He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2078 Double-edged pill, two-handed holy sword!

Inside the underwater ruins.

The two Pokémon raised the holy swords in their hands at the same time, then fixed their eyes and rushed towards each other.

Due to the size difference, the water otter would jump up and wave the scallops vigorously when approaching.

Keldeo, on the other hand, lowered his head and swung the holy sword above his head suddenly.

Bang Bang! !
There was a burst of fencing, and the figures of Otter and Keldeo flew past, each landing at the original position of the other.

The two Pokémon stood facing each other, Keldeo's expression remained unchanged, his forehead was still raised high, and the horn of the holy sword still exuded a palpitating energy light.

On the other side, the otter had a sullen face, holding a scallop in his hand as well.

But the next moment, the otter fell to his knees in pain, and there was a crisp sound from the scallop in his hand.

I saw that the yellow shell was cut from the middle and fell to the ground.


Xiaoxia sighed, then became worried again.

It's not surprising that they lost, but the scallops of the otters should be very precious, and they were damaged directly.

The otter also knelt down on the ground in a daze, staring blankly at the scallop that split in half.

However, at this time, Mingyi shouted loudly:
"Otter, it's not over yet, you haven't completely lost your ability to fight yet!"

The sound made the otter tremble, and then quickly pulled himself together, tightened his face, held half a scallop in each hand, and looked at the target again.

This competitive look made Keldeo look a little longer.

Didn't expect such a humble little otter to have such fighting spirit?

"rice wine!!"

I saw the otter holding the scallop high, with firm eyes, and screaming loudly. The next moment, the otter was filled with dazzling white light.

In the white light, its size began to continuously deform and increase, and even the half scallop in its hand was also changing its shape

Compared to Xiaoxia's astonishment, Mingyi half-closed her eyes and hugged her palm in surprise:

"Success, the water otter has evolved!"

From the knowledge in her head, the otter's scallop shells were broken and broken, which is not a completely bad thing
This also means that this water otter has gone through a period of deep training and fighting, enough to complete the evolution!

Xiaozhi's rattan snake and Nuannuan pig have fully evolved, and this otter of the same period has already obtained the buff bonus of the Pokémon virus before, and now it is short of an opportunity to evolve.

"rice wine!!"

With the sound of drinking and screaming, the otter dissipated the white light from his body and completed the evolution.

Although the voice is similar, but the momentum is suddenly much more mature.

At this moment, the otter was about half the height of a person. Its original white-faced head had turned into the same light blue color as its body, and white forked beards appeared on both sides of its cheeks.

The ends of the limbs are black, especially the lower body, covered with a circle of dark blue fluff, as if wearing a ronin warrior's cloth pants.

"Shuangrenwan, the evolution of the water otter, with the help of his two scallop shells, he can display ninja-like swift knife skills."

In Mingyi's mind, the corresponding information popped up at the first time, and then he looked at Shuangrenwan's hands.

But I saw that the broken scallops that were divided into two were restored separately, and even a little bigger, each turned into a new piece of scallops!

"rice wine!!"

Shuangrenwan looked at Mingyi, gave a low drink, and his fighting spirit was unprecedentedly high.

Waving scallops in his hands at the same time, like a swordsman who is good at using double swords.

"What a handsome Double Blade Maru!!!"

Xiaoxia was delighted to see it again. If the otter is still fierce, then Shuangrenwan is a hot-blooded boy who is competitive.

It has been decided, this time before leaving the Hezhong area, I will also find a water otter of my own!
Xiaoxia secretly made a decision in her heart, but on the other side, the battle was not over yet.

In addition, the trainer's enthusiasm was fully aroused, Ming Yi raised his hand and pointed:

"Let it see your current power! Use the holy sword!"

Shuangrenwan understood, waved his arms, and grabbed the scallops with both hands and brought them in front of him.



In the next moment, two half-meter-long light blue laser beams suddenly rose from the surface of the scallop shell, forming two laser daggers with a powerful momentum.

This feeling is completely different from the shell blade.

"Completely mastered the holy sword moves!"

Xiaoxia, who was watching, looked surprised and blurted out.

Or two-handed holy sword!

Keldeo on the opposite side also showed a serious expression for the first time, stepped on the ground with his forelegs, and then raised his head high.

A majestic laser holy sword also rose above its head. For a moment, it seemed that the eyes of the whole world were on it, and Keldeo's momentum continued to rise.

The power of the move reached its peak, and the two Pokémon rushed towards each other again. In this closed underwater stone room, they raised their holy swords and attacked with all their strength!

The difference is that Shuangrenwan is released in a cross-slashing posture, while Keldeo is like a knight holding a spear, turning into a blue long rainbow, piercing straight out!

Whoa! !
In the blink of an eye, the moves collided, and the two swordsmen passed by, and once again put their backs on their backs, standing at their respective ends.

"open circuit."

Keldeo was the first to groan, his body trembled, his eyes were half-pressed, obviously this time he was finally hurt.

It's just that the light of the laser holy sword above its head has not dissipated.

"rice wine."

On the other side, Shuangrenwan also let out a muffled groan, the scallops in both hands lost their light, and then the pupils lost their highlight.


His figure crooked and fell to the ground.

"Hey, can't you still fight?"

Xiaoxia breathed a sigh of relief, this battle was really hard to breathe.

"You've performed very well, Shuangrenwan!"

Ming Yi stepped forward, gently hugged it on her lap, and said softly.

It is too difficult to defeat a fantasy Pokémon, at least with the newly evolved Double Blade Maru, it is still difficult to do.

However, Shuangrenwan's fighting spirit was recognized by Keldeo.

"open circuit!!"

It took a few steps forward, walked all the way in front of Mingyi and Shuangrenwan, then raised its head and let out a long shout.

Slightly regaining consciousness, Shuangrenwan rested on Mingyi's black silk thigh, turned his gaze, and raised the corners of his mouth towards Keldeo, showing a manly smile.

After scanning the two of them for the last time, the Keldeo immediately jumped up and jumped over the heads of the two with amazing jumping power.

Da da da!
Immediately, he ran vigorously, and rushed into a stone passageway behind him. After a while, he completely lost his figure, and could only hear the sound of trampling on stagnant water as it gradually moved away.

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