He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2044 Let Koda Duck learn to swim! ?

Chapter 2044 Let Koda Duck learn to swim! ?

Soon, Manafei flew up and landed directly on top of Xiaoxia's head, let out a low cry, and joined the swimming army.

However, it soon noticed the Kodak duck next to it. The latter was floating leisurely on the sea surface with half-closed eyes around the swimming circle.

There are still water-type Pokémon who can't swim and need rubber swimming rings? !

Manafei's face suddenly became serious, and it flew directly to the top of the duck's head, and touched the bald head of the duck with three short hairs with its palm.

The power of the sea tide surged up suddenly, making several people around feel a surging force.

As if enlightened, Kodak's body suddenly turned golden yellow!

Of course, Kodak Duck was originally of this color.
But not only that, at this moment, Koda Ya's eyes became serious and resolute, and his serious eyes were half fixed.


With a low snort, Koda Duck even dropped the survival ring around his body, and then put on a stance, swimming forward quickly!
First breaststroke, waving hands and legs, sometimes sinking underwater, sometimes raising the head slightly, the posture is standard
Followed by backstroke, turn around so that your round belly is exposed to the sea, and swing your short hands forward alternately.

Then came the freestyle, which seemed to have evolved into a fit and fast Gotha Duck for a while.

In the end, the jungler jumped up, jumped out of the sea, and then fell back into the water suddenly, splashing countless water streams
This is the signature butterfly stroke of a fast-swimming frog!

Whoa whoa whoa! !

Whoa whoa whoa! !

Like an engine with unlimited energy, Koda Duck swims back and forth quickly in different fancy poses, and puts on a resolute and serious face from beginning to end.

"Cuda Duck"

Seeing this scene, even Xiaoxia couldn't help being moved, her eyes became moist.

That up-and-coming duck has mastered multiple swimming styles in an instant and has become a master swimmer? !

And that mature look, didn't it appear only after evolving into a Gotha Duck? !

In this regard, Manafei fell back to the top of Xiaoxia's head, crossing her arms proudly.

Landlubbers that cannot be taught without it!

It's just that this process only lasted about 10 minutes.
Ten minutes later, the golden light on Kodak's body dissipated, and his resolute eyes turned into silly eyes again.

"Kudou? Quack, quack!!?"

Realizing that he was in the vast ocean without a life buoy, Koda Duck became flustered again, and the duck paw struggled continuously.

This also caused several people around to cast suspicious eyes on Manafei at the same time.


Even Manafei couldn't help rubbing his head in doubt, feeling confused.

Impossible, it has poured all the knowledge of swimming styles into the head of this landlubber just now, no matter how demented a person is, he should be able to become a master swimmer in an instant!
Even if the energy is gone, but the memory is still there, how could he be drowning again all of a sudden?

This stupid duck is not playing the role of Prince Ben, is it? !

Manafei's small eyes suddenly narrowed seriously, and he stared straight at Koda Duck, trying to find some flaws.

Well, this struggling posture is very fake!

Also, the scene of sinking into the bottom of the sea and only bubbling bubbles left on the surface of the sea is also very fake. Is this a movie?
Also, the scene where Kodak Duck is pushed out of the sea again by King Goldfish, his stomach is filled with sea water, and he falls down on Chenglong's back with his eyes rolling.
The scene where the sun coral presses on the belly of the Kodak, constantly pressing out the water
"Hey, sure enough, I still think too highly of my Kodak."

However, after seeing this scene, for some reason, Xiaoxia breathed a sigh of relief and unexpectedly accepted it.

Don't talk about the prince of the sea
Even if the creation god Arceus came, it would be impossible to teach his podduck to surf!

The next day.

After playing and playing in the water yesterday to relax, Xiaozhi got up early today with a happy face, ready to start the two-month special training in Lianyi Town!
No, it will take a while to go to Fanba City.

Fanba City is almost located in the westernmost part of the Hezhong area, while Lianyi Town is located in the easternmost part, almost spanning the entire Hezhong territory.

Only about a month and a half away.

After leaving the room, the door of Mr. Akromar's room was still tightly closed, and there was no movement at all.

Xiaozhi didn't want to disturb him, so he brought Pikachu to the lobby on the first floor of the villa.

The personal butler here has already prepared breakfast, standing upright and waiting beside him, very professional and thoughtful.

And Xiaoxia, Mingyi, and Kona also have the habit of getting up early, and they are already eating breakfast and chatting leisurely beside them.

"Xiaozhi, Mingyi and I plan to go on an underwater adventure in Lianyi Bay, do you want to go together~?"

Xiaoxia said cheerfully.

She also has a manaphy on top of her head
The sea area to the northeast of Lianyi Town is called Lianyi Bay. It is said that there is an underwater relic on the bottom of the sea, and many ancient treasures are buried in it.

Therefore, Ripple Town can not help but attract many tourists.
Likewise, there are many treasure hunters and collectors in town.

Even if you are walking on the shore of the beach, you can occasionally pick up one or two ancient copper coins that have been washed up.

However, there are many reefs in the waters of Lianyi Bay, and there are irregular eddies and undercurrents. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to explore by diving. Therefore, no one has found a trace of the legendary underwater ruins.

But no problem.


Manafei opened her arms and let out a confident cry.

As the prince of the sea, it can completely allow several people to dive into the deep sea freely, ignore any undercurrent and vortex, and explore the remains of underwater treasures at will.


Hearing this, Xiaozhi became interested, but after some hesitation, he still refused.

Today, he has to do something big!
Thinking of this, Xiaozhi slowly took out a high-grade ball in his hand, with a serious expression on his face.

Mingyi blinked and blurted out:
"This high-grade ball, could it be Mr. Akromar's?"

Xiaozhi nodded solemnly. Since the special training is about to start, the first step of the special training is to deal with this violent and vicious Flash Genesect first!
Although he is very confident, if Mr. Akromar is so serious, he still needs to be taken seriously.

Surrounded by a private beach, the area is spacious, and there are no outsiders, so don't worry about hurting innocent people, it's a good location.

"A shiny artificial Pokémon?"

After listening to the introduction, Xiaoxia and even Ke Na became interested, and proposed to watch one or two from the side.

"Okay! Let's all come together then."

Xiaozhi nodded in agreement, with a serious and focused expression.

He has changed the Pokémon lineup from Dr. Oki last night, which should be enough to suppress this brutal steel worm god!

(End of this chapter)

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