He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2050 Evolution, rogue crocodile!

Chapter 2050 Evolution, rogue crocodile!

Of course, fried pigs are not the only ones who train hard.

Ivy Snake has a very high self-consciousness, and her arrogant personality makes her not want to lose to her partners in strength, so she will work hard every day.

And the direction and content of the exercise does not need Xiaozhi to worry about it at all, and he appears to be very smart and independent.

This time, with the help of Flame Monkey and Flame Chicken, Abandoned Monkey no longer has to torture fried pigs, and has more time to help train Zoroya of the same attribute.

"Give up drinking~!"

But facing Zoroya, the voice of Abandoned Monkey suddenly became much gentler, and directly became a warm man.

And often when Sorolla is exhausted, he will gently stroke the latter's head to encourage him, or give him a considerate massage to relax.

Xiaozhi: "."

Seeing the gray-blue little fox lying on the beach, enjoying the massage of a weird-looking monkey, and even purring comfortably, Xiaozhi's face darkened.

The black-eyed crocodile immediately screamed excitedly, raised its forelimbs, and then stomped heavily on the beach.

In addition to looking at the sea while holding the damaged fort, Genesect sometimes turns his head to watch the exercise of Xiaozhi and a group of Pokémon on the shore.


When the time comes to see it again, there are only a bunch of parts left, right?

"You crocodile, you've become more handsome. Damn it, Rotom!"

At the beginning it joined the team actively in the desert, just to make itself stronger!

It didn't feel that it could evolve at all.

It's just that the black-eyed crocodile obviously doesn't know how to move the earthquake. When its forelegs step on the sand, it doesn't feel any vibration except that the soles of its feet are sunken.

Its red eyes flickered, and some couldn't understand the behavior of these creatures.

The big warm male Abandoned Monkey next to him gave a gentle encouragement, and hugged little Soroya onto one of his big fists.

"Give up drinking, give up drinking!"

The black-eyed crocodile, who was still exercising the earthquake move, suddenly froze in place and began to tremble inexplicably.

When he entered the villa, Rotom slipped away, and he didn't know where he went.

I am so powerful, why do I have to exercise a group of weak Pokémon?

Of course, the loose soil structure and the sandy environment itself will greatly reduce the power of earthquakes.

"As for the black-eyed crocodile, you should exercise your earthquake moves. Use your strength to try to make this beach vibrate!"

Xiaozhi had heard of this name before, but there was no introduction from Rotom at the moment, and he always felt that something was missing.

Immediately afterwards, bright white light filled the whole body, and while the body was getting bigger, the original four-legged form also changed to two-legged upright.

But the time spent looking at the direction of Xiaozhi's exercise every day has gradually increased, even exceeding the time spent looking at the sea
Even on one day, he became a witness to witness the complete evolution of the black-eyed crocodile.


In the Psychedelic Forest before, I have seen the original version of the evolved version - Zoroark. It is a very cool and handsome Pokémon.

Maybe it can evolve when all the feathers are gone?
Finally, Xiaozhi looked at the black-eyed crocodile who was eagerly looking at him, thought for a while, and said:

With a slightly arrogant shout, the black-eyed crocodile showed a new posture!
There is not much difference in the color of the body, it is still a taupe body covered with black stripes.

Hearing the encouragement from the Abandoned Monkey, Zoroya immediately mustered up his courage and was full of energy.

Since the negative characteristics are completely eliminated, it is completely possible to become a sky overlord like a fossil pterosaur!

Seeing that his companions had almost completed a round of evolution, Zoroya, who was watching, half-closed his eyes for a moment of envy, but he was also somewhat discouraged.

The head and tail of the black-eyed crocodile became thicker, and there were more thorns and black thorns on the back and tail.

When it has fully mastered the ultimate move of this rock attribute, it is probably time to evolve.

On a rock by the sea.

His demeanor suddenly changed from shy and introverted at the beginning to a bit arrogant, like a punk wearing sunglasses.

Your double standard is a bit too much!
When the fried pig fell to the ground before, you just hugged the latter upside down, strangled it with your muscles, and completely squeezed it dry!
Sighing helplessly, Xiaozhi turned his head to look at the ancestor bird and the black-eyed crocodile.

Xiaozhi rubbed the stone head of the ancestor bird, and directed.

Just watching Xiaozhi and Pokémon repeat the boring mechanical training every day, although Genesect still can't understand this kind of behavior.

Flame Monkey and Flame Chicken didn't dare to be careless, and nodded cautiously in response.

With a figure of over one meter tall, it stood upright, and its lower limbs became stronger and more powerful, while its upper limbs were smaller in comparison.


Can I also evolve into that mature look?
"Give up drinking~!"

"Ancestor Bird, you continue to exercise the double-edged head hammer."

But looking at the latter every time it flies, it will drop a lot of feathers
At a young age, it seems that the hair loss is a bit serious?

When leaving, the Abandoned World Monkey didn't forget to call a few times in the direction of the Flame Chicken and Flame Monkey, signaling that he doesn't need to show him face, and squeezed out the fried pig for training.


This made the black-eyed crocodile keep trying, trying to shake this piece of sand, with high morale.



The Progenitor Bird nodded, flapped its wings excitedly, shook off a few fancy feathers, and immediately rushed to exercise.

"Jie Jie?"

Although in the backyard of Dr. Oki, I have never seen this eerie and powerful muscular monkey monster.
But I heard from Lao Pi that the Abandoned Monkey was also the first veteran member to follow Xiaozhi, a senior existence.

Probably sneaked into Mr. Akromar's room, and I haven't seen this guy since then.

Although both of them are arrogant masters, they still have to listen to the words of the seniors.

"Crocodile! Crocodile!"

With its training, you will definitely become a handsome and powerful ghost Pokémon!

Xiaozhi's expression brightened, is it finally the turn of the black-eyed crocodile?
Other Pokémon around also gathered around, watching curiously.

Waiting for the black-eyed crocodile's earthquake moves to startle other training companions around, then once back to the real environment, the power of the earthquake will be even stronger, right?


So the two Yusanjia glanced at each other and turned their heads one after another.

Especially that human who broke his fort with his bare hands, so why doesn't he exercise, can't breathe fire and discharge?

Go back and drill that little piggy!
"Jie Jie"

Genesect on the reef by the sea seems to be completely attracted by this atmosphere, and is always watching curiously.

In ancient times, as a ferocious exterminator, Genesect had only survival and killing in his dictionary.

But the atmosphere in front of me seems to be quite good?

(End of this chapter)

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