He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2019 The Shining Genesect

Chapter 2019 The Shining Genesect
Xiaozhi touched the wall window of the nutrition cabin, staring closely at the Vulcan moth inside.

The new name doesn't matter, he's more curious about Vulcan Moth at the moment, almost all its organs have changed.
So memory or something, will it be lost?

Is this still the original vulcan moth?

"Memory or something, I can't guarantee~"

Akromar pushed his glasses, turned serious and replied:

"I can only say that I revived a Vulcan moth, rather than creating a new Vulcan moth from scratch. As for things in the fields of memory and soul, it's hard to say."

But almost everything has been changed.

According to his inference, even if Vulcan Moth's original memory is still preserved, most of it will probably be lost, right?

Was it the original Vulcan moth? Seems like a philosophical question already?

Across the nutrition hatch, Xiaozhi's pupils flashed a burst of blue light, releasing his waveguide power.

If you can lose this part of the heavy memory, you can regain a new life.
For Vulcan Moth, it's not a bad thing, is it?

However, the word "iron" prefixed with Iron Armor Chrysalis can be kept.

After some communication, Xiaozhi also probably knew the current situation of Vulcan Moth's transformation, and only about 30% of it has been completed.

Akroma held his forehead and shook his head. It seemed that Xiaozhi didn't have the slightest artistic talent at all, so let's wait for him to get the name.

"Vulcan Moth, then you can continue to stay here with peace of mind. In the future, you will definitely be able to fly again and see this brand new modern world."

Xiaozhi looked at the Vulcan moth in the nutrition cabin again, and comforted softly:

Although it looks to the naked eye, Vulcan Moth is breathless at the moment, like a robot chrysalis
But obviously, the Vulcan Moth's waveguide is now much stronger than when it was dying.

For this project of transforming Vulcan Moth, he also put a lot of effort into it, and selected the best materials for various replacement mechanical instruments.

Vulcan Moth seemed to hear Xiaozhi's voice, its gray-orange eyes flickered a few times like mechanical lights.

He felt the Vulcan Moth's waveguide.

The flat head, the pair of eyes covered by the eyepatch did not light up red, and the cannon behind it was quietly placed on the back.

These cumbersome operations take time, if you don't rush, just leave it to the subordinate research team, and it doesn't make much sense for him to stay.

This proves that the latter is still alive!

And it's not a cold machine without emotion, but a real Pokémon.

The memory of the Sun God who was sealed in the ancient castle for 2000 years may already be a heavy shackle for Vulcan Moth.

The whole body is made of metal and steel
Without wings, it looks like a chrysalis covered with armor
Xiaozhi stared fixedly at Akromar and Mingyi, and suddenly said:

And it's just that the new steel wings haven't been installed yet, it doesn't mean that Vulcan Moth will always be in the form of a chrysalis!

"Is there still such a long time?"

Not to mention, the almighty Akromar, no matter what happens during the journey, he can take out the magic weapon and props to solve the problem
The perfect travel companion!

"Then Xiaozhi, let's take a look at this Pokémon first, shall we?"

Xiaozhi stroked his chin and thought to himself.

However, these researchers are still nominally members of the plasma team.

He has to find an opportunity to bring all these researchers into his account
After informing Vulcan Moth about the situation, Akromar led the two of them to move left a few steps and returned to the first nutrition cabin.

"A new name? The Vulcan Moth has completely turned into a metal Vulcan Moth now. It is estimated that the attributes and so on will change. It should really be changed to a new name."

"Hey, are the colors different?"

Two people: "."

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi's mood immediately became more open-minded, and he turned to think of Akromati's suggestion earlier.

It was only then that Mingyi realized that this Genesect was different from the previous purple-brown steel worm god, but was brick red.

After thinking about it, Pokémon like Magneto and Gear are all made of metal, but they are also normal Pokémon.

"If you don't want a new name, call it Iron Armor Chrysalis!"

Iron God Moth?Ironwing Moth?Iron moth?
There is no rush. When the transformation of the Vulcan Moth is completed, and when I see the Vulcan Moth flying again, I should be able to come up with a good inspiration.

"So it will probably take another 2 to 3 months to complete the transformation. During this time, Vulcan Moth will be temporarily placed in this laboratory."

Xiaozhi and the two blinked. The one soaked in the nutrition cabin was naturally the Genesect.

"Two or three months, so Mr. Akromar will stay here forever?"

The corners of Akroma and Mingyi's mouths twitched, seeing Xiaozhi's eyes shining, they thought they could come up with a good name.
Isn't the armored chrysalis a bug on the street in other places? !
The strength is also extremely weak, useless, how can the name be worthy of Vulcan Moth?

If it is out of the refraction of the liquid, should it be a strawberry color or a rotten tomato color?
Could it be that it is a flash of different colors?
"Well, this is the most special individual among the Genesects I revived and transformed, not only the body color, but also its own abilities."

Akromar put his palm in his pocket and said.

Ming Yi blurted out in surprise.

Basically, the life is preserved, and the frame and shell are modified.
As for the detailed internal organs, and even the three pairs of wings, they haven't started to be replaced yet.

"Of course I won't stay here~"

Akromar is extremely picky about his own research results, and there will be no scene where the machine explodes and burns his head halfway through use.

There was no reaction at all, as if the machine had stopped, and the claws drooped naturally, quietly soaking in the special liquid.

In this case, it can be accepted at once.

"Let's leave it to my research team to take charge of it. Theoretically, I don't need to do anything~"

Akromar stroked his chin and smiled:

He has completed the first 30% of the core progress
The rest is nothing more than filling in some details, finding suitable materials, and installing wings.

Akromar continued:
"By the way, you haven't seen that Genesect can perform an exclusive move called a high-tech light cannon by relying on the turret behind him. It is extremely powerful and already belongs to the category of a big move."

"But if the light cannon is fired directly, it will be a pure energy beam with no attributes at all, and its power will be weakened."

As he said that, Akromar turned his palms and staggered slightly, and there were four more square cassette devices of different colors in his hand at the same time.

"So I specially invented this special cassette for adaptation. Once these four cassettes are installed, you can endow them with high-tech light cannon attributes and become the ultimate moves of their respective attributes!"

(End of this chapter)

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