He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2016 Gym battle... Forget it, don't fight

Chapter 2016 Forget about fighting in the gymnasium, don't fight
Although the appearance is very cold and arrogant, but Xiaoju'er's personality is unexpectedly kind, and she is going to take Xiaozhi and Mingyi to visit her Leiwen gymnasium.

Of course, it might also be for Douzi's sake.

After all, it is rare to catch two big fish, so she has to help Douzi to get in touch with them.

After the contract matter was settled, it was rare that there was nothing to do, Xiaozhi simply held the back of his head and followed along with nothing to do.

The interior area of ​​the Raven Gymnasium is extremely spacious. After all, it is not located in the inner ring of the city center. It and the Raven Playground are almost on the eastern edge of the city, so the land area is naturally generous.

But from time to time, there are models on the catwalk, and Xiao Juer, the most popular in the Hezhong area, sits on the show.

It's not a worry about the remote location, almost every model catwalk show is full of seats.

After a while, several people came to the catwalk stage.

Under the feet is a smooth floor with white patterns, and the surface is frosted to prevent reflections.

The stage stretches straight forward, with dark audience areas on both sides.

Xiaoju'er walked onto the arena, walked all the way to the end of the battle command, and suddenly looked at Xiaozhi.

But Douzi next to him shook his head, and the electric flying squirrel can use the flying moves of "Swallow Return" and "Acrobatics".
But flying under heavy pressure is not enough.

The one at the front is a large golden spider with furry legs and sharp claws in front of it, as if ready to hunt its prey forward at any time.

It's better to let Douzi's Yanwu King walk over while showing his muscles. Xiaozhi is more interested in this.

Until the trainer successfully captures Xiaojuer, the screen will change to the image of the trainer as an honor after winning.

Hearing this, Pikachu puffed up his chest immediately.


The focus was on the novelty Pokémon in front of him, and the ground that Xiaozhi stepped on unexpectedly squirmed, and he was startled.

At the end of the runway is the battle arena of Leiwen gymnasium, and there is a huge electronic screen above it.

Xiaoju'er walked in front, and even twisted her waist on the spot, showing the three of them how to act as a model on a catwalk.

Even the cute electric flying squirrel flew down, looked at Pikachu adoringly, rubbed his cheeks, and licked his tail.
There was nothing wrong in the Leiwen Gymnasium today, so Douzi took Xiaozhi and Mingyi to play in this stage hall for an afternoon, while Xiaojuer watched lazily beside him.

But before Xiaozhi could answer, Xiaoju'er's aura that had just gathered up completely dissipated, she spread her hands and said:
"Forget it, don't fight anymore, there are no spectators today, I'm too lazy to fight"

And Pikachu, who possesses powerful electric power, naturally attracted the attention of many electric-type Pokémon, who gathered around them one after another, watching in amazement the powerful electric power released by this foreign electric mouse.

At this time, there was a sound of laughter in the air, and a small figure glides down.

Her cold eyes narrowed and she asked:

But it was also an electric mouse in the air, with a white belly and black fur on the back.

It wasn't until dusk that several people were ready to bid farewell and leave.

"Ah what?!"

This is a bit like the flame on the flame horse, which can also change the temperature of the flame mane on its own, whether it will be hot and hurt people.

"Lightning zebra, electric attribute, evolution type of zebra."


Not to mention, once she stepped onto the stage, Xiao Ju'er's demeanor was as glamorous and noble as an iceberg, which made Ming Yi behind her couldn't help but slap her hands repeatedly.

"Does the electric mouse in the Hezhong area have flying attributes? It seems that it can use flying weight?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi laughed dryly, remembering the description of the black-skinned elder sister outside the gymnasium, she was indeed a willful gymnasium owner.

The thorn-like white spikes on the latter's back can adjust their hardness by themselves, and they immediately softened when facing Xiao Ju'er's riding.

Looking down, it turned out to be a flat fish Pokémon, with a gray-brown body like mud, lying there motionless, making it difficult to identify.

Even if there is no bgm and no spotlights, it still makes Xiaoju'er dazzling.

It has a cute little head with yellow electric sacs on its cheeks, and its ears are not as pointed as Pikachu, but are big round.

The tall zebra has black and white lightning-like patterns on its body, white ferocious spikes standing upright on its back, and a pair of sharp horns on its head, giving it a ferocious aura.

"Mudfish, ground and electric properties."

But in the back hall of this stage, there are some other Pokémon.

"Mouse ~!"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help muttering.

The model catwalk in the Leiwen Gym is made by humans and Pokémon. This small and exquisite electric flying mouse is Xiaoju'er's partner.

But the one that surprised Xiaozhi the most among these Pokémon was the unattractive mud fish
It's not that the shape doesn't match Xiaoju'er's beautiful appearance, but the attributes of ground + electricity, which is the first time Xiaozhi has seen it.

Rotom broadcast the report somewhat perfunctorily.

Pikachu was the first to react, and his ears perked up subconsciously.

"Beep beep! Electric spider, electric attribute, evolution of electric bug, can spit out a large amount of charged spider silk, make it into an electric barrier or trap, and catch the prey Loto~!"

As for Xiaozhi
Not much interest.

These Pokémon are all electricity-type, and they are all Xiao Juer's Pokémon. When matching different catwalk styles, they will naturally change to different partners.

When a trainer challenges the gym, there will only be an image of Xiaojuer on the screen.

This allowed it to glide and land lightly in the air, and finally landed precisely on Xiaoju'er's shoulder.

Although the electric mouse in the field has grown a pair of wings, it really doesn't work!

"Mouse ~"

"How about it, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, do you want to have a fight with me?"

Seeing several people coming, they all leaned forward.

"Beep beep! Electric flying squirrels have the attributes of electricity and flight. The electric mice in the Hezhong area usually live on the trees in the forest. They can use their thin wings to fly and discharge Loto at the same time!"

Rotom began to send out a series of introductions.

Xiao Ju'er even stepped up her feet a little bit, and then sat sideways on the back of Thunder Zebra, with an elegant posture, which made Ming Yi feel hot again.


The most peculiar thing is that on both sides of the body of this electric mouse, where the small short hands are connected, are a pair of yellow wings.

Dou Zi usually sees too much, so he is no longer surprised.

The sudden invitation to fight caught a few people off guard.


But before leaving, a little pony bit Mingyi's trouser leg, a little reluctantly.

This is a small zebra, similar in appearance and appearance to the Thunder zebra, but it is still very young and named Zebra.

When playing before, this Pokémon was the closest to Mingyi.

(End of this chapter)

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