth, took the signature and said at the same time:

Douzi held the contract as if holding a treasure, his pretty face was flushed.

A head of long black hair, with thick oblique bangs on the front of the forehead, and two long ponytails hanging down the back of the head.

When he saw a celebrity by accident, Ming Yi immediately ran up excitedly, took out his autographed notebook, and was extremely enthusiastic.

Not finding any flaws or traps, Xiaozhi simply signed his name carelessly.

"Thinner than the big sister before. Don't say it's a strong wind, even a strong wind that has been weakened after roaring loudly, I guess it can blow into the sky?"

Among them, Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town was mentioned. The exaggerated biographical information made Xiao Ju'er startled.

But she thought that such a talented person would not choose to cooperate with Douzi who was struggling on the verge of bankruptcy.

The casual and natural movements represent that the relationship between the two is obviously excellent.

"Oh, it's rare, Douzi, you have a guest today~!"

Then Xiao Ju'er looked at the two people in the room.

Xiaozhi looked directly at Rotom. He couldn't bear to read the dozens of pages of densely packed documents.

But for Rotom, it was really very simple. It was scanned in a few seconds like counting money, and even analyzed and interpreted.

Both of them are excellent cooperation targets, she has no reason to give up!

She has slender and long white legs, and a pair of flat shoes under her feet, but even so, she is taller than many people.

At this time, footsteps came from the door, and a rather cool and pleasant voice sounded.

Xiaoju'er's eyes were fixed, she looked Xiaozhi up and down, her expression gradually became serious.

Xiao Ju'er is extremely popular in the Hezhong area, even more popular than all the alliance kings and champions
Although, the popularity of the new king with the super power attribute has also risen sharply recently.

She probably also understands the current trend of the industry.

Following Xiaozhi's agreement, Mingyi also gradually became interested, and finally nodded his head under Douzi's hard work.

But there was a big beauty standing at the door, her fair and beautiful face without too much expression or makeup, giving off a haughty and glamorous temperament.

After listening to the explanation, Xiaozhi pursed his mouth, as if there was really no major problem.

Of course, there are some exceptions.

As for boys
"Is this person Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town?"

"It's ok to talk about my lovely little sister, do you consider joining our Raven Gym?"

"Wait a minute! Mingyi-chan is already a member of our BW Entertainment Company!"

Before she could finish speaking, Dou Zi had already stood in front of Ming Yi and said seriously.

Hearing this, Xiao Ju'er could only shrug her shoulders, didn't continue to say anything, and handed back Ming Yi's autograph book.

(End of this chapter)

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