He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2076 Phantom Pokémon, Keldeo!

Soon, the sound of trampling on the stagnant water in the distance of the stone path became louder and louder, until a beast-shaped shadow could be vaguely seen.


This Pokémon inhabiting the seabed ruins was instantly covered with water, turning into a bunch of sharp water arrows and rushing towards it!
Water jet!

"Is it really a water-type Pokémon? Jewel starfish, use protection!"

Xiaoxia was overjoyed. People living in this kind of place should be extremely precious and rare Pokémon, right?

The gem starfish instantly propped up a green light barrier, and the jet of water couldn't break it. This Pokémon bounced off the protective barrier.

It spun around in the air for two weeks, and finally landed on the edge of the stone room. The attack stopped a bit, and only then did the two of them fully see the appearance of the former.

This is a milk-yellow foal Pokémon with a raised face, showing an unyielding and determined expression.

The top of the head is covered with a thick brown-red mane, and a sharp horn grows on the forehead.

There is sky blue fluff hanging from the neck, and the tail is also fluffy sky blue.

Stepping on the ground with all four limbs, it is about the height of a human being, like a one-horned pony in a fairy tale, with a strange style of painting.

"This is.?"

Xiaoxia was startled, and after a while, she hugged her hands, her eyes completely turned into love.

"What a handsome water horse~!!!"

Coupled with the latter's arrogant and rebellious face, his hind limbs are still swinging like a bullfighting bull, which only makes people want to hug him fiercely.

"Sister Xiaoxia, it's the Phantom Pokémon, Keldeo!"

Mingyi couldn't identify any information in the illustration book in his hand, but the corresponding information of this water pony appeared in his mind at the first time.

"Keludio is a Pokémon full of fighting spirit. He will actively attack any enemy he encounters, especially the four-legged horseshoes have strong power, and they can even spray water that can penetrate rocks."

Hearing Mingyi's words, Xiaoxia regained her composure and put away her nympho expression.

"open circuit.!"

Keldeo in front of him was also carefully observing the two of them.

Maybe it was because they were angry because they were disturbed, or maybe they liked fighting. It seemed that they didn't want to have any other communication with the two of them except fighting.

"In this case, then try this trick, gem starfish, use one hundred thousand volts!"

Seeing this, Xiaoxia launched an attack directly.

The golden electric current burst out from the body of the gem starfish, and one hundred thousand volts was extraordinarily dazzling in this closed and dark stone room, winding and lasing towards the target!

"open circuit!"

Keldeo jumped up immediately, dodging the dangerous electric shock from the front, and his figure was very flexible.

"Hmph, you can't move in the air. Gem starfish, let's dance~!"

Xiaoxia snapped her fingers and attacked confidently.

However, this jewel starfish started to dance, the feet of the two stars were touching the ground, and the upper body was swinging freely.

Boom! !

Even with the [-] volts on his body, he didn't stop, but drew a large arc in the air, and then attacked the target again!
Seeing that Keldeo in mid-air could not dodge at all, and the arc was approaching the target quickly, Xiaoxia was overjoyed, she should be able to securely win now, right?


However, at the next moment, the bottom of Keldeo's horse's hoof suddenly spurted out a strong and powerful stream of water.

With the reaction force of the water flow, Keldeo vacated a few positions again as if he loaded a jet, and steadily avoided the attack of [-] volts.

"that is?!"

It was only then that Xiaoxia noticed that there were weird holes at the bottom of Keldeo's limbs and hooves, like a gun barrel, from which a strong stream of water could be ejected.

By the way, as Mingyi said just now, the legs can spray water. I was excited for a while, and forgot!

After spinning a few times, Keldeo landed firmly and came behind Gem Starfish.

Even after landing, it slammed on the ground, almost without any delay, and rushed straight towards the gem starfish.

Along the way, the sharp and curved corners of the forehead suddenly grew longer and larger, with gray-green energy attached.
Insect attribute big move, million big horns!

The extremely fierce attack made it impossible for the jewel starfish to set up its protective barrier, and the million horns had already hit the central jewel of the jewel starfish from the back.

bang bang! !
The tyrannical impact of the big horn almost smashed the body of the gem starfish, and it flew out like a sandbag, and finally embedded in the nearby rock wall.

The effect is outstanding!

After landing, the gem starfish's body wilted, and the color of the gemstones on its chest became dimmed, and it completely lost its fighting ability with one blow.

"Tsk, it's amazing, it's worthy of being a Phantom Pokémon!"

Xiaoxia wiped the sweat from her forehead, and quickly took back the gem starfish, but the look in her eyes became even more fiery.


Manafei, who was lying on his head, also showed a surprised expression, and raised his little head.

Although they are both Phantom Pokémon, there are actually differences between Phantom Beasts.

Smaller ones like it have more special abilities, such as Eudemons like themselves, Shirabi, and Kiraqi.

And other large Eudemons, such as Darkrai, Genesect, Deoxys
These phantom beasts are more focused on fighting, and they have extremely strong fighting power.

The Keldeo in front of him obviously belongs to the type of large Eudemons.

"open circuit."

Keldeo apparently also noticed Manafei, turned his gaze slightly to the side, and looked at the latter curiously.

"Please, Sea Star~!"

On the other side, Xiaoxia has already replaced Hai Xingxing, regrouping and preparing to attack again.

However, this operation made Ming Yi next to him a little confused.

Gem starfish is the evolution of starfish, right? The former has been defeated, so why is it still in its original form?

"open circuit!!"

Seeing that the opponent has not given up, this Keldeo is also full of fighting spirit, and let out a low shout.

Immediately, he swung his head forward violently, blowing out several sharp air strikes
Air Slash!
"Starfish, use the light wall to block it!"

This time when Shanghai Xingxing was dispatched, Xiaoxia's command seemed more comfortable.

Although Gem Starfish is an evolutionary type
But the jeweled starfish was something she hadn't understood before, and the starfish's potential hadn't been fully tapped, so she hurriedly used the water stone to evolve.

This also led to the strength of this gem starfish, which was not even as good as the later cultivated starfish.

Whoosh! !

The sharp and dense air slashes burst in front of the transparent wall propped up in front of Haixing one after another, stirring up countless explosion smoke.

As the smoke dissipated, Sea Star still stood there, successfully blocking the blow.

"open circuit!!"

Seeing this, Keldeo immediately charged again, and the corner of his forehead was covered with gray-green energy light, instantly becoming huge!

A million big horns! !

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