He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2045 debut, the red Genesect!

Chapter 2045 debut, the red Genesect!
After breakfast, everyone came to the private beach outside the villa.

The area is spacious, there are no obstacles, and there are no people on the adjacent private villa beach.

It seems that only trainers in the Kanto region know how to enjoy fishing.

Kona is located at the side and rear, releasing his spiny shell in advance, and the spiked carapace is slightly opened, revealing the dark body inside.

With the absolute defense of the thorn shell, it is not a big problem to watch the show safely in the rear.

Seeing this, Xiaoxia and Mingyi also hid in Kona's hands and watched the play obediently.

Xiaozhi walked to the center of the beach alone, holding the high-grade ball in one hand, and took out several elf balls at the same time with the other hand!
"Give up drinking~!"

The Abandoned Monkey, who first appeared on the stage, wore sunglasses and walked to the edge of the beach with his chest folded. He looked like a cold bodyguard.

The Abandoned Monkey doesn't need to fight either, it's just an insurance policy to prevent this Genesect, a chaotic riot, from running to the public beach.

After all, the big sun in the sky made the Abandoned Monkey not very interested in fighting.

boom! boom! boom!
But the other three Pokémon are all Xiaozhi's old partners.

They are located in three corners. The one to the east is a dark blue strong beetle with a huge bifurcated single horn. The limbs of the insect are clenched into fists, and the spirit is shaking.

The other two are Yusanjia with fire attribute, and their attributes are exactly the same.

On one side is a white-haired monkey with a burning flame on its head. Its limbs are slender and flexible.

On the other side is a tall and strong humanoid turkey warrior, with strong thighs covered with thick fluff, which can send out powerful kicks.

Flame Monkey, Flame Chicken!
The attribute of Genesect is worm + steel, with excellent resistance and almost no weakness. The only attribute he fears is flame, and it is four times restraint!
So Xiaozhi decided to pull the Flaming Monkey and the Flaming Chicken by the side!
"These are Xiaozhi's previous Pokémon, they all look very strong."

Ming Yi hid behind Kona, exclaiming in a low voice.

Speaking of which, they are all fighting-type Pokémon.

Rao is Kola, and her complexion is slightly corrected. The powerful fighting skills displayed by these Pokémon are not a small threat to her ice-type team.

Xiaozhi's strength was quite outstanding back then, but now, he should be even stronger, right?
I don't know if I can win the Fanba Championship this time if I face Xiaozhi?

"It's not over yet, and then this!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi let out a low cry, and suddenly raised his arm, the keystone on his wrist reflected a strange luster under the sunlight.

"Mega evolve, Heracross!!"


Hera roared excitedly, bathed in the light of mega evolution, forming an energy egg cocoon, and her body shape was also changing rapidly.

When the energy light dissipated, Heracross' arms had become thicker and swelled as if inflated.

Especially on the top of the head, the original bifurcated horn has turned into a slightly curved, thick and long spiked horn, which is even longer than the whole body!

Mega Heracross!
After calming down for a while, Xiaozhi began to assign tasks.

"Heracross, today's main attacker, you will be in charge!"

Although Mr. Akromar's suggestion is to siege justice and suppress collectively, Xiaozhi still prefers to fight alone.

If you want to tame a Pokémon and let it become a partner, group fights are likely to cause resistance and dissatisfaction on the other side.

And everyone is also a bug, his mega Heracross will not lose to other bugs!
"Flame Monkey, Flame Chicken, you are responsible for the insurance and assistance of the rear!"

Both of these are fire-type Pokémon, four times restraint to Genesect, and they are undoubtedly the best aid targets.


It was said that the flames above the head of the flame monkey were blazing, and the wrist of the flame chicken also burst into flames, ready to go.

The two stand on the left and right sides respectively, and can launch offensive assistance at any time.

"Pikachu, you are responsible for pressing the bottom of the box, and make a move in times of crisis."

Xiaozhi shrugged, and Pikachu landed on the sand at his feet.

After completing the mega evolution, Heracross clashed his fists and made a blunt sound, nodding to Xiaozhi.

Seeing that everything was ready, Xiaozhi took a deep breath before throwing the advanced ball forward.

The advanced ball opened, and with a flash of red light, a Genesect appeared.

I saw it once in the nutrition cabin before.

But this time, it was not wrapped in liquid, and it was completely exposed to sunlight, making the color of this strange-colored steel worm god look even redder and deeper, reflecting a dazzling metallic luster.

The steel worm god who came out of the ball first stood upright on the beach, his eyes were gray and white, as if he hadn't fully powered on yet.

"Jie Jie"

Soon, its body trembled, its flat metal jaw made a strange mechanical sound of friction, and its eyes began to flash red light.

The people around were breathing tightly, and the red metal shell of the strange-colored Genesect seemed to be blood-stained red, and it looked very permeable.

"Jie Sa!!"

As for the steel worm god that was fully activated, its momentum reached its peak in an instant. It raised its head suddenly, and looked straight at Xiaozhi with a pair of bright red eyes.

As soon as you come out, there are three non-weak Pokémon waiting in three directions around you, so the human beings in this direction are undoubtedly the weakest existence!
Stepping on the beach with its hind legs, Genesek Tower charged directly towards Xiao Zhi, one side of its sharp claws was covered with a fierce red light, piercing the air
Tear Claws! !

As Akromar expected, once released from the advanced ball, he would awaken his killing instinct and frantically attack the surrounding creatures.

Moreover, the speed of this tearing claw was quite fast, Xiaozhi's face tightened, and the skin on his face even felt the severe wind pressure.

Bang Bang! !
However, the next moment, the tearing claw stopped half a meter in front of Xiaozhi.


Mega Heracross, with a mighty posture, rushed to Xiaozhi's side at some point, and forcibly blocked the opponent's tearing claws with his proud big horn.

"Sure enough, no mercy"

Only then did Xiaozhi wipe off the sweat that fell from his forehead, and looked at the tearing claw hovering in front of him, attacking with the aim of tearing himself apart.

Almost. I was about to get hold of it.

But after all, it's a Pokémon, so what's the deal with a human being?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi's eyes turned aggressive, and he immediately said:

"Then the only thing left is to fight. Heracross, use the million horns!!"

Mega Heracross heard the words, his lower body sank, his sharp horns were covered with dazzling white light, and he suddenly attacked the opponent in front of him!
(End of this chapter)

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