He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2110 I was almost cheated by Pikachu again today

Chapter 2110 I was almost cheated by Pikachu again today

After a brief stay in Fukiyo City, Xiaozhi and his party continued on their way.

Fukiyo City is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the mountain roads are rugged. However, it is not a big problem. Inside these mountains, there are cave passages that can be accessed through.

Unlike Reverse Mountain, because it is a dormant volcano, the caves inside cannot be passed through normally, and only the mountain road on the surface can only be turned over.

The tourmaline cave was the route chosen by Xiaozhi and his party.

"I'm counting on you, Thunder Zebra~!"

When entering the cave, Ming Yi made a move with the palm of his hand and sent out her Thunder Zebra.

At that time, it was still a small zebra. After nearly two months of training, it has now completed its evolution and has become a tall and handsome Hummer!

It's not that Xiaozhi is making progress alone.

Also with a team of babies, and with a lot of knowledge in his mind, Mingyi can formulate a precise and perfect exercise plan for each Pokémon.

Cooperate with the Pokémon virus infected by Xiaozhi
At this moment, not only the Thunder Zebra, but even the Four Seasons Deer have completed the evolution, becoming a mature and reliable budding deer!

Thunderbolt Zebra showed determination in his eyes, took the lead, and walked into the tourmaline cave.

As a local electric Pokémon in Hezhong, Thunder Zebra has a unique sense of the environment of the Tourmaline Cave and can guide everyone forward.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and the others quickly followed behind.

The tourmaline cave is a primitive cave, and there are no man-made passages or street lights along the way
"So beautiful~"

"It's like a fairy tale kingdom."

But as soon as he entered the cave, the two girls beside Xiaozhi showed a surprised look, and looked around in amazement.

I saw that the stone walls and the ground of the entire cave are gray-blue, and there are randomly scattered tourmalines unique to the tourmaline cave.

This is a special kind of magnet, very sci-fi suspended in mid-air, and emits a faint blue light.
There are different sizes, some are only a small stone, and the big ones can be close to 2 meters.

This made the originally dark tourmaline cave no need to use flash lighting at all.

Everywhere is illuminated blue by this glowing tourmaline, making the scene in the cave dreamy and beautiful.

"Xi Xi."

Seeing outsiders approaching, some wild Pokémon inhabiting the tourmaline cave also ran away in fright.

"Beep beep! This is the mantle rock, this little yellow spider is an electric bug, and there is also the little fish Luoto~"

Since Naruto was right next to him, Rotom introduced the wild Pokémon around him very attentively.

Except for rock and ground-type Pokémon that are common in caves
There are also many electric and steel-type Pokémon in the tourmaline cave, and even many of them, like tourmaline, can use the magnetic force of the environment to suspend in mid-air.


It's just such an environment that made Pikachu frown and feel a little uncomfortable.

"What's wrong, Pikachu?"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised, and quickly hugged Pikachu in his arms.

It stands to reason that this place should be a paradise for electric-type Pokémon, right?

Could it be that the climate is not acclimatized, and electric rats from other places are repelled?

"Is it because of the positive and negative electrodes?"

Mingyi thought for a while, before Rotom spoke.

Most electric Pokémon are equivalent to a direct current generator, and the current itself has positive and negative attributes.

Generally speaking, yellow lightning is positive and blue lightning is negative.

And the natural environment in this tourmaline cave is rich in positively charged elements, and opposites attract.
Therefore, most of the Pokémon inhabiting here are Pokémon that release blue lightning. They can enjoy living here very much, and even their own electric power will increase accordingly.

This phenomenon also exists in the battle, such as the very classic positive pole pat and negative pole pat in Fangyuan area.

When these two Pokémon form a double battle, both sides will increase their electric power because of the opposite electrodes.

And Pikachu, who released yellow lightning at this moment, repelled the same sex, so he was naturally repelled by the tourmaline cave.


As if to confirm what his trainer said, the lightning zebra walking in front raised his head high and let out a low snort.

The body covered with black and white lightning patterns, the spiky white hairs stand up slightly, and blue electric sparks dance in it.

"I know so much"

The Heavenly King Bonnie covered her mouth in surprise again. As a Heavenly King specializing in ice attributes, this was the first time she had heard of such cold knowledge.

Rotom next to him was about to say something, but found that it seemed to have been said.
But you can't stop talking, right?

"Beep! Er. Beep! Beep!"

It beeped several times in a row, first showing off its presence and then talking.

"Uh, so it's hard, Pikachu?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu worriedly and said with concern.

I knew I would choose the road to Fukiyose Cave.

From Fukiyo City to Fanba City, the east and south caves are accessible.
But thinking of the name of Tourmaline Cave, it is even more fancy.

Moreover, the tourmaline cave has only one layer on the surface, and the route is relatively straightforward.

However, the road in Fukiji Cave is rugged, and there are several layers of underground caves. It is quite cumbersome to walk, and it seems to be prone to collapse accidents.
Unexpectedly, Pikachu suffered instead.


Pikachu fell to the ground sickly, and could only make a weak humming sound, looking in pain.

But soon, Mingyi suddenly said in doubt:

"However, although there is a phenomenon of repulsion, in fact, this kind of intensity is not very strong, and there are only a few discomforts."

But the Pikachu in front of him had already covered his stomach and rolled several times on the ground.

Mingyi was very puzzled by the appearance of being about to faint.

Xiaozhi: "."

Hearing this, he frowned and understood instantly.

Good guy, you're still working hard in acting, aren't you?
He immediately ignored Pikachu who was rolling and moaning on the ground, hooked his hands, and walked in front.

Damn, I almost got tricked by Pikachu again today!


A few people around didn't know what was going on, they glanced suspiciously at the electric mouse on the ground, and finally raised their heels.

Pikachu, who had been rolling on the ground for a long time, was addicted to drama, and suddenly felt that his surroundings seemed to have become much quieter.


It quickly opened its eyes, seeing that several people had already walked more than ten meters away, it quickly turned over and stood up, and quickly followed.

What's the matter, its acting skills should be perfect, but it was seen through?

While same-sex repulsion is true.
But with Pikachu's current strength, it is the strongest positive pole, how could it be affected by the surrounding environment?

The disparity in intensity made the environment of Tourmaline Cave, which only made it a little uncomfortable at first, but it quickly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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