He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2117 'Home for the Homeless' Rescue Station

The northeast edge of Fanba City.

It is far away from the urban area, but there are not so many dense housing buildings.

The north side is adjacent to the mountain road, which leads directly to Fukiyose Cave.

And the east side is near the sea, and the road on the foot is no longer a neatly paved asphalt road, but a normal stone road surface.

"Well, there is no economic source for the rescue station, and it is a normal choice to open it in such a fringe area because it does not need traffic in the city center."

Akromar is still analyzing.

A wooden house building on the far edge seemed to be the goal of their group, and they immediately quickened their pace.

This is a stone path with wild lawns on both sides, and it seems that few people come and go.

"Huh, is that person...?"

Just a few tens of meters outside the rescue station, there was a seat and a parasol. At this moment, an old man dressed as a western cowboy was sitting there, propping his chin.

He was wearing a beige round hat, thick brown hair on his cheeks, a brown denim jacket and trousers, and a pair of boots at his feet.


It's just that his expression didn't look very friendly, he was sullen all the time, frowning, looking at .
The direction to the aid station?

It looks like it's under surveillance?
"I saw this Pokémon in the cave before~!"

But Xiaozhi is more curious about the Pokémon lying beside the cowboy uncle.

It's a diminutive gopher, but not as abstract as the back home gopher.
Hezhong gophers have bodies and limbs.

It has a black and blue body, a weasel head, and huge sharp claws on both palms.


At the moment, he was lying beside this cowboy uncle, soundly asleep.

Rotom couldn't help but float over to introduce him.

"Beep beep! The screw gopher is a ground attribute. By bringing its claws together and rotating its body at high speed, it can dig holes underground at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour. However, because of its mischievous personality, it especially likes to destroy crops. Humanity."

It's just that halfway through the sentence, the cowboy uncle suddenly turned his head and glared.

Frightened, Rotom immediately flew back behind Xiaozhi.

Not to mention, the "fearful face" of this cowboy uncle is still very oppressive.

But Ming Yi recognized the person in front of him, and ran up to him immediately, regardless of the other's expression.

"Ahhhh! It's Boss Ju, the owner of Fanba Gymnasium! Could you please sign me?!"

Boss Ju: "."

Seeing that the signature book was almost slapped on his face, Boss Ju took the small book and signed his name, although his face was still tense and fierce.

Well, a young and beautiful girl is begging for an autograph
It's still hard to say no to.

"The owner of the Fanba gymnasium?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, then looked around.

This is already the fringe area of ​​Fanba City, most of it is wilderness, in terms of architecture.
Only the wooden house building in front is left.

But when he got closer, he could already see the "House for the Homeless" hanging on the top of the building. It was obviously just a rescue station, not a gymnasium.


But after signing the signature, Boss Ju put on the gesture of cold eyes and chest again.

He didn't seem to intend to talk to them, and he still looked closely at the nearby rescue station.


Seeing this, the three of them could only be at a loss, did not continue to communicate with this eccentric cowboy uncle, and walked to the rescue station ahead.
Soon, several people came to the wooden house.

Because it is located in the fringe area of ​​the city, the land use is not in short supply, so the relief station was built very large.

It's more like a log cabin ranch with a fenced backyard attached to it.

Open the door and go in. Although the decoration and furniture are very simple, the area is very spacious.

At the front is a front desk, where two small workers are working, neither of them seem very old.



On the hall floor, there were still a few naughty Pokémon chasing and fighting. With a "snap", a little Yorkie couldn't even brake enough and hit Xiaozhi's leg.


Just as Xiao Zhi was about to bend down to straighten Little York, who had fallen to the ground, the latter ran away quickly as if frightened.

"Are you afraid of strangers?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes and said doubtfully.

Not only this little York, but also some other Pokémon, such as cold water monkey, peas pigeon
After seeing the three people coming in, they seemed to be frightened and ran towards the backyard.

The three of them stared blankly, not knowing why.

"Sorry, these Pokémon are very wary of humans, even our staff, it took a long time to play and communicate with them normally."

At this time, a woman walked over from the room and explained to the three with a chuckle.

This is a woman in her 30s, tall and tall, with a fair and beautiful face, and her facial features are quite similar to Mingyi's.

Long brown hair was tied into a big ball on the top of the head, while Mingyi had two big balls on both sides of the top of the head.

Wearing casual attire, wearing an orange apron, and holding a watering can in the shape of a round tadpole.

"Ah Mom! I haven't seen you for a long time~!!"

Mingyi immediately screamed, and then stepped forward excitedly to embrace the latter.

The person who came was Mingyi's mother, and the faces of the two were quite similar.

She looks very young, more like Mingyi's mature and gentle big sister?
"Mingyi, the trip went very smoothly~"

Mingyi's mother rubbed Mingyi's head with a smile, she was almost two heads taller than Mingyi, so naturally she could see Xiaozhi and Akroma behind with surprised expressions.

"You two must be Xiaozhi and Mr. Akromar. I have been hearing Mingyi mentioning you all the time, thank you two for taking care of my daughter along the way~"

Mingyi's mother nodded slightly, expressing her gratitude to the two of them.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi quickly waved his hands and answered with a smile.

"Haha Auntie~ We are all friends, there is nothing to take care of!"


Akromar also smiled and nodded beside him, but when the two looked at each other, Mingyi's mother seemed to be taken aback.

This guy, not Team New Plasma
But soon he smiled again, and brought the three of them to a round table, each pouring a cup of hot tea.

"By the way, Mingyi, the funds you gave to mom last time have successfully allowed several rescue stations on the verge of closing down to continue their operations~!"

Naturally, what Mingyi was talking about was the treasures obtained from the underwater ruins, and the money he got in exchange.

Later, they split into two with Xiaoxia. Except for Xiaozhi's one-night care, Mingyi gave all the money left over to these relief stations.


Wen Yan Mingyi was overjoyed, she was a caring girl, she had long wanted to help her mother's rescue station business and make some contributions.

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