He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2120 The beast-shaped mount brigade has added another member!

Aid station backyard.

The location of the entrance is a long corridor aisle, like a pasture, with many individual small wooden sheds on the left and right, basically living in some Pokémon.

Of course, there are also some Pokémon who are not afraid of life.A small group has been formed, and the team is playing around in the ranch.

After seeing outsiders coming, they hid behind the surrounding bushes or stones, and poked their heads out of curiosity to look around.

"Most of them are small Pokémon."

Xiaozhi roughly glanced at it and said.

Four Seasons Deer, Kung Fu Itachi, Vulture Na. Most of the Pokémon, in fact, he has encountered along the way.

Mingyi's mother nodded, carefully picked up a foam chinchilla that fell down due to panic dodging, and introduced:

"These Pokémon have sensitive personalities, so we set up a separate hut for each Pokémon. After getting along for a long time, most of the Pokémon can now play outside together."

Speaking of which, I still want to thank Lord Rhodes.

"Although Lord Rhodes has withdrawn from the plasma team, after all, as a former high-level personnel, he has extremely strong leadership skills. With the leadership of Lord Rhodes, we can successfully build and operate these rescue stations in various towns."

Rhodes is the leader of their "old plasma team".

After carefully putting down the foam chinchilla, Mingyi's mother continued:
"According to the days, it will be more than half a year. It is estimated that after one or two years of operation, the number of abandoned Pokémon in the Hezhong area will return to the normal level."

The premise is that the dangerous plasma team should stop making trouble.

Since the current relief station is completely non-profit, it is purely throwing money into it, so it cannot continue to operate for a long time.

In the future, after these Pokémon can live healthy lives, they can be transformed into breeding houses.

"After all, being persecuted by the plasma team, it's not just Pokémon that need to survive. Humans too."

Mingyi's mother sighed and said slowly.

After all, they are the members who have been brainwashed by the teachings of the plasma team, so they are not the victims.

"It's okay Mom, everything will be fine~!"

Mingyi took her mother's arm, smiled and comforted her.

Only then did Mingyi's mother cheer up again, she smiled, looked at the two of them and said:
"In short, the focus now is to find a good home for these Pokémon, whether it's nature, or a new trainer. Mingyi, Xiaozhi, see if there is any Pokémon that looks right~!"

Hearing that Xiaozhi and Mingyi looked at each other, they both cheered up.

The two immediately stared at each other and looked around.

Since Fanba City was the city that caused the biggest disturbance in the release activities back then, this rescue station now houses a large number of Pokémon.

There are different attributes and types, but most of them are small, juvenile Pokémon.

"It's so cute ~ goth baby!!"

Mingyi soon saw a Pokémon that looked like a human baby, and immediately ran up excitedly.

With a black body and a big purple head, the facial features on the face are like a child imitating the makeup of an adult, and there are several white bow decorations on the top of the head and neck.

Gothic baby can evolve into Hezhong Super King - Cattleya's ace Pokémon, Miss Gothic.

Mingyi immediately chose the target, and Miss Goth just happened to be able to break the law that she could only subdue "beast-shaped mounts"!


But seeing Ming leaning close, the baby goth was obviously frightened, and fled in panic on its short legs.


In the end, he even directly used teleportation and disappeared in place.

Mingyi: "."

"Hehe Mingyi, don't worry, it looks like that child has nothing to do with you~"

Mingyi's mother chuckled and patted the latter on the shoulder.

Mingyi could only pick himself up again and continue to look for new targets.

It's just that whether it's the cold water monkey, the rolling bat, or the centipede, they all dodge in panic.

There was even a fiery red tumbler, whose body immediately turned gray-blue when it saw Ming approaching, turning into a statue of Bodhidharma that looked like a dead thing.

Mingyi: "."

It seems that the five elements of Pokémon here are in conflict with her, so they don't match up very well? !
"Mingyi, let me give you a suggestion, why don't you try that Pokémon?"

At this time, Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed at a huge monster.

That Pokémon can be said to be the largest Pokémon in this rescue station, more like a Pokémon in a ranch.

The strong and tall buffalo body is covered with thick afro hair on the top of the head, from which grow a pair of huge horns.

Exploding buffalo!
Xiaozhi is also quite familiar with this Pokémon. Among the [-] Kentaro in his family, an exploding buffalo got mixed in.
This afro-headed buffalo has stern eyes, lying quietly on the edge of the fence in the backyard, with a look that no strangers should enter.

But after noticing Mingyi, its eyes gradually calmed down.

He even moved slowly and walked towards Mingyi on his own initiative.


In the end, he even bowed his head and used his explosive head to shoot Gong Mingyi.

Mingyi: "."

"Wow Mingyi, this exploding buffalo seems to like you very much!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi said in surprise.

Mingyi's mother also smiled and explained:
"This afro-headed buffalo has always been very withdrawn, and it's the first time that he likes someone so much~! It seems that you two are very destined."

Don't think that a buffalo with a huge explosive head can live independently.
The Pokémon who are still in this rescue station have more or less problematic personalities.

For example, this afro-headed buffalo will not eat anything at all if it is not artificially fed, so it cannot be released into the wild.

It is estimated that he has a good relationship with the original trainer, and his eating habits have not changed even after being abandoned.

Mingyi: "."

So in the end, did she still have another mount Pokémon? !

This time, you don't even need to cultivate it, you can ride it directly? !

"Um, buffalo with an exploding head, although I don't know the reason, but since you chose me, then please teach me a lot~!"

Mingyi seemed to have accepted his own setting, and after being lost for a while, he put on a smiling face again and took out a blank poke ball.

After all, the latter has already been abandoned by humans once, and he can't refuse it again no matter what.


Looking at the elf ball that Mingyi raised, the buffalo raised its head and let out a low cry.

What followed was an amazing cooperation. When he pushed his head forward, he was sucked into it by the poke ball, and stopped after a while.


This made Mingyi stand still, dumbfounded for a while.

In short, another member has been added to her beast-shaped mount brigade!

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