He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2121 Rough single-headed dragon!

Mingyi has already gained something, and now it's Xiaozhi's turn.

He doesn't have any special settings, as long as he looks right, he can accept any Pokémon.


It's just that Xiaozhi walked around for several times in a row, and visited the backyard of this rescue station, but he didn't see the existence of his favorite.

When encountering a certain Pokémon, the two will look at each other, and there will be an electric shock feeling.
"do not have it"

Afraid that he might have missed some Pokémon, Xiao Zhi walked around carefully again.

This made Mingyi and her son hold the watermelon at the entrance, enjoying the coolness while watching Xiaozhi's gradually reddening face.

"Is there no Pokémon suitable for Xiaozhi?"

Mingyi's mother was a little bit sorry, but from what Mingyi said, Xiaozhi is a mature trainer who has traveled to many regions.

And on the shoulder, the white and fat foreign electric mouse
Obviously, it is the best trainer choice for these abandoned Pokémon, and she still hopes that Xiaozhi can take at least one away.

After patrolling for a long time, Xiaozhi finally had no choice but to walk back with a helpless face, took the watermelon that Mingyi handed over, and took a bite.

Speaking of which, the number of his own team this time seems to be a little less.

Adding one or two new members is also a good choice.

Could it be that this rescue station is destined to have no fate with me?
Just when Xiaozhi was eating watermelon and feeling sorry for himself, he suddenly heard a collision sound from a direction in the backyard.

Bang Bang! !
Bang Bang! !
One after another, and the sound became more and more intense, as if something was hitting violently?

This also made Mingyi's mother stand up immediately, her complexion changed slightly.

"That child, did you bite off the chain again?"

Mingyi's mother immediately walked towards one direction of the backyard quickly. Xiaozhi and Mingyi looked at each other in astonishment, and immediately followed quickly.

But they saw that this was the side of the entrance to the backyard, and a closed small wooden shed was built separately, which they hadn't noticed just now.

But it's not like those small wooden houses where Pokémon are abandoned
The walls of this small wooden shed are completely surrounded by iron railings, and the door and the top are locked, making it impossible to freely enter and exit.

At this moment, it can be seen that a Pokémon is hitting the iron fence violently with its head hammer, trying to break free and escape.

Bang Bang!

Bang Bang! !
The full force collisions one after another made the iron fence bend more and more, and also made the Pokémon's head red and swollen.
Hitting the wall in a desperate manner! ?
"What is this Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi stared blankly, although it was the first time he saw this Pokémon, he was quite familiar with the appearance of this Pokémon.

The small dark blue beast-type Pokémon has a long neck, and the head and neck are covered with thick black hair, covering all the facial features except the mouth.

"Leave it to me~ Lotor~!"

Rotom immediately flew up and took a picture of the little black-haired beast.

Rotom's strange appearance also made the latter stunned, temporarily stopped his violent impact, and looked at Rotom.

"Beep beep! Single-headed dragon, evil and dragon attributes, Pokémon with a promising future, because the eyes are invisible, so it will bump and bite to explore the surroundings, causing new injuries all over the body, rough temperament, the trainer and it Before becoming intimate, Loto will also be injured by his constant attacks~!"

It was the original form of the two-headed tyrannosaurus and the three-headed dragon that Xiaozhi had seen before!
"Is the name single-headed dragon? There is such a Pokémon here!?"

The first time he saw Shan Shoulong, Xiaozhi's eyes immediately became hot.

Mingyi beside him was also quite surprised.

Are there even quasi-god cubs in the aid station these days?

You must know that a fully evolved quasi-god has strong strength in itself, and is a partner that all trainers dream of subduing. However, due to the small number of populations, it is actually very rare.

For example, Hu Che, whom he met that day, was extremely lucky.

Bang Bang! !
Bang Bang! !
After accepting Rotom's strange appearance, the single-headed dragon bent its head again and began to charge towards the iron fence that restrained itself.


This is a move in which after an attack is performed, one will also be counter-injured.

Especially at this moment, with a childish attitude, hitting the steel is undoubtedly the same as self-mutilation.

"Mom, do you want to turn on the switch quickly?"

Mingyi said worriedly, bloodstains can already be seen on the skull of this single-headed dragon.

But her mother was also quite helpless at the moment, and could only quickly greet the other two staff members, trying to appease the single-headed dragon.

"Have you crushed the iron chain this time?"

On the ground behind the single-headed dragon, you can still see a chain with signs of breaking at the end.

"give it to me!"

Seeing the two staff members approaching very clumsily, are they planning to push down the single-headed dragon with bare hands?
Xiaozhi immediately took the first step and said:

"Pikachu, use electromagnetic waves!!"

Pikachu on the shoulder understood, jumped up, and released several arcs that did no real damage but could paralyze the target's body.

The electromagnetic wave hit the single-headed dragon, and the latter's body immediately became numb and difficult to control, and even fell to the ground, with limbs twitching.


However, the body was still trying to arch forward. This time, the little head lying on the ground barely opened its dragon's mouth, biting towards the iron fence.

This is determined to break free from the cage.

"What the hell is going on with this Pokémon?"

Seeing that the situation had calmed down a little, Mingyi couldn't help asking.

Seems like a bit of illegal abuse?
"Hey kid."

But when mentioning this single-headed dragon, not only Mingyi's mother, but even the two former members of the plasma team next to her were downcast.

"This kid was once captured by Team Plasma in an attempt to become a powerful weapon for Team Plasma"

After all, as quasi-gods, the three well-trained dragons have amazing destructive power.

"It's just that this single-headed dragon has an extreme personality and completely refuses to be tamed by the plasma team. In the end, it was regarded as a failure by the plasma team and was ruthlessly abandoned."

Mingyi's mother looked at the single-headed dragon trapped in the iron cage with distressed eyes.

"Before it was abandoned, it had endured a lot of torture and abuse from the Plasma team, which made its already irritable and irritable character even more extreme. This made it see everything and only have the idea of ​​attack."

"Especially when dealing with humans who have persecuted themselves!"

They went to the rescue station and thought about releasing him.
It’s just that the single-headed dragon after it was released was either hitting its head against a tree or biting a stone every day. It was bruised all over its body every day, and it was dying to be rescued by them.

Otherwise, they would directly rush into the town to vent their anger and attack humans brutally.

"As a last resort, we can only temporarily restrain this single-headed dragon here."

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