He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2122 The Big-eyed Single-headed Dragon

Chapter 2122 The Big-eyed Single-headed Dragon

No matter how you deal with it, you can't solve the single-headed dragon problem.
There is no way, the rescue station can only temporarily tie the neck and teeth of the monocephalic dragon with an iron chain, so that it cannot move or bite.

You can't always take back the Poké Ball and put it in the computer, right?
Although it can indeed play a storage effect.
But it's like the giant marsh monster in Yushu in the Yoshien area.

It was because Yuki threw him into the computer for a few months before starting the trip.

After coming out, the water jumping fish, together with the marsh jumping fish that evolved later, the giant marsh monster, seemed to have lost a single muscle in their brains, and their faces always had a dumbfounded expression.
"I really can't think of any solution. Lord Rhodes is going to send it to Shuanglong City, and ask the local Shaka Pavilion Master to deal with this single-headed dragon."

Mingyi's mother said slowly.

If there is anyone who can tame this rough single-headed dragon, it is probably only the dragon attribute expert.

"Shuanglong City?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, he had already heard of this name before.

This Mr. Shaka seems to be a very famous dragon attribute expert.

Maybe next on the stage of the World Championships, they can compete with the latter.

But now.
"Mother Mingyi! Give this single-headed dragon to me!"

Xiaozhi raised his hand suddenly, Mao then introduced himself.

It's rare to meet a wild quasi-god cub, even if it has some flaws in character, it's rare enough
He doesn't intend to let go of this opportunity to subdue him!

"In the future, the small group of quasi-gods in the backyard will add another member, and the family will completely dominate."

While talking, Xiaozhi couldn't help thinking in his mind.

Now the backyard of the Damu Research Institute has gradually begun to divide the power structure, and the quasi-god group with the best racial value is naturally the bully power inside.

Of course, the race value of the fully evolved Yusanjia is only slightly worse.

However, there are so many Yusanjia, they are still able to overwhelm the small group of gods.

It's just that recently it seems that the small group of the Yusan family has begun to split internally. It is divided according to attributes, and after the dispersion, the power suddenly becomes much weaker.
Far away.

"Xiaozhi, are you willing to take care of this child?"

Hearing this, Mingyi's mother hugged her hands and said pleasantly.

After all, these rescue stations have not fully won the trust of the gymnasium owners from all over the world.
Who knows if Mr. Xia Ka will accept this single-headed dragon with only problems?

It is said that he is a very dignified and unsmiling trainer, even the mayor of Ssangyong City.

Not to mention the local area, even the entire Hezhong area is also a person with considerable weight.

At that time, there will be another watchman holding a shotgun and guarding the door.
"Mom, Xiaozhi is an amazing trainer!"

Next to him, Mingyi also helped Xiaozhi speak.

However, if Xiaozhi can solve the problem of this single-headed dragon, it is what their rescue station can't wait for.

"Then please, Xiaozhi."

"Leave it to me~!"

Xiaozhi patted his chest, took the iron cage key handed over by Mingyi's mother, and slowly opened it.

Looking at the single-headed dragon lying on the ground, whose body has gradually recovered from the paralyzed state, Xiaozhi is more interested in its head under the black hair.

What do the eyes of a single-headed dragon look like?
Bean eyes?


As Xiaozhi opened the shackles, the two staff next to him also broke into a cold sweat for Xiaozhi.

Is this boy planning to control this vicious single-headed dragon with his bare hands? You must know that they are all wearing special gloves, so they dare not approach.


The effect of the electromagnetic wave also gradually dissipated, just as the cage door opened, allowing the single-headed dragon to rush out instantly.

In the surrounding scenes, under the thick black fur, it can only see a vague light.
But the sense of smell and hearing have not completely degenerated, and he quickly recognized a stranger standing in front of him.

Immediately opened the dragon's mouth, and bit directly towards Xiaozhi!

Xiaozhi quickly raised his palm, the single-headed dragon bit the air, and there was a sound of collision between the teeth.

"It's really a dangerous Pokémon."

But after all, it is still a small Pokémon, and even a "disabled" dragon.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Xiaozhi stretched out his palm quickly, just in time to hold the single-headed dragon's jaw.

With an upward close, it directly locks its most dangerous jaw completely.


Unable to use the bite move, this made the single-headed dragon start to riot again and again, trying to attack Xiaozhi with the second-best head-butt move.

Although the three evil dragons are Pokémon good at long-range special attacks
But during the period of single-headed dragon and double-headed tyrannosaurus, it is better at physical attack.

"Don't be impulsive, calm down."

Xiaozhi grabbed the single-headed dragon's mouth and hung it in the air, and passed the other hand from the latter's belly, and instantly hugged the whole single-headed dragon in his arms.

This makes the only movable part of the monocephalic dragon is to lift its limbs in the air.
While the latter was still struggling, Xiao Zhi quickly raised his hand, brushing up the black hair on Shan Shoulong's face.

"Eh, the eyes are quite big."

Xiaozhi was a little dumb, and when he lifted his black hair, there were a pair of piercing big eyes, which did not look degenerate at all.


Without the cover of black hair, the stimulating light directly shone on the eyes, causing the single-headed dragon to let out an uncomfortable low cry.

Especially in the eyes, it is a big human face, looking down at him.

Although it is a mosaic image, one can vaguely see the surprised and even slightly funny expression of this human being.

"Sorry, I'm too curious"

Xiaozhi hastily withdrew his hand, and by the way put away the expression on his face.

He's professional. But he's a bit overwhelmed.

The main reason is that the eyes of the single-headed dragon are too big, which makes this Pokémon, which originally looked restrained and cold, look very funny and contrasted.
The already irritable single-headed dragon was the first time an outsider saw his face, and broke the defense on the spot.


Although his mouth was covered, a burst of bluish-blue energy suddenly aroused around him, forming a dangerous energy coat, forcing Xiaozhi's palm from the inside to the outside.

Then it turned into a bright blue dragon, rushed out, and completely escaped from Xiaozhi's hands.

"Hiss, have you mastered the dragon god's dive yet?!"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised, this is a big move of the dragon attribute.

"Xiaozhi, this single-headed dragon has gone through a lot of training when it was in the plasma team. Although it hasn't evolved yet, its level will definitely not be low."

Beside, Mingyi's mother said quickly.

The evolution of quasi-gods is very long and difficult, and may even refuse to evolve.

It is basically difficult to judge the level of a quasi-god just from its appearance.


The next moment, this single-headed dragon even went back and forth, covered with a dangerous blue light, and launched a dragon god charge towards Xiaozhi again!

(End of this chapter)

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