He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2091 Qinghai wave tragedy

After several blade clashes in succession, Chaochaozhu suddenly threw the shell blade out of his hand, while attracting the attention of the Great Sword Demon.

"Right now, use the earth cast!!"

Following Xiaozhi's low shout, Chaochaozhu rushed forward and hugged the body of the Great Sword Demon.

Since it is still in the second stage, the size of the Great Sword Ghost is much larger than that of fried pigs.


But it's not a big problem, Chaochaozhu let out a low snort, his arm muscles swelled, and with his small strength, he unexpectedly lifted the Great Sword Ghost into the air.

Snapped! !

Finally, he threw it down violently and hit the ground forcefully!
Seeing that Huche is about to use his "headband shock" tactic again, Xiaozhi will not give him a chance:
"It's over, use trample!!"

With exactly the same plot, Chaochaozhu stomped down again, using the strength of his whole body to brazenly step on the big sword ghost, causing a burst of explosion.

As the smoke dissipated, this time it was the Great Sword Demon who was stepped on by the fried pig, his eyes were spinning, and he completely lost his fighting ability.
"how is this possible"

Hu Che was stupefied, staring blankly at the scene in front of him.

Didn't the script agree, is this guy in front of me my stepping stone? !
And Xiaozhi rubbed his chin, thinking about other things in his mind.

The power of trampling is still weaker.
Throwing on the Earth + Cross Chop is the unique skill of Abandoned Monkey, but currently Chaochaozhu can only use the trampling move.

He remembered Douzi's Yanwu King, he seemed to have used the move of high temperature and pressure, right?

That is a move that uses one's own body weight to launch a violent pounce on the target below. Next, let Chao Chaozhu try to master that move.

"Good job! Come back for now, Chaochaozhu."

After defeating the opponent's two Pokémon one after another, Xiaozhi did not continue to send Chaochaozhu to the field, and was ready to withdraw.


However, the Abandoned World Monkey interrupted Xiaozhi's movement of using the poke ball at the position of the spectator seats, and signaled the exiting Chaochao Pig to come directly to it.

Seeing that Chaochaozhu was trembling and not daring to approach him, Abandoned Monkey took off his sunglasses, and for the first time showed a warm and masculine look to Chaochaozhu, raised his hand and patted the former's shoulder lightly.

Seeing the younger generation perform like this, winning the fight against themselves for a while, it makes the monkey excited.

A thought suddenly flashed in the Abandoned Monkey's mind.

It seems that retiring as a coach is much more pleasant than continuing to be a professional player?


This made Chaochaozhu a little astonished, and then he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

It's the first time Teacher Monkey treats himself like this
And his own strength has indeed become stronger.

Could it be that Mr. Monkey really squeezed himself so much for his own sake, instead of torturing pigs purely for his own preferences?

"Give up drinking!"

However, at the next moment, a familiar low voice interrupted the fantasy of frying pigs.

Since you are doing so well
Then reward you for doing 1000 push-ups in place!


Chao Chaozhu's expression changed abruptly, but facing the Abandoned Monkey in front of him, he didn't dare to resist at all, so he could only reluctantly get down on the spot and grass up and down the ground.

other people:"?"

Everyone is a little unclear, so they can only sigh that it is really a stir-fried pig who loves to exercise.

Even on such occasions, they are actively exercising themselves
No wonder the fried pig in the second stage is powerful enough to beat the big sword ghost.

"Damn it, you can't lose any more!!"

It's just that the pressure of this battle fell on Huche's shoulders, and he squatted on the ground clutching his hair, full of panic.

I thought Xiaozhi was just an ordinary trainer. Why is he so strong!
"Keep fighting, Huche!"

Although Xiaozhi on the other side is in an advantage, he is not careless, which makes Hu Che have to bite the bullet and face each other.

The next moment, the two threw new pokemon balls at the same time, and the battle continued.

This time, Hu Che's Pokémon is still familiar, it is a very strange and ferocious nut dumbbell that appeared on the scene a few hours ago.

And Ash's Pokémon.

What Xiaozhi sent was the rogue crocodile, with an upright body, bared teeth, and barked fiercely at the nut dumbbell.

"Ground attribute? It's good for me!"

Hu Che showed an excited smile on his face again, and took the initiative to attack:

"Use Ultimate Drain!"

The three thorny vines on the top of the nut dumbbell instantly turned into bright green energy vines, extending out, about to lock the rogue crocodile.

"Jump out of the way, then use the will-o'-the-wisp!!"

However, the rogue crocodile's movements were exceptionally flexible, and it leaped up, avoiding the vines with ease.

Immediately afterwards, faint blue fireballs condensed all over his body, flying away in all directions.

"Ah, what a quick move?!"

"And the rogue crocodile, does he still master the will-o'-the-wisp move?"

In the auditorium, Xiaoxia and Mingyi looked a little surprised
But Mingyi quickly thought of something and reacted abruptly.


The seemingly bulky crocodile moves surprisingly fast, especially the tricky will-o'-the-wisp move, which successfully hits the nut dumbbell and ignites flames on its body.

Nutty dumbbells, went into burn mode.

"What the hell?! Will there be ghost fire?!"

Hu Che's heart was once again in chaos. Why is this gangster crocodile completely different from the gangster crocodile he remembered? !
"Forget it, use the missile needle!!"

Falling into a burnt state, the nut dumbbell groaned in pain, but still tried to raise the three vines, and then flew densely spiked shells.

Boom boom boom! !

The missile needle almost covered most of the arena, and the carpet bombing also successfully affected the gangster crocodile.

call out.!
It's just that after being hit by the missile needle, the body of the gangster crocodile began to float like a mist, which seemed very strange.
"What the hell?! What the hell happened?!"

Hu Che looked bewildered, and stared blankly at the "crocodile crocodile" who had a tiger's head and a tiger's brain before, and gradually transformed into a little fox with a gray and white body and fluffy blue fluff.
It is Sorolla's hallucinatory feature!
This feature allows Zoroya to show the appearance of the next companion on the stage to achieve the purpose of pretending.

Hu Che and Nut Dumbbell on the opposite side seemed to be seeing Soraya's characteristics for the first time, and they were all stunned.

"It's now, misfortunes never come singly!!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zoroya leaped forward, and his small body moved extremely flexibly. This time, the dark blue fluff flew up, forming groups of dark blue flames.

shhhhhh! !

In the end, these blue flames were completely separated from the fluff, forming groups of will-o'-the-wisps and flying out, hitting the nut dumbbell head-on!

He even pulled out the original burnt state of the nut dumbbell completely.

Boom! !
A violent flame explosion immediately erupted from the nut dumbbell, exploding at one end of the arena!
Misfortunes never come singly, for targets in an abnormal state, it can double the effect!


And as the flames and smoke dissipated, the nut dumbbell fell to the ground, and the spiky vines were also shriveled and scattered around.

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