He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2049 Is fried pig a herbivorous trait?

Chapter 2049 Is fried pig a herbivorous trait?

Seeing that Genesect seems to have stopped rioting, Xiaozhi also tried to lower his strength and let go of his palm until he was completely separated from the former.

While carefully watching the former, Xiaozhi bent down and picked up the fort that fell on the sand.

The cannon behind Genesect has more than one barrel.
There is also a recoil-stabilizing gun mount, which is in the shape of a shell, which can completely fit the body when the Genesect transforms into an aircraft state. There is also a gap on which the attribute cassette can be inserted.

Seeing that the former did not move at all, and stood there quietly, Xiaozhi tried to put the broken part of the fort close to its back to see if it could be reinstalled.

It's just that the cracked place is obviously an irregular metal gap, not any mechanism that can be disassembled.

"Um, sorry."

Although the former was the first to show his killing intent, but now Xiaozhi became embarrassed and scratched his head and apologized.

"Jie Jie"

Genesect didn't shut down completely either, the red light flashed at the eye position, it seemed that the cpu had been completely burned out.

slap! !
There was a crisp sound of the whip, and a red mark appeared on the skin of the fried pig.

Originally, the stir-fried pig was tortured to the point of passing away, but now he still has it?
However, he was training himself a new move next to him - the "dragon tail" ivy snake. After smashing a reef with its blue-glowing tail, he glanced coldly, and flew out a vine whip directly, whipping the stir-fried pig on the back.

There are water-type Pokémon in the Hezhong area, but there are no water-type Pokémon in the Kanto area
The ground is full of lightness, and Nanny Boman is Xiaoxia's paradise here!
"Otter, come on! You must master the moves of the holy sword!"

After a sentence of emotion, Kona couldn't help but get serious. It seems that even if he is already the king of the alliance, he must continue to improve.

Xiaozhi couldn't stand it any longer, and couldn't help but speak.

As for Xiaoxia and Mingyi.

These words cheered up Genesect a little, and his red eyes lit up immediately.

The next few days were uneventful.

"Uh, Genesect, don't worry, I'll help you find a few screws and see if you can screw them back in."

"Drink hard!!" "Bao Xia!!"

Xiaozhi continued to speak.

If the latter dared to be lazy even a little bit, he would be yelled and angrily reprimanded by the two, and even spewed out a mouthful of flames, scalding the fried pig's buttocks.

In the first few days, I was very interested in Genesect, and I would get a little closer to observe it every day.

The situation froze here for a moment.

It's just that it's hard for Chaochaozhu, who was originally marked by the Abandoned Monkey with the same fighting attribute, and now there are two fire+ge seniors with the same attribute.

In addition to treasure hunting, Mingyi and Water Otter practiced the movement of waving shells on the shore of the beach every day, trying to fight for the sun to use the move of the holy sword.

It won't be directly shot to death on the beach by the younger generation in the future.

The turret collapsed, and Genesect suddenly became quiet. Every day, he hugged his damaged turret, sat on a reef by the beach, and quietly watched the ebb and flow of the sea.

Xiaozhi raised his hand to the few people in Kona in the distance, signaling not to approach them for now, maybe the steel worm god will suddenly break the riot later?
Just looking at the other party's aggrieved look, the mechanical claws hugged the cracked fort, as if a beloved toy had been destroyed by someone.

Even if it can't be used, it can still make the sea otter's unique move - the shell blade, exert greater power!
And Xiaozhi.
Naturally, he was training his Pokémon while waiting for Akromar to exit.

During the process, while Xiaoxia was teaching Naruto the fighting skills, she was also trying to subdue the local ocean Pokémon.

After observing for a long time, the latter never continued to riot and attack, so Xiao Zhi temporarily breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking of this, Kona has often gone to the villa area of ​​the Fangyuan Alliance next door in the past few days, and frequently communicated with the heavenly king Bonnie about the mystery of ice, and even occasionally had a few training battles.

But now it seems that the hostility has been eliminated, it is only a matter of time before Xiaozhi tames the latter
"Young people nowadays are incredible."

Finally, he mechanically took the cannon barrel from Xiaozhi, stared at it, and fell silent.

This time, with the Flaming Chicken and the Flame Monkey sitting in charge, the training of the Hezhong baby team was smoother.

"By the way, why don't I take you to Mr. Akromar! With his craftsmanship, he will definitely be able to repair it completely!"

He didn't want to break off the opponent's turret either, who knows if Mr. Akromar cut corners, the connection was broken so easily!

The flame monkey and the flame chicken stood on the left and right, looking at the fried pig with cold eyes.

"Stir fry."

Finally, under the power of Manafei's Neptune, he devoted himself to the cause of searching for underwater ruins.

After witnessing a wonderful battle, several people in Kona exclaimed that they were enjoying themselves.

He also wanted to ask Mr. Akromar to repair it, but the door of the latter was always closed, and Xiaozhi couldn't bother him.

"Rice wine! Rice wine!"

"That steel worm, if it's in full body, I can't stop it."

These words made Genesect even more silent, and the previous murderous aura gradually shifted towards autistic direction.

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi couldn't help but said:

This also caused the seaside beach resort to be hot, but the villa looked like a big ice cave, and it often emitted ice mist and cold air, which seemed very unfriendly.

In the future, everyone will belong to the Yusanjia small group, and they will all be fire + fighting small groups, so this needs to be practiced well!
"Well, let's relax a little bit."

Every time he passed by the sandy reef area and saw the autistic and silent crimson steel worm god, Kona couldn't help but feel his heart tighten.

But Xiaozhi was relieved, the fierce and violent aura of the Steel Worm God seemed to have completely disappeared?

Seeing that he had no tendency to attack other people, Xiaozhi also relaxed, but he didn't need to be on guard all the time.

It seems that this dangerous wheel battle seems to end with an inexplicable ending?

Until the back, they stood completely behind Genesect, and the latter didn't respond at all, and the two lost interest.

It was as if the turret behind him was the source of the latter's hostility, once it was removed, he turned into a bewildered and bewildered baby.

But this whip made the latter excited instead, sparks spewed out from his nose, and he continued to grit his teeth and persist

This scene made the flame monkey look at the flame chicken with a puzzled expression.

What is the principle, herbivorous characteristics?

Flame Chicken hugged his chest and shook his head. The taste of young Pokémon seems to be a bit heavy, and he can't understand it at all.

But this little piggy still has physical strength, so let's continue to practice hard!
(End of this chapter)

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