He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2033 The land cloud...is it a tornado cloud? !

Chapter 2033 Land cloud. Is it a tornado cloud? !
Several people came to an open space behind the cabin.

There is a three-meter-high stone tablet standing there. It looks very old in appearance, with strange characters and some mural patterns engraved on it.

Although the picture is abstract, it can be vaguely seen that there are three cloud gods flying in the sky, and the scene below is a scene of human beings worshiping piously
"It is said that Tutuyun is the god of farmland, but what kind of gods are the other two legendary Pokémon?"

While following Ute, Xiaozhi was also muttering secretly.

The humanoid Pokémon on the right side of the mural seems to be releasing lightning, so is it the lightning bird in the Hezhong area?
Soon, Ute placed some offerings such as tree fruits in front of the stele, and bowed devoutly in front of the stele.

If you don't call out the land cloud and save this land, Fengrao Temple can really apply for a name change.

As for Xiaozhi and his party
They are not worshipers of the land god, they just watched quietly from behind.

No wonder when entering Fengrao Temple, there was a big pillar of the shrine at the entrance. At that time, Xiaozhi was still curious about what god he was going to worship.

"Beep! Photographer No. [-], get ready Loto~!"

Rotom also turned his back, and pointed the rear camera with higher pixels to the front, ready to go.

"Miss Goth, use mental force!!"

In an instant, a hurricane blew up in the Temple of Feng Rao, stirring countless gravel and grass blades, and the strong spiral air flow went straight towards Xiaozhi and his party.

"Pikachu, block it, use the grid!!"

Just right, try the strength of the legendary Pokémon in the Hezhong area!

Miss Goth let out a drawn-out chant, her eyes glowing purple.

In an instant, several air blades were shot out, shooting at Miss Goth in unison.

Although I don't know what this tornado cloud came out for, it doesn't look like a friendly unit.

Pikachu's eyes were full of energy, and his small figure spun, directly throwing a large lightning net.

The lower body is covered by flowing clouds, and a slender and curved purple tail protrudes from the back, extending all the way to the front of the body
"Eh!? Wait a minute, it doesn't look right?"

According to the legendary records, the earth cloud is an upright and majestic Pokémon.


But the tornado cloud that suddenly appeared right now didn't care about that. It put on a fierce and provocative expression, and immediately flew and dived at high speed.

With a howling storm along the way, the tail rolled, and all the sacrificial tree fruits in front of the stele were directly collected.

And the third thunder cloud will rain down violent lightning and ignite trees and plants.

Ming Yi rubbed his eyes, couldn't help blurting out.

"Roll and drink!!"

Ute's pupils shrank, and a possibility suddenly appeared in his mind.

Whoosh! !

The energy of thought power rises in a spiral shape and flies into the sky, as if it is communicating with some existence
Ute's two Pokémon are not only capable of indoor work, but also have great effects outside.

"Is it possible?"

A storm from the tornado cloud directly made Miss Qun'er unable to fight, and fainted and fell to the ground.

The latter understood, walked slowly to the front of the stele, and lightly raised his arms.

Immediately, the tornado cloud came into the sky again, and the purple tail with yellow spiral patterns swept towards the few people below.

The air blade of the tornado cloud couldn't break through the flexible power grid, and it exploded in the air, forming a puff of smoke.

Standing at the forefront, Ute's expression suddenly changed.

Immediately, the two palms gathered energy in front of the chest, and pushed forward frantically.

Seeing that everything was ready, Ute stood up slightly, and nodded towards Miss Goth beside him.

"Roll and drink!!"


It's just that Miss Goth's mental power fell on Tornado Cloud, and it hasn't been imprisoned for long.

This sacrificial ceremony is completely similar to ancient legends, how could it be possible to summon a tornado cloud? !

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he quickly looked towards the sky.

About 3 minutes later, this power reached its peak.

But on the contrary, the other two clouds of Sanyun God.

shhhhhh! !

Miss Goth, on the other hand, can complete the sacrificial ceremony and convey the human will to the distant land cloud.

Obviously, Ute's Pokémon can hardly fight back against the legendary Pokémon, the gap is too big.
At this time, Xiaozhi, who had been watching the show, finally made a move.

"It's the storm's ultimate move!"

No matter where the tornado cloud reaches, there will be a storm, attracting dangerous hurricanes, and even destroying all the houses and crops along the way. It is a famous disaster star in the Hezhong area.

The body color of Land Cloud is brownish red, while the body of this Pokémon is dark green
"It's just a tornado?!"

Xiaozhi swung his fist and said loudly:
"It's now, super speed!!"

call out.!

Ute's expression was flustered, as if a more dangerous disaster would happen next.

No matter where you go, the land below will become fertile and fertile, which will bring a good harvest to humans, so it will be praised and loved by people, and it is called the god of farmland.

Putting away Miss Qun'er, Ute immediately launched an attack on Tornado Cloud, preparing to control the latter.

Miss Goth and Miss Qun'er, who stood at the front, were the first to be hit by the storm, and the latter was blown away on the spot and fell heavily to the ground.

Xiaozhi quickly lowered his hat, he still doesn't understand the relationship between these cloud gods.

It was a strong humanoid Pokémon, with well-developed muscular arms, a white cloud-shaped beard, and two sharp horns growing on the top of its head like a yaksha, but the expression on its face was somewhat like an old man blowing his beard and staring. ?

The purple-black energy formed a spiral cloud layer, constantly entangled in the high sky, and a strong aura also spread from far to near, constantly strengthening and spreading.

With a burst of high-pitched shouts, the thick clouds in the air burst and spread, and a humanoid Pokémon appeared!
"Here we come, Land Cloud!"

Not only is it easy to cause wildfires, and even rapid lightning strikes, it will also directly attack humans and Pokémon on the ground
These two Pokémon are not welcomed by humans, and they are both disaster stars.

Miss Qun'er, who has a special ability to sense plants, can help him find the rare resurrection grass scattered nearby.

The effect is outstanding!

"Damn it, we must stop the tornado immediately"


Tornado Cloud's strong arm shook violently, directly tearing Miss Goth's mental strength apart.

Playing high-end rounds, Shensu is far more useful than Flash of Lightning in terms of speed and strength.

After the words fell, Pikachu's figure suddenly sprang out.

The explosion smoke in the air hadn't dissipated yet, and the tornado cloud had no time to react.

bang bang! !
With a sound of collision, Pikachu directly hit Tornado Cloud's chest, knocking him backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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