He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2079 Dusk, 1 person, 1 mouse and 1 insect

"Hey, are you leaving?"

Seeing Keldeo leave just like that, Xiaoxia was disappointed.

Since wheel battles are allowed, she plans to send four other Pokémon.

It is rare to meet a water-type fantasy Pokémon, and there is a high probability that it is still wild. This kind of situation may not be encountered once in a lifetime!


Manafei, who was lying on top of her head, also patted Xiaoxia's head to comfort her.

However, Xiaoxia has a free and easy personality, so she quickly accepted it.

Sure enough, her ultimate goal had to be on Suicune!
It seems that there is a Suicune idiot who has recently obtained some information about Suicune and is showing it off on the Internet. You can ask about it when you go back.
"Come back for now, Shuangrenwan."

On the other side, Mingyi took back the double-edged pill.

She doesn't have much desire for the fantasy Pokémon, but being able to fight a battle and let Shuangrenwan complete the evolution is enough to satisfy her today.

There are also lost treasures all around!
It seems that only this Keldeo lives in this underwater ruins, and no other wild Pokémon has been seen with such a big movement.

Except for the completely incomprehensible murals on the walls of the stone chamber, the two simply focused on the ancient treasures along the way.

Although Ming Yi could barely understand the words on these murals based on the vast amount of profound knowledge in his mind.

Generally speaking, it is telling the history of the rise and fall of an ancient country, and Mingyi is not interested in this.

bang bang bang.!

The two of them worked hard for a long time, and stuffed a wooden box full of ancient coins, as well as some ancient bracelets, ancient copper pots and other secret treasures.

If all these things were sold to the collectors in Lianyi Town, it should be a lot of money!

Dividing it into two is enough for Xiaoxia to build another aquarium behind the Hualan Gym.

"Mom should also be short of money."

Mingyi also secretly thought in his heart that he was going to send all the money back home.

Mom runs a non-profit Pokémon Rescue with absolutely no additional source of income, so this money should help a lot!
Immediately, the two each carried a corner of the wooden box, ready to leave the underwater ruins.

They were not greedy, so they moved a box. There are still many ancient secret treasures in the underwater ruins. Let the next lucky one come to explore.


In this regard, Mana Fei also nodded in satisfaction, saying that he did not misunderstand the person.

As the prince of the sea, these gold, silver and jewels left on the bottom of the sea.Nature is also under its control!
If all these relic treasures are looted, then this ancient relic will lose a bit of flavor.

call out!call out!
Manafei smiled lightly and waved his little hand, and the golden energy vortex appeared on Mingyi and Xiaoxia's bodies again, and they could walk and breathe normally after entering the seawater steadily.
at the same time.

On the shore, on the beach in the villa area of ​​Lianyi Town.

"Everyone move around~!"

Xiao Zhi, who had been exercising with the Pokémon all day, released them all and let them play and relax on the beach area.

But even though it is free time, most Pokémon are actively training themselves.

As dusk approached, the light became dim, which made Zoroya more energetic.


In addition, seeing the evolution of his partners one after another made this Zoroya anxious, constantly using his shadow claws, breaking through the sandy ground, trying to improve his strength.

The leaf vine snake jumped directly onto the roof of the villa, feeling the blowing of the sea breeze.

With a mature mind, she decided to become the existence that bears the banner in the team, and she is also unwilling to slack off.


Feeling the sea breeze flowing over its body, the leaf vine snake waved its tail slightly, and in coordination with the whirling airflow, a few green leaves floated out from time to time.

Flying Leaf Storm, a big move of the grass attribute, is the training goal of the leaf vine snake at this moment!


The Progenitor Bird flew into the sky, and it happened that three acquaintances came to the backyard, so it flapped its wings vigorously, chasing the King Yan and the others, flying around side by side.

It's just that when the wings flutter, a lot of feathers are shaken off
Archaeopteryx hair loss disease seems to be getting worse.


The rogue crocodile that had completed evolution directly dug a hole in place, sneaked under the beach, and exercised its underground combat ability.

Compared with all the serious Pokémon, Chaochaozhu is an outlier.

"Stir fry."

It collapsed on the beach weakly, and was stared at by the senior Abandoned Monkey throughout the day. It didn't dare to slack off at all. At this moment, its physical strength was almost exhausted.

"Abandon roar?"

However, the Abandoned Monkey seemed to hear the word "almost", and immediately jumped in front of Chaochaozhu.

Almost zero?

That is still 99%!

Immediately, the big hand directly twisted the hind legs of the fried pig, preparing for a special training with extra meals in the evening.

"Stir fry."

This made the fried pig that was dragged away weakly grasp the beach with its forelimbs, leaving a long trail behind.

As for Xiaozhi, he came to a coast.

The current here is turbulent, and the waves that come in from time to time are tumbling, and a reef area is exposed on the sea surface.

Pikachu is sitting here cross-legged, eyes closed, breathing weakly, looks like he is sitting and sleeping.


However, the tail on the back has a silver-black luster, the body is slightly swollen, and it trembles slightly in the air, which proves that Pikachu is indeed exercising hard.

"But it's also possible that as soon as I left in the morning, Pikachu started to sleep lazily. When I came back at dusk, Pikachu started pretending to exercise again?"

A guess emerged in Xiaozhi's mind.

Because of Pikachu's acting incident when he first set foot in the Hezhong area, one person and one mouse have not completely overcome the crisis of trust.

"Hi Genesect, are you feeling better today?"

Xiao Zhi took advantage of the situation and sat next to Pikachu, knocked on Genesect's steel head on the other side, and greeted with a smile.

I don't know if it's Pikachu's bad taste, and I'm going to choose to exercise in the autistic area of ​​​​Genesect.


The crimson Genesect raised its head slightly, made a noise, but seemed to be talking to itself, and then still stared at the distant sea.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was not annoyed, and just sat between the two Pokémon.

After exercising with them all day, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief and look at the evening sea in front of me.

Although Genesect was still unable to communicate with him, even if Xiao Zhi hit the former's head directly, Genesect did not resist at all, which showed that the intimacy was improving little by little.

At dusk, one person, one mouse, and one insect sat on the beach one by one, quietly watching the sun gradually sinking into the sea.

The atmosphere is unexpectedly harmonious and natural.

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