He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2018 Vulcan Moth... Maybe it's time to change a new name

Chapter 2018 Vulcan Moth. Maybe it's time to change a new name

I don't know what mechanism it is, but the iron gate at the gate opens from the inside to both sides.

Xiaozhi and Mingyi entered it, and this time the two iron-bone natives at the door completely changed their faces, and even nodded respectfully and politely when the two walked up to them.

This surprised Xiaozhi quite a bit, his name is Iron Bone Native, so that should be his character of iron bone, arrogant and unassuming, right?
How could you be so humble to strangers?

"Without him, the salary is high enough~!"

Akromar just explained with a casual smile.

The salary paid by the gatekeeper in this institute is extremely high, enough to melt the iron bones of the iron-bone natives.

These two Pokémon really came to work!

Xiaozhi and the two laughed dryly, it seems that it is not easy to be a social Pokémon.
Then he quickly walked into the building, with Akromar leading the way.

Because there was a sensor designed by him outside the gate, when Xiaozhi was still approaching from a distance, Akromar had a reminder, so he was able to come out to respond.

But this is not the point, the topic of several people quickly shifted to Vulcan Moth.

The three pairs of orange-red wings with sunspot patterns on the back have been completely cut off.
Since the new wings haven't been installed yet, the Vulcan Moth looks like a weird mechanical chrysalis right now?

This is the magic of the paparazzi!

Ming Yi opened his mouth wide, full of surprise.

The belly of the body has also been completely transformed into a metal structure. Although the color is similar, the look and feel is completely different.

Even if someone broke in, they would only see a normal research institute with no flaws.

Although it is not an illegal experiment that is explicitly prohibited, if Miss Junsha finds out, it will be blocked on the spot due to moral issues
At the very least, without the official approval of the alliance, private individuals are prohibited from doing such research.

On the street outside the Nameless Research Institute.

It has the size of a villain, but its head is huge, and there are a pair of green eyes shining with faint light on its face.

It felt the surrounding area of ​​the research institute in front of it, and there was a layer of special magnetic field protection.
This will destroy the stability of teleportation and cannot be used normally.

The little gray monster, with superpower attributes, is said to be an alien Pokémon descended from the universe, with incredible spiritual power.

"Damn it, isn't it impossible to get in at all!"

The originally thick white hair around the neck was plucked at this moment, and turned into a smooth white metal shell with two pairs of metal claws.

Regardless of the small size of the little gray monster, its mental power is extremely strong, and it has seen so much information in an instant.

Its appearance is somewhat similar to the aliens described on the Internet, but completely different from ordinary Pokémon.

Just looking at the two little migrant workers guarding the gate, dancing with steel bars in their hands, Dou Zi secretly had a headache.

From time to time, some researchers could be seen passing by. Apart from saying hello to Akromar, they all hurriedly devoted themselves to their respective experimental research.

After a while, several people came to a laboratory. Apart from some experimental instruments, the most conspicuous thing was the nutrition cabins arranged one by one in the corner.

The little gray monster had only one pair of eyes on its face and was expressionless, but it let out a low moan from inside and shook its big head.

A girl wearing a pink and white baseball cap appeared out of nowhere, looking very strange.

But through the turquoise nutrient solution, Xiao Zhi always felt that the color of the Genesect's body surface seemed to be different from the one Akromar showed before?
Not purple-brown. But dark red?

Over the shoulder, there was also a gray-green Pokémon that appeared out of thin air at the same time.

Inside the research institute, on the basement level.

With the huge funds provided by the plasma team, he spent a lot of money to build this institute.

"How is it, isn't this research institute not bad~?"

"For Vulcan Moth, it's fine for now."

And Douzi, a little gray monster, has a special ability, which can make himself and the trainer enter a "invisible" state.

As if the machine was completely turned off, there was no breath response at all.

Douzi stomped his feet left and right anxiously, very curious about what happened inside.

As for some marginal, unethical or even illegal experiments, they were all carried out in this underground research institute.

Douzi couldn't help but speak.

Xiaozhi guessed right, Douzi naturally wanted to follow quietly, take pictures all the time, and obtain information.

In the first nutrition cabin, through the glass, one can see a Genesect soaking in the cabin.

The limbs are relatively short, and the arms are covered with organs that resemble small light bulbs, and several colors of lights are flickering.

Only by mixing in now can we get a better investigation!

But the original pair of dark blue eyes with cross pupils had turned gray-orange.

"In short, let you see it with your own eyes, come with me."

Walking into this building, the entrance is a spacious reception hall, a long corridor, and on both sides are research rooms with different research directions and different functions.

Akromar not only protects the periphery of the research institute very carefully. Even the first floor of the ground is a normal research.

There even seems to be a special signal for special investigation. Once an outsider enters, they will be caught and seen through immediately.

"Billy, why don't you use teleportation and just bypass this gate!"


But most of them are empty.

The black head is still similar to before, with curved red-striped antennae on both sides of the cheeks.

Akromar opened his palms, looked at the two with a smile and said.

And this little gray monster named "Billy" is her trailing partner.

The research on transforming regular Pokémon into a mechanical form is a kind of research in a gray area.

"Damn, Billy, we can't follow up"

After a little hesitation, Akromar operated the device on his wrist, and after a while a secret door appeared out of thin air on the wall next to him.

But that's not the point, Xiaozhi quickly came to the innermost nutrition warehouse, and it really contained the Pokémon he was familiar with
Vulcan Moth!
It's just that the current appearance can't be described as familiar, and it even seems a little strange.

"Ah, it looks completely different. Vulcan Moth, is it still alive?!"

Forget it, let's go back and investigate the origin of this unknown research institute!

Akroma walked ahead, Xiaozhi and Mingyi looked at each other, and soon followed.

An unnamed research institute with no history before, and no celebrity researchers or great inventions were rumored to be in it.

Inside is a staircase leading to the dark place below.

The "invisibility" of the little gray monster is actually not so seamless. It is still easy to see through at close range.

There are only things in the first nutrition cabin and the last nutrition cabin.

"Don't worry, the experiment was a success, Vulcan Moth is still alive~"

Akromar put his hands in his trouser pockets and said with a smile:

"It's still in the middle stage, so the appearance will look a little scary, and it will be much more normal when the wings are installed."

"But, if the change is so big, maybe Vulcan Moth should change to a new name."

(End of this chapter)

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