He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2077 vs Keldeo, holy sword vs holy sword!

Faced with this blatant blow, Xiaoxia did not dare to fight head-on, but quickly commanded:
"Sea star, use the trick of shrinking!"

Starfish understood, the gemstone in the center of the body flickered, and then the body suddenly shrank in a strange arc, as if turning into a grain of dust.

call out.!

The evasion rate was greatly improved, and the dangerous million horns passed by, but did not hit.

However, the shrinking move was not continuous, Hai Xingxing quickly returned to its original size.

Make the move smaller, more like an optical illusion effect.?

"Now, use [-] volts!!"

Taking advantage of the other party's moves, Xiaoxia quickly opened her mouth and said with her back turned to her.

The starfish spun around in place, releasing a berserk electric shock, and the power of this [-]-volt shot faintly surpassed that of the jewel starfish before.

"open circuit.!"

However, facing the attack from behind, this Keldeo did not turn around, but kicked its hind legs.

Boom boom boom! !

Two majestic and vigorous streams of water suddenly spewed out from the black holes at the bottom of the hoofs of the two hind legs, gathered together, and rushed out blatantly!

ol! !
Boom! !
The water cannon hit [-] volts head-on, and the electric current and spray kept bombarding in a stalemate, stirring up a strong wind of energy.

"open circuit.!"

But following Keldeo's low snort, the water spouted from the hind legs was continuous and powerful, and finally completely dissipated the current, and washed heavily on Hai Xingxing's body.

boom! !

The irresistible water cannon move directly smashed the starfish into the rock wall behind.

However, the damage of the water flow is average, not as great as hitting the wall.


Starfish landed again, dripping with water all over its body.

On the other side, Keldeo's figure has already attacked again.

This time, a beam of bright blue laser swords condensed from the corner of the head, exuding a palpitating power.

"rice wine!?"

The otter was the first to react, with a horrified expression.

It's not a million horns. It's the move it has worked hard for a long time, the holy sword!
At this moment, Keldeo's hand cast a laser long sword emitting dazzling light, which made the water otter extremely envious.

Keldeo raised his head, and the holy sword swept across, directly smashing the reflecting wall of the starfish.

"Use high-speed rotation to dodge!"

Xiaoxia's face was startled, she didn't dare to resist directly.

Starfish turned rapidly, trying to dodge.

"open circuit!"

However, Keldeo's skills are also extremely flexible, and he jumped up and caught up with the flying starfish.

Then he pressed his head down violently, and the holy sword move hit Hai Xingxing's body heavily.

bang bang! !
Haixing quickly fell to the ground, this time his body was directly embedded in the rocks on the ground.

"Sea stars!"

Xiaoxia's face became anxious, and she called out quickly. As the smoke and dust cleared, the starfish that fell in the center also completely lost its ability to fight.

But Keldeo landed in front of Xiaoxia, and the laser holy sword above his head was still held together, with a majestic expression, as if he could pierce Xiaoxia's body at any time.
"rice wine!!"

However, at this time, the water otter took the initiative to jump in front of Xiaoxia, shouting in high spirits.

The other enemies don't matter, but since it is an opponent who masters the moves of the holy sword, then only he who also masters the moves of the holy sword can deal with it!
"rice wine!!"

Thinking of this, Mijiu let out a low drink, raised his scallop shell high in his hand, and began to accumulate energy continuously.

The next moment, the scallop shell unexpectedly condensed a beam of similar bright blue light, and it continued to extend upwards.

This is different from the shell blade. Although the color is similar, the shell blade is a water attribute move, while the holy sword is a fighting attribute move, which is more powerful in terms of strength and sharpness.

Feeling the aura of similar moves, Keldeo was slightly startled and stared blankly.

After condensing for a long time, the light of the holy sword in the otter's hand stopped after only rising to about 20 centimeters. It looked more like a holy dagger?

Especially compared with the holy laser sword on Keldeo's forehead, which is more than one meter long, it looks very awkward.

"I haven't fully mastered the moves yet."

Mingyi rubbed the back of his head in distress, but looking at the expression of the otter, it was obvious that even so, he would continue to fight.

"Mingyi, let's go! Let it show the power of you and the otter!"

Beside, Xiaoxia had already put away the starfish and encouraged her.

This Keldeo also seemed to have no objection to the wheel battle at all. After defeating the short-haired human, he turned his target to the second human.

"In that case, fight with all your might, Otter!"

Mingyi didn't hesitate any more, and immediately spoke seriously.

In the past, facing such a powerful Pokémon, Mingyi definitely did not have such confidence.
But now, instead, she was eager to try, and even took the initiative to attack:

"Otter, use the water jet!"

"rice wine!"

The otter tensed his face, it was rarely his turn to make a move, and he couldn't lose face today.

The whole body condenses and attaches to the water flow, and the water otter rushes out as a bunch of water arrows.

However, facing such a blow, Keldeo just held his head up and endured it head-on, without taking half a step back.

"Is the level gap too big?"

Xiaoxia frowned. After all, Mingyi and Shui Otter were still novice partners. Even with profound knowledge, it was still too reluctant.

Keldeo even turned around quickly, kicked his hind legs together, and kicked the otter away.

Immediately, water cannons gushed out from the bottom of the hind legs, and the second stage exerted force, completely covering the small body of the otter, and the water flow hit the rock wall behind.

"rice wine."

The water cannon disappeared, and the water otter fell back to the ground, its whole body was wet, and its bones seemed to be washed away.

This also made Mingyi frowned, thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

It's just a Pokémon battle, not an answer to a question.

She also can't automatically pop up the answer, a lot of information needs to be read by herself
"Rice wine! Rice wine!"

At this time, the sound of the otter brought Mingyi back to his senses.

Seeing the latter's resolute expression, Mingyi also understood, and his eyes suddenly focused.

"Sure enough, we still need to use the holy sword move to decide the outcome."

The next moment, Mingyi raised his hand abruptly, with a bit of Xiaozhi's usual demeanor in his movements, and then shouted loudly:

"Otter, use the strongest holy sword trick!"

"rice wine!"

The otter shouted excitedly, and took out the scallops again, condensing bright blue light.

Although the laser holy sword is a little taller this time, its size is still very awkward.

"open circuit."

Sensing that the opponent was going to use the Holy Sword to win the game, Keldeo did not disappoint. He raised his head, and the corners on his forehead condensed into a bunch of sharp laser holy swords again!

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