He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2032 God of Farmland, Land Cloud!

"Miss Qun'er, have you found the resurrection grass?"

When the man saw the three of Xiaozhi, he was also taken aback.

Seeing this, Mingyi immediately lowered her head in frustration, so did Miss Qun'er already have a trainer?

"Haha Mingyi, don't be discouraged, maybe you should watch more animal-type Pokémon~"

Xiaozhi patted the latter on the shoulder, and comforted him with a smile.

The first team is full of animal-type Pokémon, and Xiaozhi thinks that Narui should have no relationship with human-type Pokémon.

But this reassurance made Ming Yi even more frustrated and mad.
Although furry four-legged animal-type Pokémon are also very cute. But there are also many beautiful human-type Pokémon!


And this man is not only wearing a skirt, but soon a purple humanoid Pokémon appears behind him, who seems to be wearing a long black dress, covered with some white bows.

Like a noble lady, with a cold expression, there are several disc-shaped objects growing on the top of her head.

"The Temple of Abundance used to be a land of fertile soil. It was a precious gift from heaven to mankind. Crops can grow freely. The resurrection grass here doesn't even need to be deliberately planted. You can find a plant just by walking a few steps."

On the image, it is a brown-yellow humanoid Pokémon with a strong body, arms folded, and a majestic face.

While drinking tea, Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

But the lower body is hidden in the white clouds, and a long brown-black tail extends from behind, with a hammerhead-like end
"Wait a minute, isn't this Pokémon...?"

The three of them looked at each other, but they didn't find the resurrection grass, so they all planned to leave.
So this is, triggering the plot?
Not in a hurry, the three simply followed Youte.

Team Plasma's goals include all the Legendary Pokémon in the Hezhong area, which naturally also includes Land Cloud.

Just seeing the appearance of the resurrection grass, the green-haired man's complexion turned dark, and he looked very distressed.

Xiaozhi suddenly had the impression that when he was still traveling in the Sinnoh area, did Mr. Wang Luo ever send out a legendary Pokémon named Nostalgic Cloud?

"Earth cloud?"

"So I plan to imitate the ancient sacrificial rituals and summon the legendary god of farming to save this land!"

Ute waved his hand. He didn't know what Rotom was, so he just gave a wry smile.

"I'm sorry, I'm lost in thought. Let me introduce myself. My name is Youte, and I'm a villager of Fengrao Temple."

As he said that, he turned around and was about to take the three of them into the depths.

Maybe it's because human beings have already taken too much advantage of this land, and it's simply the end, the end?
But Youte obviously didn't intend to just give up this piece of ancestral blessed land, and soon stood up with firm eyes.

However, the skirt lady quickly noticed the resurrection grass on the ground, quickly picked it up, and carefully placed it in front of the man.

With no source of income, the villagers of Fengrao Temple also left one after another, making this place gradually become a wilderness with few people.

But as soon as the words were spoken, Rotom has automatically corrected the error:

"Beep! The Temple of Abundance has been officially renamed as the Temple of Barrenness Luoto 3 minutes ago!"

The powerful goblin attribute power even once blocked the attack of the space-time twin dragons.
They are all human-shaped bodies, and the lower body is also the structure of clouds.

Even if you find it, it's completely unusable dead grass. It's a dead end.

"Now here, I am the only one left."

Along the way, Xiaozhi was still looking left and right at the two Pokémon on both sides of Youte's body.

It took him a while to come back to his senses, forced a smile on his face, and looked at Xiaozhi and the other three.

Ute shook his head, he didn't know why.

"Um, so is there something wrong here?"

So this place, which used to be a prosperous village, can be described as lying down and counting money.

Xiaozhi immediately understood that it was the Three Sacred Birds in the Hezhong area!

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, what is the legendary Pokémon? This is the first time he has heard of this title, and it is inexplicably down-to-earth.

As Rotom introduced, the image of the land cloud also appeared on the screen.

"Is it Miss Goth?"

It's just that now, don't say that the resurrection grass is hard to find.

This time it was Xiaozhi's turn to speak. He had seen this Pokémon once at the new King of Hezhong, Cattleya, and it was a Pokémon that could display powerful thoughts.

A villager, on the left is a gentle lady skirt, on the right is a cold lady Goth, they look like a pair of maids.
Always feel that something is wrong?
On the way, Youte also introduced Fengrao Temple to the three of them.


"It's rare for outsiders to come to our Fengrao Temple, so let me treat you well."

Came to Youte's hut, the former poured a cup of hot tea for each person.

"Sure enough, has this plant completely withered?"

It seems that something happened here that caused the land to be so barren. At this time, I have to stab someone else's wound!
"Hehe, actually, what you said is correct~"

It's just that this situation has completely changed in recent years.

"The god of farming?"

"It should be a legendary Pokémon called Land Cloud."

Youte sighed, expressing emotion.

The land suddenly became barren, and crops became difficult to grow, especially the resurrection grass, which even became rare.

Xiaozhi subconsciously looked at Rotom, who immediately floated up and introduced loudly:
"Beep beep! The land cloud, which can nourish the soil and make the earth fertile, is a legendary Pokémon in the Hezhong area. Together with the tornado cloud and the thunder cloud, it is also known as the three cloud gods of the Hezhong, Luoto~!"

Next to him, Akroma is a sensible brother, drinking hot tea, and slowly opened his mouth.

Xiaozhi quickly pulled Rotom back.

"And my Miss Qun'er has a unique sense of smell for plants. With her power, she can collect resurrection grass that is still alive and scattered."

Could it be the fourth cloud not recorded in the illustrated book?
That's right, Mr. Wang Luo came from the Xicui area in ancient times, and the data are indeed not completely consistent with the modern ones.

But Tutuyun's elder brother is too masculine, and that flirtatious pink Nostalgic Cloud has a slender body and looks weird, more like a female cloud god?


Hearing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help standing up, his eyes shining.

Does it mean that next, they will be able to see the legendary Pokémon in the Hezhong area?
Sure enough, without Heici's information, he was lucky enough to see these rare beasts!
Akromar next to him pushed his glasses. According to the information obtained by the plasma team, the land cloud was not summoned in such a wild place.
From the looks of it, does Sanyun God have multiple summoning methods?

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