He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2092 Qinghai wave tragedy

"Good job, Zoroya~!"


Winning by surprise, Xiaozhi gave a compliment, which made the Zoroya Zoroa happily raise its head and narrow its eyes.

Although it has not yet evolved, this Zoroya has been enlightened by Master Ajin's golden finger, and has great potential.

But the three Pokémon were easily taken away in a row, but it completely aroused the morale of Huche and Riolu.

"Damn it, I will definitely defeat you this time!! Come out, my secret weapon!!"

Hu Che gave a loud shout and threw out the fourth elf ball.

When the red light fell, a flying dragon Pokémon with three heads appeared.

It has a dark blue dragon-shaped body, a slender neck covered with black fur, and three pairs of black wings growing on its back, flying up in front of Huche with light flashes.

"This is.?!"

Xiaozhi was taken aback by the black and blue dragon in front of him, its shape and momentum were very intimidating.

When I looked closely, I realized that it didn't seem to be three heads.
Except for the trunk head in the middle, the dragon heads on the left and right sides are at the ends of the two arms respectively.

"Beep! Three evil dragons, evil and dragon attributes, are cruel dragon Pokémon. Only the middle head has a brain. In many places, there are legends of three evil dragons destroying villages. They are powerful quasi-sacred treasures in the Hezhong area. Pokémon Loto~!"

After listening to Rotom's introduction, Xiaozhi couldn't help but look at the three evil dragons in front of him again.

So is this the quasi-god in the Hezhong area, similar to Bankiras, the existence of the giant metal monster?
Sure enough, quasi-gods are Pokémon with both appearance and strength!

I didn't expect Hu Che to hide such a quasi-god. He called it a secret weapon, and it was indeed qualified.


Even after appearing on the stage, the three dragons bared their teeth, and the three heads roared at the same time. The ferocious appearance made Sorolla shrink his head and take a few steps back.


Among the [-] attributes, the only one it fears is the evil attribute. It is the specialty of the three evil dragons!
"Why don't you come back first, Zoroya!"

Xiaozhi intends to take back Soraya. Although the latter has great potential, he has not fully grown up after all.

Now it is too difficult to face the last quasi-god of Hezhong, which is still unfavorable in attributes.


However, Zoroya tried his best to raise his head and refused to go back, his fighting spirit was very high.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi couldn't take it back, so he could only help Zoroya gain the advantage as much as possible with all his heart.

"If that's the case, let's have a good fight. Use the ghost fire!!"

Soroya nodded, and several will-o'-the-wisps floated around his body, and they all flew away in unison.

Hu Che said in a tyrannical tone:
"Too underestimate my three evil dragons, use jet flames!!"

The three heads of the evil dragon and the three heads spewed out fiery flames at the same time, and the straight pillar of fire easily scattered and crushed the will-o'-the-wisps, and then continued to rush in the direction of Zoroya.


There was a huge disparity in strength, Sorolla could only roll and dodge to one side in embarrassment.

"Use Shadow Ball!!"

After rolling a few times on the ground, Zoroya suddenly jumped up, gathered a shadow ball and threw it out.

However, facing such an attack, the three evil dragons didn't even dodge or defend, allowing the shadow ball to fall on their chests.


The shadow ball exploded on its body, only a little smoke was generated, and it did little damage to the three evil dragons.

"Hahaha! You see, this is the gap between us!!"

Seeing this, Huche also put his hips on his hips and laughed triumphantly, as if he forgot that he had already lost three Pokémon.
It's not a big problem, now use three evil dragons to push Xiaozhi's whole team at once!
"Three evil dragons, use the wave of evil!!"

The three heads of the three evil dragons opened their mouths wide, and each ejected a beam of energy composed of countless dense black halos!
The three evil waves attack the same target together, giving people a sense of déjà vu as if the three evil waves are used at the same time
Once such an attack hits, Zoroya probably lay down on the spot.

Sorolla could only take advantage of his speed, move at high speed, and dodge frequently.


Even with a tense little face, he found an opportunity to pounce on the three evil dragons, one of the small claws was already covered with shadow claws
Shadow Claw! !

It's a completely desperate way of playing.

"Use Dragon Tail!!"

However, the thick and long tails of the three evil dragons were instantly covered with green light, and they drew towards the attacking shadow claws.

boom! !

The power gap was huge, and the dragon tail directly broke through the black energy of the Shadow Claw. The tail, which was almost larger than its entire body, covered Zoroya's body and flew it out heavily.

call out.!

Not only that, but this also triggered the additional effect of the Dragon Tail move, which directly turned Zoroya into a red light and forcibly retracted it into the elf ball.

"Uh, that's fine too."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi smiled bitterly, but heaved a sigh of relief.

Although Zoroya in the Xicui area is very timid, his desire to fight is still fierce.

He patted Sorolla's elf ball on his waist lightly, and comforted him:
"Don't worry, there is another time. You will definitely become stronger/"

Xiaozhi met the native Zoroark mother and son in the psychedelic forest. After evolution, Zoroark should not lose to any quasi-god in terms of appearance or strength.

At the same time, Dragon Tail also forcibly ejected Xiaozhi's next Pokémon.


The bastard crocodile standing upright was stunned, his black eyes looked at the three evil dragons in front of him, and soon became aggressive.

This is a civil war of evil-type Pokémon.

"Don't lose to it, you bastard crocodile!"

"Hmph, my three evil dragons are invincible using dragon wave!!"

The battle started again, and Huche, who was in a hurry, took the lead in attacking.

The three evil dragons raised their heads, and this time they spewed out pink-purple energy, fused in mid-air and turned into a dragon-shaped phantom, roaring and attacking the rogue crocodile.

"Is it a turret-type Pokémon that uses digging to escape!"

Xiao Zhi was startled, the special moves of the three evil dragons were very powerful, and it was not easy to confront them head-on.

The rogue crocodile understood, and immediately dug down to avoid the blow.

It's just that the three dragons are floating in the air, and the ground-type burrowing moves are hard to hit the opponent.
"Hey, digging holes is useless, use the power of the earth!!"

The three evil dragons immediately flew down to the ground, injecting the power of the earth into the ground.

Boom boom! !

The next moment, the ground shook, even bursting violently in one place, and the lava on the ground surged like a fountain.


At the center of the power of the earth, even the rogue crocodile was rushed into the air by the lava, and then fell to the ground, letting out a wail.

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