He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2119 Unfamiliar, ready to cut

Chapter 2119 Unfamiliar, ready to cut

After listening to the narration, Xiaozhi suddenly nodded.

In fact, he already knew these statements more or less before, but they were not so complete.

The responsibility of the rescue stations in various places is to teach these abandoned Pokémon to adapt to nature, adjust their mentality, and start life again.
"Most of the staff at the rescue station are former members of the plasma team. This is also our own journey of redemption."

Rhodes touched his beard and said with emotion.

The topic was a bit heavy, making the atmosphere in the room a bit silent.

"By the way, the owner of the gymnasium outside the door is also here to help?"

At this time, Ming Yi couldn't help but speak.

Through the window, you can still see the cowboy uncle from a distance, and he seems to be still watching this side closely.

"It's not. Boss Ju is actually monitoring our aid station."

Mingyi's mother pressed her chin with her palm, and said helplessly.

"The city that was most affected by the free-life movement back then was Fanba City, and Boss Ju at that time has been working hard to prevent people from releasing their own Pokémon."

It's just that there is freedom of belief in the Hezhong area, and the plasma team didn't do any substantial bad things, and even Miss Junsha couldn't handle it.

This made Boss Ju even criticized by many people as a cold-blooded and heartless person.

"So he can be said to be the person who hates our plasma team the most"

Mingyi's mother spread her hands helplessly.

Even if they have corrected themselves now, they are trying to make up for something.
But Boss Ju still thinks this is some kind of Plasma team's conspiracy.

The gymnasium simply didn't care, and sat outside the door every day, holding a shotgun, watching their actions all the time.

"Why are you like this! You obviously want to help Pokémon, Mom."

Wen Yanming made a gesture and was about to get up, and went to explain it to Boss Ju, but was soon pulled by his mother's arm.

"Don't blame Boss Ju, after all, we are the ones who let him down first, and it might be a good thing to supervise us."

But Rhodes shook his head, with a hint of gratitude on his brows.

"Boss Ju doesn't necessarily mean surveillance, but a kind of protection, right?"

Although they have withdrawn from the plasma team, they have not completely cut off the connection after all. The rescue stations in various places are often harassed by the new plasma team members.

Only this rescue station in Fanba City.

How dare the members of the new plasma team approach an uncle cowboy sitting at the door holding a shotgun with a ferocious expression on his face all the time?

"Really, it turns out that Mr. Ju Boss is a good person!?"

Hearing this, Mingyi was a little surprised.

Sure enough, people should not be judged by their appearance. Although it has always been a cold face, it can ignore the previous suspicions.
What an amazing cowboy uncle!
It's decided, I'll go to Mr. Ju Boss and ask for another autograph later!
Mingyi's thoughts escaped, but he soon became happy again.

But what Xiaozhi thought
"Although he is a good person, but he is not the owner of the museum?"

Xiaozhi twisted his mouth, the gym owners in the Hezhong area are more capricious than each other.

But it's not a big problem. The focus now is on the World Championships. Who has nothing to pay attention to a regional league conference?
After the conversation was over, Mingyi's mother got up, ready to take Xiaozhi and Mingyi to the backyard.

There are many abandoned Pokémon living there.

When these poor little guys become healthy and independent again, they will either be released back to nature, or they will naturally choose some suitable trainers to adopt.

"Xiaozhi, Mingyi, let's see if there are any Pokémon that match your eyes. Well, but don't force it, after all, these Pokémon's personalities are somewhat sensitive."

Hearing that Xiaozhi and Mingyi became interested, they immediately followed happily.

In front of the table in the original hall, there were only Rhodes and Akromar left.

Rhodes also specially asked a few staff members to follow Xiaozhi and the others to the backyard to help.

As the hall became quieter, Rhode's expression became a little more serious, and he said straight to the point:

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be the new king of Team Plasma, right?"

Seeing this, Akromar didn't hide anything, and said casually:
"It seems that you still have contact with the inside of our new plasma team, you actually know my identity"

"Know yourself and know the enemy, and you won't be in danger in a hundred battles."

Rhodes did not deny this, and touched his chin:
"The New Plasma Team is a dangerous organization. Although I don't know what your purpose is now, it must be a more dangerous action than advocating life release?"

But before Akromar said anything, Rhodes continued:
"However, this new plasma team probably didn't fully accept you as the new king, just like it did to that kid N."

Hearing this, Akromar raised his eyebrows, it seems that the old man in front of him knows quite a lot.

He propped his chin with great interest, motioning for Rhodes to continue.

"That guy Quecchis is a ruthless person. There is no temperature in his blood. Whether it is for you or N, he is just a tool of power."

As one of the former Seven Sages and an absolute high-level organization, Rhodes naturally knew that the king of the plasma team was only in name.

The actual controller behind it has always been Queches.

This guy, who disguised himself as one of the seven sages, was a thoughtful and dangerous element.

"N? Although I haven't met him yet, it is said that he is the adopted son of Quecchis."

Rhodes nodded, but shook his head again.

adopted son?

Or her own, who knows.

There were even some rumors in the plasma team at that time, saying that N was actually born from Quecchis and a female Pokémon, so he was born with supernatural powers.
But none of this matters.

"Just treat him as an adopted son, but Quecchis has no emotion towards a child who has been raised since childhood, and even called him a 'monster' behind his back with contempt and disgust."

Rhodes gaze fell on Akromar, and said slowly:
"If you treat your adopted son like this, how do you think Quecchis will treat you, an outsider?"

Hearing this, Akromar laughed out loud, and immediately understood Rhodes' purpose.

"Haha~ So you're here to sow discord between me and Queches? Don't waste your efforts."

Rhodes frowned slightly. Could it be that the information was wrong, and the relationship between the new king and Quecchis was so good?

He originally wanted to instigate Akromar to see if he could disrupt the behind-the-scenes operations of the new plasma team.

Right now, it's a little difficult.
Seemingly guessing what Rhodes was thinking, Akromar couldn't help but waved his hands helplessly and said:

"Um, what I mean is that you don't need to waste your efforts in vain. I'm not familiar with Quecchis, so I can cut it at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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