He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2111 Vigorous Crocodile and Insect King Electric Spider

Chapter 2111 Vigorous Crocodile and Insect King Electric Spider


After a while, Pikachu jumped on Xiaozhi's shoulder again, scratched the back of his head, trying to pass the test with cuteness.

There is no way, the addiction is coming, and I can't control it at all!

"You bastard!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi could only curse in a low voice, isn't this electric mouse usually hiding something?

After this battle, several people around also got to know about this Pikachu.
Of course, Xiaoxia knew about it a long time ago, with a completely calm expression.

Mingyi nodded thoughtfully.

Xiaozhi and Pikachu are old partners for many years, right? We really should find something interesting to stimulate, otherwise it will always be dull and boring

Next, with the guidance of the thunder and lightning zebra, several people walked through the tourmaline cave in an orderly manner.

Although there were many forks in the road, after a flash of electric sparks flashed from the Thunder Zebra's fur, he quickly found the closest passage to the exit.

Being idle and bored during the period, Xiaozhi also tried to poke the tourmaline floating around him.

Except for a slight static feeling at the moment of contact, it feels no different from ordinary stones.

It's just that it is magnetically suspended in mid-air, even if it is a large tourmaline that is close to two meters, you may not be able to lift it up if you let an iron worker use all its strange force.

At this moment, Xiaozhi poked lightly, and the two-meter-tall tourmaline in front of him flew straight across, and didn't stop until it hit the edge of the stone wall.

"It's quite interesting~"

Seeing this, several people around also tried to follow suit.

While following the thunder and lightning zebra, while twirling the tourmaline along the way, they all easily pushed out an exaggerated distance of several meters, or even more than ten meters.

Boom boom! !

Xiao Zhi was having fun when he suddenly heard a huge explosion roar from the side and rear.

"Miss Erikola, what happened?"

He turned his head in surprise, thinking that Kona Zhahu pushed some kind of bomb tourmaline.

Several people around also looked at Kona in surprise, but Kona's eyes under the glasses also looked bewildered.

"It doesn't matter to me. Someone seems to be doing something over there?"

But soon, Kona shrugged, showing his innocence.

Several people looked in the direction of the explosion, but they saw that it was a hidden cave passage, but it was covered by a corner, and they didn't know what happened on that side.

Vaguely, one can hear the shouts of humans and the battle of Pokémon
Is the local trainer fighting?
It happened to have been walking for almost an hour, and as a way to relieve boredom, the group of people stopped for a while, and walked towards the corner of the path by the way, ready to join in the fun.

Walking through that corner, you can find a rather spacious stone room on the other side, illuminated by tourmaline, everything is very clear.

"Hey, isn't that person?"

After seeing the source of the movement, Xiaozhi blinked and opened his mouth in surprise.

In the same way, Xiaoxia beside her also seemed to recognize the person coming, with the same strange look in her eyes.

But it was a boy with long red hair, and he couldn't see the specific face.

Wearing a black long-sleeved coat, black and blue trousers, and a pair of boots on his feet, the fabric of the clothes does not look like ordinary clothes.

"A Yin?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help being surprised, it was the rebellious boy Ayin he had met in the Chengdu area back then.


The latter naturally also heard the movement, turned his head curiously, and saw Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia in the crowd at a glance.

When they were in the Chengdu area, they met each other, but they were not familiar with each other.

There are also two beauties in the back, whom Bonnie doesn't know very well.

But for Kona, Ah Yin has seen it several times on TV, and he is a very famous veteran alliance king in the Kanto and Chengdu areas.

"Why are these guys here?"

Although suspicious in his heart, Ah Yin quickly turned his head again and focused his attention on the front.

In front of him was his royal general, Vigorous Crocodile, a humanoid crocodile with sky blue scales.

The top of the head, the back, and the tail are covered with red thorns and thorns. It has strong arms and thick lower limbs, which can display powerful brute force.

As for the opponent
"Electric spider?"

Xiaozhi stroked his chin and said silently in his heart.

This Pokémon was seen once by Miss Xiaojuzi in Raven City, so it is no stranger.

Does it appear to be fighting a local wild Pokémon?
He slightly raised his hand, signaling to everyone not to lean up and disturb, and just watch the show from a distance.

However, all the people encountered along the way were degenerate electric worms, but no electric spiders were directly seen in the tourmaline cave.

"Beep beep! The size of this electric spider is 50% larger than ordinary electric spiders~!"

Taking photos from a distance, Rotom exclaimed.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded, knowing it in his heart.

It looks like a rare large electric spider, so is it the insect king in this cave?
No wonder it attracted Ah Yin's attention
According to his previous understanding, Ah Yin's personality is somewhat similar to Shinji's, and he has requirements for the aptitude and potential of Pokémon.

So are you planning to subdue this electric spider?
The large electric spider, combined with its thick yellow fluff, is still very oppressive.


The electric spider let out a low cry, opened its mouthpiece, and immediately spewed out a large net of lightning, which was about to capture the crocodile and Ah Yin behind it as prey.

Hmph, how dare you challenge yourself with a water-type Pokémon!

It is the worm king of the tourmaline cave!

"Big crocodile, use tile splitting!"

However, this crocodile is the trump card carefully cultivated by Ah Yin, and its strength is extraordinary, and its fists are likened to a knife in the hand.


Directly split the thunder and lightning net that hit in front of you completely!

Seeing the provocative look cast by the crocodile, the electric spider was also completely enraged. It roared immediately, and violent electric currents burst out from its whole body.

Boom! !

The next moment, all the electric current condensed at a point in front of him, turning into a beam of yellow-green lightning and laser blasting out!
Railgun! !

"Wow, the level of this electric spider is not low, has it even mastered the electromagnetic gun?"

Xiaozhi sighed in admiration, and the violent electric current moves also interfered with the surrounding magnetic force, and the surrounding tourmalines began to bump up and down.

However, Ah Yin's response was even more direct and brutal:
"Use the water cannon!!"

Unceremoniously, a huge water energy bomb condensed in the mouth of the crocodile, and a dangerous blue arc lingered on the surface.

All the power was compressed in it, exuding a palpitating energy, and finally threw it out brazenly.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, the two big moves collided head-on, and the powerful energy collision caused the surrounding rock walls to tremble violently
(End of this chapter)

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