He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2116 "Genuine" World Championship!

After roughly understanding the rules of the competition system, Xiaozhi heaved a sigh of relief and looked at the invitation letter in his hand.

Fortunately, I have already qualified, otherwise I would have to rush to participate in the Youth Cup now.

The Youth Cup competition will be held the day after tomorrow for a period of three days, and then seamlessly connect to the World Championships, which can be regarded as an early warm-up for this grand competition.

However, this competition system surprised Xiaozhi.

Originally I thought it was the kind of qualifying from the very beginning, all the way to the top.
"By the way, Mr. Akromar, do you want to join the competition?"

Now that the three of them are contestants, Xiaozhi became interested and curiously asked Akromar who was drinking tea next to him.

Although it is rare to see the latter make a move, but sitting on a Genesect team, maybe there is something more exotic Pokémon in hand.
It is estimated that he can achieve a good result in this world championship.

"Hehe, I'll forget it~"

But Akromar shrugged, not showing any interest.

Eat melons and watch the show, and record some information about Pokémon.
Why go to those bloody battles?

Seeing this, Xiaozhi didn't force it, Mr. Akromar is indeed a very Buddhist person.

Of course, it’s Buddhism other than science
Immediately, Xiaozhi turned his head and looked at the Iron Poison Moth and Genesect who were staring not far away.

The Pokémon transformed by the two metals at the same time, each other's eyes twinkled, and they made electronic sounds from time to time.
Are you communicating?
But at this moment, the Hezhong team is basically formed, and before the start of the competition, two generals are added at the same time, which makes Xiaozhi even more confident!

The crimson Destroyer, when he first saw it, greeted several of his old Pokémon with a wheel battle, and they easily dealt with it.

Even if the strength is placed in the legendary Pokémon, it is an extremely powerful existence.

Without using his final trump cards, Xiaozhi really didn't have much confidence to defeat them.

As for the iron poisonous moth, it was already capable of rivaling Pikachu in the Vulcan moth period, and it was evenly matched in a short period of time.
Although he hasn't fought with all his strength so far, according to Mr. Akromar, the iron poisonous moth's strength even surpasses that of the Vulcan moth.

In addition, Abandoned Monkey, who has been in the group arena for many years, has rich fighting experience.

Originally, Xiaozhi was still thinking about whether to call back some thugs from the backyard of the research institute.
But now there are these three powerful generals at the front, and the gradually formed Hezhong brigade is the backbone.

Plus there is Pikachu sitting as the ace!

This time the World Championships, no other reinforcements are needed at all!

"Xiaozhi, you seem to be full of confidence~"

Beside, Xiaoxia and Mingyi couldn't help chuckling as they looked at Xiaozhi's face that was gradually boiling with blood.

One of the two is here to catch fish, the other is just doing work
Just don't get brushed out in the first round, that's their goal.

"Naturally, I intend to directly win this tournament!"

Xiaozhi slammed his palm on the table, and immediately dropped the declaration of victory.

Whether it is the owner of the various roads, the king, or even the champion
Let's all come together next time!
After speaking, Xiaozhi hurriedly ran to his Pokémon, ready to make the final adjustments before the game.

the next day.

Xiaozhi, Mingyi, and Acroma walked on the streets of Fanba City, returning to the classic Hezhong combination.

And Xiaoxia slipped back to the hotel arranged by the Kanto Alliance alone to see what was going on there.

“There are so many people”

On the street, Mingyi looked around curiously and exclaimed slightly.

Fanba City at this moment can be said to be the time when the flow of people is the largest in recent years.

Not just the United States area.
There are many tourists from all over the world, gathered here, ready to enjoy the grandest world championship.

On the street, passers-by with different languages, skin colors, and costumes amazed Xiaozhi and Mingyi.

And Fanba City is the most port city, which was originally called "the gateway of the Hezhong area". On the distant sea, you can see frequent cruise ships and cargo ships, which are very prosperous.

"Unfortunately, the traffic is still divided a little bit."

Akromar stroked his chin and said, followed by a Genesect guard. The appearance of a steel bug attracted many passers-by to look sideways and dodge.

You must know that at the same time at this moment, a grand world championship is also being held in the Galar region thousands of miles away.

At the same time, two global competitions of similar nature are being held, and the two sides are naturally fighting openly, trying to compare each other.

Both sides wanted to make themselves the official organizers of the World Championships!

"Unfortunately, it seems that in terms of heat, the world championships in the Galar region are higher."

Akroma looked at the popularity data on the Internet, and among the top ten most searched, six of them were about the Galar World Championships.

As for the hot search in the Hezhong area, there is only one.

The fight hasn't started yet, and more than half of it has already been lost.

"If things go on like this, maybe by the next World Championships, the Galar region will be the only one, and no one will mention the Hezhong region."

Akromar analyzed.

In the first World Championships, neither side actually had much gold content.

After all, those powerful trainers who have nothing to do go back to participate in a game that they have never had before. ?
But the heat and effect of this kind of competition seem to be surprisingly good?
By the time of the second session, or the third session, mighty people from all walks of life will participate
The gold content at that time will definitely not be comparable to the first session.

"Well, our hometown seems to be a bit miserable."

Mingyi pouted, a little helplessly.

But for Xiaozhi, it doesn't matter which region completely wins the title of "real" world championship.

Well, I'm not familiar with them anyway.

This time I participated in the World Championships in the Hezhong region, and next time I will go to the Galar region to participate, maybe there will be surprises?
The three of Xiaozhi didn't wander around Fanba City aimlessly.

Instead, they walked all the way to the northeast, gradually moving away from the central area of ​​the town.

The flow of people and shouts on the street gradually subsided.

"Mingyi, is your mother really in front?"

While walking, Xiaozhi turned his head sideways and asked.

This is what Mingyi suddenly told them yesterday.

"Well, there should be a rescue station called "Homeless Home" in front of it."

Mingyi checked the map and looked ahead.

Her mother used to run a rescue station in Hinoki City, and now there seems to be a similar rescue station in Fanba City, which happened to be operating here recently.

It just so happened that they came to Fanba City now, and Mingyi planned to bring Xiaozhi and Akroma to meet his mother.

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