He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2118 Seven sages, Rhodes

Chapter 2118 Seven Sages, Rhodes
Inside the Home for the Homeless.

A few people were sitting at the round table and communicating, laughing and laughing from time to time.

Having not seen his mother for a few months, today's Ming Yi is quite happy.

"This is the otter you received. It has evolved and is quite reliable~!"

Mingyi's mother rubbed Shuangrenwan's head, while the latter put his hands on his chest, showing a triumphant look.

Not just Pokémon
I don't know why, Mingyi's mother suddenly felt that her daughter seemed to have matured a lot all of a sudden?

"It's like this, only when you really walk, can you grow faster."

Next to him, Xiao Zhi, who is an "old senior", nodded his head seriously.

During the conversation, Mingyi's mother also pretended to be unintentional, her eyes quietly fell on Akroma, and asked softly:

"I heard from Mingyi that Mr. Akromar is a great scientist. I don't know where he is working now?"

Akromar was about to say that he was the "new king of Team Plasma", but Xiao Zhi covered his mouth.

"Haha, Mr. Akromar is out of work now, and he is traveling around to see if he has any inspiration~!"

Xiaozhi said haha, and answered with a smile first.

He remembered what Mingyi mentioned, his mother was once a member of the plasma team.

And it is completely opposite to the new plasma team that Mr. Akromar belongs to. It is the kind faction, but there is no need to say so much.

Speaking of which, the members of the plasma team that Xiaozhi had seen before were all vicious, but Mingyi's mother looked like a gentle woman, which was beyond his expectation.

Akromar blinked his eyes, and looked at Xiaozhi with some doubts.

But he didn't bother to explain anything, so he simply nodded.

If you are unemployed, you will be unemployed.


Seeing that Mingyi's mother seemed to want to continue asking, Xiaozhi quickly changed the topic and asked:

"By the way, Auntie, why are there so many homeless aid stations in the Hezhong area?"

He has also traveled to several areas, aid stations are indeed ubiquitous...but not many.

There may be only some small towns in a certain area. For example, there is a relief station in Ziyuan Town, my hometown.

However, in the Hezhong area, towns and cities, large and small, basically have a rescue station.

Hearing this, Mingyi's mother's expression suddenly became sad, and she let out a long sigh before saying:

"Mingyi should have told you, I used to be a member of the plasma team."

"Let the old man explain this point."

At this time, an old voice came from behind, interrupting.

Several people turned their heads, only to see an old man wearing a brown bowler hat walking slowly.

He has a kind face, with a thick white beard covering everything from his nose to his chin.

Wearing brown robes, looking more like an old priest?

There is also a heart bat flying on the shoulder, with a dark blue body, black wings flapping rapidly on both sides, and a heart-shaped nose that is particularly eye-catching.

"Mr. Rhodes!"

Seeing this, Mingyi's mother quickly stood up and helped the latter to sit down.

Rhodes raised his hand to signal the latter not to be so polite, and then looked at the people in front of him with a loving expression.

"The old man's name is Rhodes. He used to be one of the seven sages of the plasma team. He was responsible for preaching and reciting poems to the world."

Then he also sighed, with a bit of shame in his expression.

"It's a pity that after reading books all my life, I thought I understood everything in the world. I didn't expect that the old man couldn't even recognize the most basic things in front of him. He made a big mistake. He is really confused."

Several people listened in a daze, but Xiaozhi remembered another old man he met on the beach in Lianyi Town.

That person also claimed to be the Seven Sages, right?
However, compared to the kindness and kindness of Grandpa Rhodes in front of him, the appearance of the Seven Sages looked very cold and vicious.


Akromar stroked his chin and looked curiously at the old man in front of him.

When he took over the new plasma team, he had already met the remaining Seven Sages. There was no Rhodes.The person in front of him should be the part of the team that has quit the plasma team.

"Lord Rhodes, don't blame yourself. Without you, the current situation might be even worse."

Mingyi's mother patted the latter's shoulder and comforted him.

Although the two have withdrawn from the plasma team, the way of addressing them still uses the original rank name in the organization.

The Seven Sages, as the highest level below the king of the leader of the plasma team, possess extremely high power.

Even the plasma team itself is an organization with some theological overtones.

Divine right of kings.

At times, the Seven Wise Ones wield more authority than even the King of Team Plasma.

After some explanations, Xiaozhi and the others knew the reason behind the establishment of Pokémon rescue stations in Hezhong area.

Naturally, it was because of the plasma team.

Those ordinary people who were brainwashed by the Plasma team's propaganda forcefully released their Pokémon.
At the beginning, the release movement received great response in the Hezhong area.

This also led to a large number of abandoned Pokémon in the wild.

Due to living with humans for a long time, most of them cannot adapt to living alone in the wild, and the number of casualties is not low.

And the inexplicable abandonment also caused these Pokémon's temperament to change drastically, and they began to fear humans.
What's more, even his personality became rebellious and bewildered, and he would often rush into nearby towns and actively attack humans.

"For now, the ratio of discarded Pokémon in the Hezhong area is still the highest in the world."

Rhodes sighed.

Although Team Plasma's propaganda activities have ceased, this kind of thinking has not completely disappeared.

"This is also the reason why we build rescue stations in various places, trying to make up for the mistakes we made."

Mingyi's mother bit her lips lightly, and said in shame.

As a member of the plasma team, she was also encouraging people to release their Pokémon.

Whenever I see a scene where a human being is separated from my own Pokémon, especially the Pokémon that suddenly becomes helpless, I stand there in a daze, even for several days, waiting for the return of the trainer
Such scenes were staged many times, and Mingyi's mother finally corrected her thinking and voluntarily quit the plasma team.


Seeing her mother's lost appearance, Mingyi stepped forward and hugged her with tears in the corners of her eyes.

It was the first time her mother said these words.

"And these rescue stations are to accommodate these abandoned Pokémon and help them survive."

Rhodes squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of the backyard next to him.

"Whether it is to return to the wilderness or return to the embrace of human beings is their own choice."

(End of this chapter)

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