He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2043 Conquer, Chenglong of the interconnection hole? !

Chapter 2043 Conquer, Chenglong of the interconnection hole? !

Walking into the sea, although it is not summer now, the early spring of the big change is also a good season for playing in the sea.

On a hot day, Xiao Zhi breathed a sigh of relief from the cold feeling from the soles of his feet.

"Come out, water otter~!"

Mingyi also released her own otter, and "plopped" into the water, with her short legs swaying one after the other, and soon swam happily.

"It's an otter, so cute!!"

Naturally, Xiaoxia was the first to go up to meet it, stretched out her arms to hug the otter and rubbed wildly on her face, full of joy.

The freckle-faced little otter is the original Yusanjia in the Hezhong area. It is completely different from the Jenny turtle in his hometown!

"By the way, Miss Xiaoxia, did you bring any Pokémon?"

Ming Yi tied up her long brown hair, slowly swam over, and asked curiously.

The Gym Master who is good at water attributes should be able to move all the Pokémon on his body in sea water, right?
"Just call me Xiaoxia~"

Only then did Xiaoxia reluctantly put down the otter, then took out four elf balls and threw them into the air at the same time.

Several crisp sounds sounded, and four Pokémon of different sizes appeared around Xiaoxia.

"Oh, a lot of familiar faces~"

Xiaozhi also swam over curiously, looking around.

The one in the front is a big orange-red goldfish with a sharp horn on its round head, a tail and fins as smooth as silk, and black spot patterns like ink paintings.

Goldfish King. Looks like Xiaoxia's horned goldfish has evolved?

There is also Sun Coral, the old face of Mosquito Frog King.
But there was also a huge Pokémon, which surprised Xiaozhi a little.

The body of the sky blue plesiosaur, the back is covered with a spiked carapace, the spiral ears, and the eyes are very peaceful and spiritual.
"Chenglong? Xiaoxia, have you subdued Chenglong yet?"

Xiaozhi blurted out, he was familiar with Pokémon Chenglong.

But soon, he seemed to remember something:
"Wait a minute, I seem to have a little impression. This is the Chenglong from the Chengdu area!"

Seeing this, Xiaoxia patted Chenglong's carapace, smiled triumphantly and replied:

"That's right, it's the Chenglong in the interconnection hole~"

Seeing Mingyi's bewildered expression, Xiaoxia continued to explain.

When they were still traveling in the Chengdu area, Zeng Jin encountered a wild Chenglong in a cave in the south of Kikyo City—Interconnection Cave.

This is a Chenglong who likes to sing, and often sings in the depths of the cave
However, since Chenglong is located in the deepest underground lake, countless tourists only know that there will be wonderful songs coming out of the cave, but they don't know the source.

Living alone in a special cave underground lake all year round is completely different from the habit of riding a dragon wandering in the sea outside, and even changes the characteristics of this riding dragon.

Moist sound!

All sound-type moves and attributes can be transformed into consistent water attributes!
"It's a very good Chenglong."

Xiaozhi nodded restrainedly. Although he lost the ability to store water, the characteristic of the sound of moisture is quite good.

He remembered that he met Chris who came to capture the rare Pokémon in the Interlink Cave.

However, for the water-type Pokémon, Xiaoxia understands the state of mind of this dragon ride better than Chris, and naturally won the latter's favor in the end, and joined the team to subdue it.

Just when the focus of several people was on Chenglong, an elf ball in Xiaoxia's waist suddenly opened directly.

Immediately afterwards, a chubby yellow-skinned duck ran out on its own initiative.

It’s just that he had just put on a debut pose, and just showed his presence for a few seconds, when Koda Duck suddenly realized that there was sea water all around him.

"Up to quack quack"

The next moment, it began to struggle continuously on the sea surface, with a flustered expression, its duck paws and claws kept hitting the water, and its duckbill and head had to be fully raised to avoid drowning.


It wasn't until he was lucky enough to touch the carapace support of the Chenglong beside him that it seemed as if he had saved his life, and he kept panting with lingering fear.

"Duck, what are you doing out here on your own initiative! That's why I didn't let you out!!"

At this scene, Xiaoxia couldn't help but patted Koda Ya's dumbfounded head, and sighed.

And Mingyi was very surprised, there is even a water-type Pokémon, who can't swim.?

"Haha, I'm still familiar with Koda Duck~"

Xiaozhi laughed dryly, this scene is really a classic.


Pikachu jumped up and landed on Chenglong's shell, and smacked Kodak. One mouse and one duck are also old teammates.

Sunny beach, sea waves.
There are also two young and beautiful girls in swimsuits in front of me. At this moment Xiaozhi is playing a game of water volleyball with Xiaoxia Mingyi.

A big leather ball was slapped by the three people and all the surrounding Pokémon, passing it to each other.

Although he enjoyed it quite a bit, Xiao Zhi always felt a little uncomfortable.

It seems to be being watched by something all the time?
I just looked around, but didn't see any outsiders.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, I remember that you have tamed a water-type magical Pokémon, so let me see it!"

At this time, Xiaoxia suddenly swam up and said with great interest.

"Illusory Pokémon? Oh, you said Manafei."

Xiaozhi came back to his senses, touched the silver feather pendant on his chest with his palm, and explained:

"Manafei just lives here temporarily, not my Pokémon~"

Although Xiaozhi has been traveling in other places all the time, in fact, in private, he often communicates with his former friends.

They are all from their own family. After all, they even know about the existence of Brother Chi, and there is nothing to hide about subduing magical beasts and magical beasts.

Having said that, this silver feather pendant was originally the special living space specially remodeled by the mother Rogia for the little Rogia, probably like a poke ball with its own ocean space.
But now, it seems that it has completely become Manafei's lair?

After all, little Rogia's goal now is to conquer the sea of ​​stars in the inverted world.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi poked the pendant, and after a while, a jet of water sprayed out, and then Manafei's small and exquisite figure flew out along the water flow.

Mingyi had already seen Mana Fei once before, so she wasn't too surprised.

"Ahh! Is this Manafei!!"

As soon as she saw Manafei, Xiaoxia's eyes instantly turned into two hearts, and she quickly stepped forward to hug Manafei, rubbing her cheeks again and again, very excited.

The water-blue body is slippery, like jelly.


Manafei let Xiaoxia masturbate.

As the prince of the sea, it sensed that the human woman in front of her had a familiar aura of water flow and the sea, so she didn't resist.

(End of this chapter)

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