He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2112 Huh, be a dog for the Pokémon League!

Chapter 2112 Huh, be a dog for the Pokémon League!

The electromagnetic gun collided with the water cannon, obviously the latter was in a relatively unfavorable state.
It's just that this water polo with a blue electric arc seemed to contain endless power, but it forcibly broke through the lightning laser, and even finally exploded on the body of the insect king electric spider!

Boom! !
The tourmaline cave was shaking, making Xiaozhi and the others carefully look around, for fear that the rock wall above would collapse.

The electric spider was directly blown away by the water cannon, and hit the wall next to it heavily.

A Yin stared at the front with cold eyes, and took out a gold-plated black elf ball in his hand, and threw it out precisely.

The luxurious ball hit the electric spider, turning it into red light and sucking it into it.

After shaking it three times, the luxury ball stopped moving, and it was subdued very smoothly.


Successfully subduing a local insect king put Ah Yin in a good mood. After picking up the luxurious ball on the ground, he lifted up the red hair hanging from his forehead, and curled his mouth proudly.

"Nice job, Crocodile."

After patting his partner, he returned it to the ball.

Only now did Xiaozhi walk up to him, and greeted him cheerfully.

"Congratulations Ah Yin, you have subdued a nice electric spider~!"

The two of them are half-citizens, but they are not very familiar with each other, so naturally there is no such thing as tears in the eyes of fellow villagers from other places.
Xiaozhi even wanted to be a little wary of this person in front of him.

He vaguely remembered that Ah Yin in the past was merciless in his moves, and he especially liked to stare at the target's waist.

Ah Yin's personality seems to have improved a lot, and he is no longer as cold and aggressive as before.

"Oh, you have also come to the Hezhong area."

But he was still a dull gourd, he didn't say anything more to Xiaozhi and his group, he replied casually, waved his hand, then turned and left.

Seeing this, several people didn't continue to say anything, they could only watch A Yin go away.

"Still a rich second generation."

Mingyi was still whispering softly.

There is an expensive luxury ball in hand, and the clothes and fabrics on her body seem to be custom-made styles.

He has a cold expression, but his face is quite handsome, and with that long crimson hair, he has the temperament of a rich man.

Is it Xiaozhi's former friend?
There are not many directions in which Ah Yin left.
Fanba City?
"This guy, Ah Yin, is also here to participate in the World Championships in Fanba City?"

Xiaozhi reacted immediately.

Meeting outsiders at this time and place, is there a high probability that this is the only purpose?
But what made him curious was, did Ah Yin take the initiative to participate, or did he participate instead of the Chengdu Alliance?

Since the Kanto area is adjacent to the Johto area, the relationship between the two official alliances is also very delicate, and it is not as independent as other areas.

Even Master Shiba, who even served as the king of the alliance on both sides at the same time, received two salaries.

"There seems to be no heavenly king sent over by the Chengdu Alliance this time."

Next to him, Ke Na stared at the back of Ah Yin leaving, and said thoughtfully.

Speaking of which, both of them have red hair.

Kona is very familiar with the Chengdu Alliance. As far as she knows, it seems that Xiaochun, the owner of Yanmo Gymnasium, was sent this time. I don't know if there are others.

"Does it mean that Ah Yin is also working in the Pokémon League now, and was sent to compete in the Chengdu League instead?"

Xiaozhi laughed dryly, imagining this picture of Ah Yin working part-time in his mind.

In this way, both Ah Jin and Ah Yin were recruited by the Pokémon League in their hometown.

Having such an unexpected opponent made Xiaozhi even more interested in this world championship.

After resting in place for a while, the group embarked on the journey to Fanba City again.

As for A Yin who left first, he was the first to arrive at the southern exit of the calcium carbide gas cave.


Ah Yin put his palms in his pockets and looked forward. In the distance, he could already see the outline of a large city in the distance.

Xiaozhi's guess was right, he was indeed entrusted by the Chengdu League to participate in this World Championship.

"Hmph, that kid Ajin actually became a dog for the Pokémon League."

At the beginning, Ah Yin also scolded Ah Jin in his heart, but time passed, and he also became a migrant worker.

Of course, Ah Yin was not in return for any benefit.
He took out the Poké Ball containing the crocodile, and stared down for a moment.

This giant crocodile, or the original small saw crocodile, was stolen from the Kongmu Research Institute by force.

In order to find his father, Ah Yin needed to grow himself up as soon as possible, so he stole a Yusanjia as his partner.

But now that he already knew the exact information about his father, the obsession that had become stronger had dissipated a lot unconsciously.

Coupled with the contact with optimistic and cheerful trainers such as Xiaozhi and Ajin along the way.
After the trip, Ah Yin returned to Ruoye Town alone, Kongmu Research Institute, and expressed his apology to Dr. Kongmu.

However, Dr. Kongmu, who was already gentle, quickly forgave the latter after seeing how well the crocodile was bred.

To make up for it, Ah Yin agreed to help the Chengdu League to compete in the World Championships, which was also regarded as an atonement for himself. "Tsk, it seems that you have become more and more sentimental recently?"

Ah Yin laughed lightly, shook his head, and continued walking forward.

He didn't have much interest in the Rockets team founded by his father
Become a powerful trainer and prove to your father that the path you choose is the right one!

Well, he doesn't want to go back and inherit the entire Rockets conglomerate
By the time Xiaozhi and his party came out of the tourmaline cave, Ah Yin had already gone far away.

"Finally saw Fanba City!"

But Fanba City is right in front of you, a stone path leading to a large coastal city ahead.

Not only can you see the outline of Fanba City, but you can even see the edge of the sea farther away.
Fanba City is located to the west of Leiwen City. When Xiaozhi and the others passed by Leiwen City, if they went west, they could directly reach Fanba City.
This is a seaside city located on the western plate of the Hezhong map.

During this period, you need to pass a bridge called the fire-breathing dragon suspension bridge and cross the ocean to arrive.

Xiaozhi and the others immediately quickened their pace and officially arrived in Fanba City before dusk.

"Then let's part for now, Xiaozhi, Mingyi, Xiaoxia~"

“It was a wonderful trip~”

When they arrived at the hotel, Kona and Bonnie were temporarily separated from Xiaozhi.

After all, everyone will stay in Fanba City for a while, so there is no need to live together all the time.

So Xiaozhi and the three watched the two seniors leave. It seems that these two heavenly kings who specialize in ice attributes will still focus on research and exchange together in the days to come.

(End of this chapter)

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